CS计算机代考程序代写 database concurrency chain SQL 2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control

2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
Multi-version Concurrency Control
Multi-version Concurrency Control Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [0/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
∧ >> ❖ Multi-version Concurrency
Multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) aims to
retain benets of locking, while getting more concurrency
by providing multiple (consistent) versions of data items
Achieves this by
readers access an “appropriate” version of each data item
writers make new versions of the data items they modify
Main difference between MVCC and standard locking:
read locks do not conict with write locks

reading never blocks writing, writing never blocks reading
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [1/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Multi-version Concurrency
Control (cont)
WTS = timestamp of tx that wrote this data item
Chainedtupleversions: tupoldest→tupolder → tupnewest
When a reader Ti is accessing the database
ignore any data item D created after Ti started
checked by: WTS(D) > TS(Ti)
use only newest version V accessible to Ti
determined by: max(WTS(V)) < TS(Ti) COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [2/10] https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9315/21T1/lectures/tx-mvcc/slides.html 3/12 2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control << ∧ >> ❖ Multi-version Concurrency
Control (cont)
When a writer Ti attempts to change a data item
nd newest version V satisfying WTS(V) < TS(Ti) if no later versions exist, create new version of data item if there are later versions, then abort Ti Some MVCC versions also maintain RTS (TS of last reader) don't allow Ti to write D if RTS(D) > TS(Ti)
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [3/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Multi-version Concurrency
Control (cont)
Advantage of MVCC
locking needed for serializability considerably reduced
Disadvantages of MVCC
visibility-check overhead (on every tuple read/write)
reading an item V causes an update of RTS(V)
storage overhead for extra versions of data items
overhead in removing out-of-date versions of data items
Despite apparent disadvantages, MVCC is very effective.
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [4/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Multi-version Concurrency
Control (cont)
Removing old versions:
Vj andVk areversionsofsameitem
WTS(Vj) and WTS(Vk) precede TS(Ti) for all Ti
remove version with smaller WTS(Vx) value
When to make this check?
every time a new version of a data item is added?
periodically, with fast access to blocks of data
PostgreSQL uses the latter (vacuum). COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [5/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Concurrency Control in
PostgreSQL uses two styles of concurrency control:
multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) (used in implementing SQL DML statements (e.g. select))
two-phase locking (2PL)
(used in implementing SQL DDL statements (e.g. create table))
From the SQL (PLpgSQL) level:
can let the lock/MVCC system handle concurrency
can handle it explicitly via LOCK statements COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [6/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Concurrency Control in
PostgreSQL (cont)
PostgreSQL provides read committed and
serializable isolation levels.
Using the serializable isolation level, a select:
sees only data committed before the transaction began
never sees changes made by concurrent transactions
Using the serializable isolation level, an update fails:
if it tries to modify an “active” data item (active = affected by some other tx, either committed or uncommitted)
The transaction containing the update must then rollback and re-start.
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [7/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Concurrency Control in
PostgreSQL (cont)
Implementing MVCC in PostgreSQL requires:
a log le to maintain current status of each Ti
in every tuple:
xmin = ID of the tx that created the tuple
xmax=IDofthetxthat replaced/deleted the tuple (if any)
xnew = link to newer versions of tuple (if any)
for each transaction Ti :
a transaction ID (timestamp)
SnapshotData: list of active tx’s when Ti started
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [8/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ >> ❖ Concurrency Control in
PostgreSQL (cont)
Rules for a tuple to be visible to Ti :
the xmin (creation transaction) value must be committed in the log le
have started before Ti’s start time
not be active at Ti’s start time
the xmax (delete/replace transaction) value must
be blank or refer to an aborted tx, or have started after Ti’s start time, or
have been active at SnapshotData time For details, see:
COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [9/10]
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2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control
<< ∧ ❖ Concurrency Control in PostgreSQL (cont) Tx's always see a consistent version of the database. But may not see the "current" version of the database. E.g. T1 does select, then concurrent T2 deletes some of T1's selected tuples This is OK unless tx's communicate outside the database system. E.g. T1 counts tuples; T2 deletes then counts; then counts are compared Use locks if application needs every tx to see same current version LOCK TABLE locksanentiretable SELECT FOR UPDATE locksonlythe selected rows COMP9315 21T1 ♢ MVCC ♢ [10/10] https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9315/21T1/lectures/tx-mvcc/slides.html 11/12 2021/4/28 Multi-version Concurrency Control Produced: 15 Apr 2021 https://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~cs9315/21T1/lectures/tx-mvcc/slides.html 12/12