CS 61B Heaps and Graphs Spring 2021 Exam Prep Discussion 9: March 15, 2021
1 Fill in the Blanks
Fill in the following blanks related to min-heaps. Let N is the number of elements in the min-heap. For the entirety of this question, assume the elements in the min-heap are distinct.
1. removeMin has a best case runtime of runtime of .
2. insert has a best case runtime of time of .
3. A or
output the elements in sorted order. Assume there are at least 3 elements in the min-heap.
4. The fourth smallest element in a min-heap with 1000 elements can appear in places in the heap.
5. Given a min-heap with 2n − 1 elements, for an element
• to be on the second level it must be less than ele-
ment(s) and greater than element(s).
• to be on the bottommost level it must be less than element(s) and greater than element(s).
and a worst case and a worst case run-
traversal on a min-heap may
2 Heaps and Graphs
2 Heap Mystery
We are given the following array representing a min-heap where each letter repre- sents a unique number. Assume the root of the min-heap is at index zero, i.e. A is the root. Note that there is no significance of the alphabetical ordering, i.e. just because B precedes C in the alphabet, we do not know if B is less than or greater than C.
Array: [A, B, C, D, E, F, G]
Four unknown operations are then executed on the min-heap. An operation is either a removeMin or an insert. The resulting state of the min-heap is shown below.
Array: [A, E, B, D, X, F, G]
(a) Determine the operations executed and their appropriate order. The first op- eration has already been filled in for you!
1. removeMin() 2.
(b) Fill in the following comparisons with either >, <, or ? if unknown. Note that this question does not assume a specific ordering of operations from the previous part, i.e. we don’t know which of the two possible
1.X D 2.X C 3.B C 4.G X
3 Graph Conceptuals
Answer the following questions as either True or False and provide a brief expla- nation:
1. If a graph with n vertices has n − 1 edges, it must be a tree.
2. The adjacency matrix representation is typically better than the adjacency
list representation when the graph is very connected.
3. Every edge is looked at exactly twice in every iteration of DFS on a con- nected, undirected graph.
4. In BFS, let d(v) be the minimum number of edges between a vertex v and the start vertex. For any two vertices u, v in the fringe, |d(u) − d(v)| is always less than 2.
Heaps and Graphs 3
4 Heaps and Graphs
4 Cycle Detection
Given an undirected graph, provide an algorithm that returns true if a cycle exists in the graph, and false otherwise. Also, provide a Θ bound for the worst case runtime of your algorithm. You may use either an adjacency list or an adjacency matrix to represent your graph. (We are looking for an answer in plain English, not code).