CS计算机代考程序代写 Bayesian A beta-binomial hierarchical model

A beta-binomial hierarchical model
Bayesian Statistics Statistics 4224/5224 Spring 2021
February 4, 2021

Please first read Sections 5.1–5.3 of Gelman et al, and review the summary notes given in Ch05a Hierarchical1.pdf.
The model
The observed data y1,…,yJ have a sampling distribution given by
yj|θ ∼ indep Binomial(nj,θj) . As a prior on θ = (θ1,…,θJ) we assume that
θ1,…,θJ|α,β ∼ iid Beta(α,β) .
Model specification is completed by a (generally noninformative)
prior on the hyperparameters, which we will take to be p(α, β) ∝ (α + β)−5/2 ,
an improper prior.

Where might this model be applicable?
Suppose we have J related experiments, each of which consists of nj Bernoulli trials, let θj denote the success probability in the jth experiment.
Let yij ∈ {0,1} denote the outcome for the ith trial in the jth experiment, for i = 1,…,nj and j = 1,…,J.
The it is reasonable to model yij|θ ∼ indep Bernoulli(θj).
Letting yj = 􏰃nj yij, for j = 1, . . . , J, gives the above likelihood. i=1

This model may be applicable, for example, if a study of a heart disease treatment is being conducted at J different testing cen- ters across the country. Let yij = 1 indicate that the ith subject in the jth location had a favorable outcome.
It would generally not be reasonable to assume the success prob- abilities θj are equal across all J different studies. On the other hand, it would be foolish to treat the J locations as being unre- lated to each other.
The hierarchical model provides the desired compromise between these two extremes, by viewing the location-specific success probabilities θj as being sampled from a ‘superpopulation’ with a conjugate Beta distribution.

What’s up with that hyperprior?
Other than the constraints α > 0 and β > 0, it is difficult to quantify what sort of prior information might be available.
Recall that μ = α and ψ = α + β represent the ‘prior expected α+β
value’ and ‘prior sample size’ for the Beta conjugate prior with Binomial likelihood.
We can take independent uniform priors
μ ∼ Uniform(0, 1) and p(ψ−1/2) ∝ 1
which gives
p(μ,ψ)∝ψ−3/2 for 0<μ<1, 0<ψ<∞. 5 Back-transforming to α = μψ and β = (1 − μ)ψ gives, after rescaling by the Jacobian, p(α,β)∝(α+β)−5/2 forα>0, β>0. How do we fit this model?
We construct a Monte Carlo approximation to the posterior dis- tribution by simulating random draws (αs,βs,θs) from the joint posterior
p(α, β, θ|y) = p(α, β|y)p(θ|α, β, y)
sample (αs, βs) ∼ p(α, β|y) , then sample θs ∼ p(θ|αs, βs, y) . for s = 1,…S.

The second step is easy, by the conjugacy of the Beta prior with Binomial likelihood,
θj|α, β, y ∼ indep Beta(α + yj, β + nj − yj) .
To sample from p(α,β|y) we must first derive an expression for this density (at least an unnormalized version of it), which we can get by
p(α, β|y) = p(α, β, θ|y) ∝ p(α, β)p(θ|α, β)p(y|θ) p(θ|α, β, y) p(θ|α, β, y)
which reduces to
p(α,β|y)∝p(α,β) 􏰅J Γ(α+β)Γ(α+yj)Γ(β+nj −yj) . j=1 Γ(α)Γ(β) Γ(α + β + nj)

You can see page 110 of Gelman et al for the details that we are skipping over here.
Drawing random samples (αs,βs) from the discrete grid-based approximation to p(α,β|y) does not work well, however, because of the skewness of the distribution, and strong posterior corre- lation between α and β.
Instead, consider the reparameterization to
􏰐 􏰐α􏰑􏰐α􏰑 􏰑 logit(μ)=logit α+β =log β ,log(ψ)=log(α+β) .
The posterior density
p (log(α/β), log(α + β)|y) ∝ αβ p(α, β|y)

has a much more ‘regular’ form. As an exercise, you can check that the appropriate Jacobian for this transformation is indeed given by αβ.
0 10 20 30 40 50
0 2 4 6
−2.4 −2.2 −2.0 −1.8 −1.6 −1.4 −1.2
So rather than try to sample directly from the joint distribution in the left-hand contour plot, we simulate S draws from that in the right-hand plot, then back-transform by

> mu.sim <- inv.logit(logit.mu.sim); > psi.sim <- exp(log.psi.sim); > alpha.sim <- mu.sim * psi.sim; > beta.sim <- (1-mu.sim) * psi.sim; where inv.logit is given by logit−1(u) = eu/(1 + eu). We then proceed with θjs ∼ Beta(αs + yj, βs + nj − yj) for j = 1,...,J and s = 1,...,S. See Courseworks → Files → Examples → Example05a Hierarchical . 10 What sort of predictions might be of interest? At least three types: 1. y ̃ , the number of successes in n ̃ additional trials of the jth jj experiment, j = 1, . . . , J . The posterior predictive density is p(y ̃ |θ )p(θ |y)dθ so if θjs is a draw from p(θj|y), we can sample 􏰒 p(y ̃ |y) = jjjjj ss y ̃ ∼Binomial(n ̃j,θ). jj 11 2. θ ̃ , the true long-run success probability for a (J + 1)st J+1 experiment. The posterior predictive density is ̃ 􏰒􏰒 ̃ p(θ|y) = p(θ|α, β)p(α, β|y)dβdα so if (αs, βs) are a random draw from p(α, β|y), we can sample sss θ ̃ ∼ Beta(α , β ) . 3. y ̃ , the observed number of successes in n ̃ trials for a J+1 J+1 (J + 1)st experiment. Write the posterior predictive distri- bution as 􏰒 s item 2 above, we can sample ss y ̃ ∼Binomial(n ̃,θ ̃). ̃ ̃ ̃ p(y ̃|θ)p(θ|y)dθ p(y ̃|y) = so if θ ̃ is a draw from the posterior predictive distribution in 12