CS计算机代考程序代写 AI # COMP 90054

# COMP 90054
Code adapted by Nir Lipovetzky and Guang Hu.
# CS188
## License Information

Licensing Information: You are free to use or extend these projects for
educational purposes provided that (1) you do not distribute or publish
solutions, (2) you retain this notice, and (3) you provide clear
attribution to UC Berkeley, including a link to http://ai.berkeley.edu.

Attribution Information: The Pacman AI projects were developed at UC Berkeley.
The core projects and autograders were primarily created by John DeNero
(denero@cs.berkeley.edu) and Dan Klein (klein@cs.berkeley.edu).
Student side autograding was added by Brad Miller, Nick Hay, and
Pieter Abbeel (pabbeel@cs.berkeley.edu).