% ————————————————–%
% Assignment 1 – MTRN9400 T3 2021 – %
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function main
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
clc; clear
figure(1); clf
global qdes l1 l2
% — Desired end-effector position ———–
qdes = deg2rad([135; 90]);
tspan = [0,3]; % timespan
st = 5; % video recording step (the larger, the faster)
% —- Initial values ———–
q1_0 = 0; q2_0 = 0;
qd1_0 = 0; qd2_0 = 0;
% —- ODE solver ———–
Fo = [q1_0; q2_0; qd1_0; qd2_0]; % ODE input vector
options = odeset(‘RelTol’,1e-12); % ODE solver error
Q1 = F(:,1); Q2 = F(:,2); % ODE outputs
Qd1 = F(:,3); Qd2 = F(:,4);
% —- Desired location of the end-effector (calculated using Forward Kinematic)
x_des = l1*cos(qdes(1))+l2*cos(qdes(1)+qdes(2));
y_des = l1*sin(qdes(1))+l2*sin(qdes(1)+qdes(2));
% —- Plotting the joint error vectors ———–
plot_error_signals(t, Q1, Q2, Qd1, Qd2)
%— Plotting & creating a video of the robot’s trajectory
% figure(2);
% plot_robot_traj(st, t, Q1, Q2, x_des, y_des)
程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com