CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure \documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}

\documentclass[11pt, oneside]{article}
\usepackage[letterpaper, margin=0.5in]{geometry}

\title{CSC236 – Week 1, Lecture 2}
\author{Cristyn Howard}
\date{January 10, 2018}


\item \underline{abstract data type (ADT)} – an object and its operations

\item \underline{data structure} – specific implementation of some ADT

\item One example of an ADT is a \underline{Priority Queue (PQ)}.
\item \underline{object:} maintains a set S of elements with keys that can be compared

\item \underline{operations:}
\item INSERT(x, S): insert item x into set S such that the order is maintained

\item MAX(S): return a value with the maximum priority

\item EXTRACTMAX(S): find an element with max priority and remove it from the set

\item PQ application example: might be used by an operating system to organize processes that need to be run

\item Some data structures for PQs:
\item \begin{tabular}{ |r|c|c| }
& \multicolumn{2}{|c|}{Worst-case run time of:} \\
Data Structure & INSERT & EXTRACTMAX \\
unsorted linked list & $O(1)$ & $O(n)$ \\
sorted linked list & $O(n)$ & $O(1)$ \\
heaps & $O(logn)$ & $O(logn)$ \\

\item Note that heaps are superior! So what are they, and how do they work?

\item [Recall:] Complete Binary Tree (CBT): start at the leftmost node, every node has at most two children, fill every level before moving to the next

\item [Recall:] Height of binary tree: length of longest path from the root to any leaf of the tree.

\item For CBT of size n, height = $\floor*{log_2 n}$

\item \underline{heaps}: store set S of size n in an n-node complete binary tree
\item elements in a heap are stored such that the priority of any node is greater than the priority of its children

\item heaps for set S are not unique, i.e. there are many valid heap configurations of set S

\item Example: $S = \{3, 4, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 12, 17\}$, A heap containing s:
\Tree[.17 [.9 [.7 [.3 ]
[.4 ]]
[.7 ]]
[.12 [.9 ]
[.5 ]]]

\item In a computer, heaps are stored in a (1-indexed) array such that the elements represent the nodes of the heap ordered from top-to-bottom, left-to-right.
\item An array storing our heap of S: \begin{tabular}{ l l l l l l l l l l}
Index: & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 & 9 \\
Value: \vline& 17 \vline& 9 \vline& 12 \vline& 7 \vline& 7 \vline& 9 \vline& 5 \vline& 3 \vline& 4 \vline \\

\item How do we relate parents to children (and vice versa) when the heap is stored in an array?
\item \begin{tabular}{ |c|c| }
Parents to Children & Children to Parents \\
right child index = parent index $\times$ 2 & parent index = $\lfloor$ child index / 2 $\rfloor$ \\
left child index = (parent index $\times$ 2) + 1 & \\

\item How are the PQ operations implemented on a heap stored as an array?
\item INSERT(): (A) add new element to last space in array; (B) get parent index, get parent value; (C) if parent value is smaller than new element value, swap element locations, go to B.
\item \underline{worst case run time of insert}: compare $\&$ swap take constant time, the upper bound on the number of swaps is the height of the tree, thus Insert $\in \Theta(logn)$.
\item $O(logn)$: every insert takes \underline{at most} $c\times logn$ steps, for some constant $c$.
\item $\Omega(logn): \exists $ some element for which insert takes \underline{at least} $c\times logn$ steps, (e.g. $x > \textit{root}).$


\item MAX(): $\Theta(1)$, get first element of the array
\item EXTRACTMAX(): (A) swap first $\&$ last elements of the array; (B) return last element $\&$ reduce heap size by one; (C) compare first element value to values of both children, swap element with larger of two children; (D) continue until element is larger than both children, or until the indices of both children are greater than heap size (i.e. element has no children)
\item $\Theta(logn)$ for reasons similar to insert
\item SORTING: extract max until all elements have been removed from the array, $\Theta(n\times logn)$