Chapter 7
Read 7.1-7.3
Omit 7.4
7.1 Description of quicksort
Partition(A, p, r)
1 x = A[r]
2 i = p – 1
3 for j = p to r -1
4 if A[j] ≤ x
5 then i = i + 1
6 swap A[i] and A[j]
7 swap A[i +1] and A[r]
8 return i +1
Partition on A[p…r] is (n)
where n = r –p +1
The operation of Partition on a sample array
Loop Invariant
At the beginning of any iteration of the loop of lines 3-6 with a j value between p and r-1, for any array index k,
1. if p ≤ k ≤ i, then A[k] ≤ x.
2. if i + 1 ≤ k ≤ j -1, then A[k] > x.
3. if k = r, then A[k] = x.
Thinking Assignment: Satisfy yourself that LI is true at initialization
Why the Loop Invariant is Maintained
Only two cases possible for what happens to A[j] in any one iteration of procedure Partition
Thinking Assignment: What is the state of the array at termination?
Thinking Assignment: Write the complete Loop Invariant proof of correctness of Partition
How efficient is quicksort?
Recursive algorithm
So to answer this question we must determine the recurrences of the algorithm
Quicksort Recurrences
T(n) = T(size of left partition) + T(size of right partition) + (n)
T(1) = (1)
What are the possibilities for the partition sizes?
Quicksort Recurrences
T(n) = T(0) + T(n-1) + (n)
= T(n-1) + (n)
= T(n-1) + cn
T(1) = (1) = c
You can easily show by backward substitution method (do this as an exercise to improve your skills) that these recurrences have the solution T(n) = (n2)
This is the worst case partitioning!
Can you think of an input that will produce this kind of partition in every recursive call?
Quicksort Recurrences
Partitioning can also divide the array equally: one partition of size floor(n/2) and the other of size ceiling(n/2)-1
T(n) ≤ 2T(n/2) + (n)
T(1) = (1)
You can easily show by applying the master method (do this as an exercise to improve your skills) that if T(n) = 2T(n/2) + (n) then T(n) = Θ(nlgn) . So in this case Quicksort is O(nlgn)
This is the best case partitioning. In fact, the split doesn’t have to be 50-50. This complexity holds whenever the split is of constant proportionality.
Average Case Performance
Good and bad splits tend to balance out in practice (see p. 176)
So the average performance of quicksort is also O(nlgn) (see p.177-178)
To get this balance, in practice we don’t pick A[r] as the pivot; instead a median-of-three approach is used to pick the pivot.
Median-of-Three Pivot Picking
Median-of-Three-Partition (A,p,r)
1 first=A[p]
2 m=floor((p+r)/2)
3 middle=A[m]
4 last=A[r]
5 Median-of-Three=median(first,middle,last)
6 if Median-of-Three≠last then
7 if Median-of-Three=first then index=p else index=m
8 swap A[r] and A[index]
9 return Partition(A,p,r)
Modify the quicksort algorithm to call this partition procedure in step 2 instead
Random Sampling
Another way to make sure of random distribution of good and bad splits is to choose randomly so that any of the r-p+1 elements in the array has an equal chance of being picked.
Randomized Quicksort
Randomized-Partition (A,p,r)
swap A[r] and A[i]
return Partition(A,p,r)
Modify the quicksort algorithm to call this partition procedure in step 2 instead
Thinking Assignments
Quicksort can be modified to obtain an elegant and efficient linear (O(n)) algorithm QuickSelect for the selection problem.
Quickselect(A, p, r, k)
{p & r – starting and ending indexes of array A; to find k-th smallest number in non-empty array A; 1≤k≤(r-p+1)}
if p=r then return A[p]
if k=pivotDistance then
return A[q]
else if k