CS计算机代考程序代写 Non-regularity Proofs

Non-regularity Proofs
Peter Dixon February 26 2021
1 Admin Stuff
Current topic: Computability and Turing machines (Ch. 28-34)
HW5 is all on regular languages.
HW6 will cover the end of regular languages (non-regularity proofs) and the
beginning of Turing machines.
2 A Nonregularity Proof
One last bit of regular language stuff.
On Monday, you saw a proof that {0n1n} is not regular. We’re going to do
one more.
We look at “first extensions”:
• An extension of x is a string that puts x in the language (xy ∈ L) • Ax is all extensions of x
• A(1) is the first extension of every string
We’re going to prove that {0p | p is prime} is not regular. To do that, we’re going to prove a more general statement:
• Any tally language (subset of {0∗}) that has arbitrarily large gaps between elements is not regular
• {0p | p is prime} has arbitrarily large gaps between elements.
Let’s define “arbitrarily large gaps”. Let I be an infinite set of numbers. We’lldefinenI tobe”thenextthingafterninI”,andGAPSI tobe{nI −n| n ∈ I}.
Ex. If I is the set of all even numbers, I = {0,2,4,…}. GAPSI contains {2 − 0, 4 − 2, 6 − 4, . . . } = {2}.
Nowwewanttoprove: IfGAPSI isinfinite,thenBI ={0i |i∈I}isnot regular. We’ll connect GAPSI to extensions.
• Ax is the first extension of x

Pick some 0n ∈ BI. The first extension is λ (because 0nλ = 0n ∈ BI) . The second extension is the smallest string y such that 0ny ∈ BI. y is the gap between n and nI (the next thing in I). In other words, A(2) = {0i | i ∈ GAPSI}. Since GAPSI is infinite, A(2) is infinite, so BI is not regular.
Now for part 2. We want to show there’s arbitrarily large gaps between prime numbers.
That means we need to show: for any m, there is a prime number p such that the next largest prime is m greater than p.
To show THAT, we’re going to show there are prime numbers p, q such that q ≥ p + m and everything between p and q is not prime.
We’re gonna make a really big prime.
Take p to be the largest prime smaller than m! + 1. (That’s m ∗ (m − 1) ∗ ···∗2∗1+1.)
• Nothing between p and m!+1 is prime, because p is the largest such prime. • Nothing between m! + 1 and m! + m is prime, because m! + k is divisible
by k (if a and b are divisible by k then a + b is too)
• So,thenextprimeqafterpisatleastm!+m,soq−p≥m. So, {0p | p is prime} is not regular.