CS计算机代考程序代写 grammar RecLang;

grammar RecLang;

import FuncLang; //Import all rules from FuncLang grammar.

// New elements in the Grammar of this Programming Language
// – grammar rules start with lowercase

exp returns [Exp ast]:
va=varexp { $ast = $va.ast; }
| num=numexp { $ast = $num.ast; }
| str=strexp { $ast = $str.ast; }
| bl=boolexp { $ast = $bl.ast; }
| add=addexp { $ast = $add.ast; }
| sub=subexp { $ast = $sub.ast; }
| mul=multexp { $ast = $mul.ast; }
| div=divexp { $ast = $div.ast; }
| let=letexp { $ast = $let.ast; }
| lam=lambdaexp { $ast = $lam.ast; }
| call=callexp { $ast = $call.ast; }
| i=ifexp { $ast = $i.ast; }
| less=lessexp { $ast = $less.ast; }
| eq=equalexp { $ast = $eq.ast; }
| gt=greaterexp { $ast = $gt.ast; }
| car=carexp { $ast = $car.ast; }
| cdr=cdrexp { $ast = $cdr.ast; }
| cons=consexp { $ast = $cons.ast; }
| list=listexp { $ast = $list.ast; }
| nl=nullexp { $ast = $nl.ast; }
| lrec=letrecexp { $ast = $lrec.ast; }

letrecexp returns [LetrecExp ast]
locals [ArrayList ids = new ArrayList(), ArrayList funs = new ArrayList(); ] :
‘(‘ Letrec
‘(‘ ( ‘(‘ id=Identifier fun=exp ‘)’ { $ids.add($id.text); $funs.add($fun.ast); } )+ ‘)’
‘)’ { $ast = new LetrecExp($ids, $funs, $body.ast); }