CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm \documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}
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% \abs & \norm resizes brackets, starred version doesn’t


\title{CSC263 – Week 1, Tutorial 1}
\author{Cristyn Howard}
\date{Friday, January 12, 2018}


\underline{\emph{{\Large Today’s topic: Review of running time, proofs of running time.}}}

\item T(n); worst-case running time; the maximum number of steps the algorithm T takes on an input of size n
\item t(x); the number of steps taken by the algorithm on \underline{specific input} x
\item $T(n) = max\{ t(x) \: \: \mid \: \: \: \abs{x} = n\}$

\item $O, \Omega, \Theta$; mathematical concepts that quantify the relations between functions;
\item adopted by computer scientists to abstractly compare running time of different algorithms, without concern for specific implementation details
\item $O(n^2) = \{1, 2, n^2, 2n^2, n^2+1, …\}$, (infinite set)
\item $\Omega(n^2) = \{ n^2, 2n^2, 4n^3, …\}$, (infinite set)
\item $\Theta(n^2) = O(n^2) \cap \Omega(n^2) = \{n^2, 2n^2, …\}$, (infinite set)

\item $T(n) \in O(g(n)) \iff $ for \underline{every} input of size $n$, T takes \underline{at most} $c\times g(n)$ steps, (where $c \in \mathbb{R}$)

\item $T(n) \in \Omega(g(n)) \iff $ there is \underline{some} input of size $n$ for which T takes \underline{at least} $c\times g(n)$ steps, (where $c \in \mathbb{R}$)

\item [Ex 1:]
\begin{tabular}{ l | l }
\makecell[l]{ input: A[1…n] \\
for $i=1$ to n: \\
\tab for $j=1$ to n: \\
\tab \tab if A[i] != 1, STOP}
\makecell[l]{ $O(n^2)$ because the max possible iterations of the inner $\&$ outer loop \\
result in $n^2$ calls of the fourth line of code, which is in constant time \\
$\Omega(n^2)$ because $\forall \: \: n, \exists$ array of 1’s of size n, \\
which will result in runtime of $n^2$ }

\item [Ex 2:]
\begin{tabular}{ l | l }
Bubblesort(A[1…n]): \\
last = n, sorted = false; \\
while(not sorted): \\
\tab sorted = true; \\
\tab for j=1 to last-1: \\
\tab \tab if (A[j] $>$ A[j+1]): \\
\tab \tab \tab swap A[j] $\&$ A[j+1]; \\
\tab \tab \tab sorted = false; \\
\tab last -= 1; \\ }
\underline{Loop Invariant}: at the end of the $i^{th}$ iteration of the while loop, \\
A[last+1 … n] contains the largest elements in A in sorted order \\ \\
$T(n) \in O(n^2)$: \\
\tab $\bullet$ while loop executes at most n times \\
\tab \tab (each loop reduces ‘last’ by 1; when ‘last’=1, sorted set true, \\
\tab \tab for loop not executed, while loop stops) \\
\tab $\bullet$ inner loop executes at most n-1 times \\
\tab $\bullet$ $n (n-1) \approx n^2 $ \\ \\
$T(n) \in \Omega(n^2)$: \\
\tab $\bullet$ consider reverse sorted array of size n \\
\tab $\bullet$ for $1^{st}$ iteration of while loop, for loop does n-1 swaps \\
\tab $\bullet$ for $i^{th}$ iteration of while loop, for loop does n-i swaps \\
\tab $\bullet$ total swaps reverse sorted array of size n = $\sum_{i=1}^{n} n-i = \frac{n(n-1)}{2} \in \Theta(n^2)$ \\
\tab $\bullet$ thus for every n, $\exists$ an input array for which the number of steps is \\
\tab \tab at least $\in \Theta(n^2)$}

