CS 61B, Midterm #1, Spring 1996
CS 61B, Spring 1996 Midterm #1 Professor M. Clancy
Problem 0 (1 point, 1 minute)
Put your login name on each page. Also make sure you have provided the information requested on the first page.
Problem 1 (4 points, 10 minutes)
A program to print a calender as in programmang assignment 2 includes the following code.
for(int month=JAN; month<=DEC; month++) {
PrintHeading (month, year);
PrintDates (month, year);
The PrintDates function includes the following code.
int firstDay = DayOfWeek (month, 1, year);
for (int k=1; k<=firstDay; k++) {
cout <<" "; }
for (int date=1; date <=NumDaysIn (month, year); date++) {
cout <
Abbreviated intlists.h
typedef int InfoType;
struct ListNode;
class List {
List ();
List (const List&);
~List ();
// defined in implementation file
// initializes an empty list
// copy constructor
// destructor
// See if the list object is empty.
bool IsEmpty ();
// Return the list object’s lenght.
int Length ();
// Note in the following that positions in the list
// start with 1 (unlike in Scheme).
// Insert a new item so that it’s at a given position in the
// list object (positions of subsequent items increase by 1).
// success is set to false if position was out of range.
void Delete (int position, bool& success);
// Return the item at a given position in the list object.
// success is set to false if position was out of range.
void Retrieve (int position, InfoType& item, bool& success);
// Add an item to the end of the list object.
void AddToEnd (InfoType newLastItem);
ListNode* PtrTo (int position);
int size;
ListNode* head;
First part of intlists.cc
struct ListNode {
InfoType info;
ListNode* next;
Problem 2 (4 points, 10 minutes)
// pointer to first thing in the list
CS 61B, Midterm #1, Spring 1996
ListNode (InfoType item); // info item and next 0
ListNode (InfoType item, ListNode* ptr);
Problem 3 (4 points, 10 minutes)
Fill in the blanks in the List member function RemoveAlternateElements whose framework appears below. RemoveAlternateElements should remove and delete alternate nodes in the List object starting with the second node in the list. If the List object is empty or contains only one element, RemoveAlternateElements should leave it unchanged. Two examples of how RemoveAlternateElements should work with longer lists appear below.
list before call to RemoveAlternateElements list after call to RemoveAlternateElements
Don’t change any of the framework code. Also, don’t include any calls to other List member functions.
void List::RemoveAlternateElements() {
if(head != 0 && head->next != 0) {
for (ListNode* ptr=head; ptr!=0 && ptr->next!=0; ptr=ptr->next) {
} }
Problem 4 (4 points, 10 minutes)
Recode the RemoveAlternateElements so that it is not a List member function, but instead calls List member functions declared in the intlists.h file on page 5.
Problem 3 (4 points, 10 minutes) 4
CS 61B, Midterm #1, Spring 1996
Problem 5 (3 points, 9 minutes)
Consider the following make file.
vendmain: vending.o vendmain.o
g++ -g vending.o -o vendmain.o
vending.o: vending.cc vending.h
g++ -g -Wall -fno-builtins vending.cc -c
vendmain.o: vendmain.cc vending.h
g++ -g -Wall -fno-builtins vendmain.cc -c
Part a
suppose the command “make vendmain” is given in a working directory containing only the files vending.cc, vending.h, and vendmain.cc. What happens? (Hint: vendmain is not successfully created.)
Part b
Fix the make file so that the command “make vendmain” does successfully create the executable vendmain.
Posted by HKN (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Honor Society) University of California at Berkeley
If you have any questions about these online exams
please contact mailto:examfile@hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu
Problem 5 (3 points, 9 minutes) 5