Last updated: March 15, 2021
Carleton University School of Computer Science
A: Getting Started
Download, unpack, and run make to compile and . Note that these programs take 3 arguments each:
o The number of events to process
o The number of events to produce before the producer sleeps for 1 second
o The number of events to consume before the consumer sleeps for 1 second
1. Run both programs with the same arguments of your choice. Do this a few times with different arguments. Do they behave the same way? Do you notice any differences? (again, no ¡°correct¡± answers but just play with them and document your observations)
In addition to other differences by design (e.g., the pipe¡¯s buffer being much bigger than the 32 words of the shared memory), an important difference is that ¡¯s event sequence is less deterministic (or you can say stable) than . You can see this almost each time you run 3000pc-rendezvous. The order the producer and the consumer finish and whether they wait vary.
2. Repeattheaboveexperiment,thistimerunningeachprogramunder (withthe-fflagtotrace children too). Do you notice any difference in the system calls each program makes? Remember to ignore the lines before main() that might be distracting, e.g., start looking around and after the
system call.
just reads/writes from/to the pipe descriptors to feed/consume words, so you see a lot of calls to read() and but with a simple pattern. By contrast, 3000pc- rendezvous involves multiple calls to , which is the system-call implementation of those pthread mechanisms (you can ignore for ).
B: Producer/Consumer with Pipes
1. Examinethesourcecodeof
. Explain the following:
a. What does the call to on line 192 do? Hint: Look at the man page for
As mentioned, the system call returns an array of two file descriptors, one for
the read end and one for the write end.
b. How does the consumer receive words to consume? By reading from the read end of the
c. How does the producer send words to the consumer? By writing to the write end of the
d. Why is the call to srandom(time(NULL)) on line 169 necessary?
Otherwise, the generated sequence will always be the same if random() is not seeded properly (e.g., always seeded with the same value).
2. Replacethecallto notice in
The same as above.
‘s behavior?
C: Producer/Consumer with Shared Memory
on line 169 with . What differences do you
(not seeded is equivalent to seeded with 1) vs. .
1. Examinethesourcecodeof
. Explain the following:
a. What are a few ways that is different from ?
b. What does the call to on line 347 do? How did you figure this out?
c. How does the producer notify the consumer that the queue is no longer empty? (see bottom) d. How does the consumer notify the producer that the queue is no longer full? (see bottom)
2. Whatargumentscanyouprovidetomaketheproducerwaitfortheconsumer?Hint:Checkthesize of the queue.
As long as the number of events is greater than the queue size and you slow down the consumer, the producer needs to wait.
3. Whatargumentscanyouprovidetomaketheconsumerwaitfortheproducer?(Youcandisregard the wait at the very beginning as the queue is initially empty)
Different from the producer, the consumer relies on available items generated by the producer. So, as long as the producer is slower (e.g., by waiting more) than the consumer, the consumer needs to wait.
4. Anotherstudenttellsyouthatthedifferencebetweenprocessesandthreadsisthatprocessesnever share memory, while threads do. Is this statement correct or incorrect? How can the behavior of 3000pc-rendezvous help justify your answer?
Apparently, we are using shared memory between processes.
5. Change the calls to pthread_mutexattr_setpshared() and pthread_condattr_setpshared() (lines 293 and 298) to take 0 instead of 1. How does the behavior or 3000pc-rendezvous change? Does anything break?
Things will get stuck, because that makes the mutex and condition variable not accessible between processes (even if they share the memory where the mutex and variable reside). See the man page.
A few points to keep in mind regarding 3000pc-rendezvous:
There are three mechanisms involved, 1) the per-entry semaphore (sem_t lock), which ensures that an entry is not manipulated by both parties at the same time. 2) the condition variable (queue_nonempty/nonfull), used to coordinate between the producer and the consumer so that they know they can stop waiting and work. 3) the mutex (cond_mutex), as is required by the condition variable.
There is also the fourth one, which is the Boolean variable predicate_nonempty/nonfull used in the predicate before each condition wait. Otherwise, you may notice a deadlock after certain number of events (usually large, e.g., 400,000). While there could be various factors causing this, one known issue is called spurious wakeup or lost wakeup. A brief explanation is: when a process yields the CPU to wait on something, it no longer runs. The OS/scheduler will wake it up when the condition is satisfied. However, waking per se might not be atomic or even reliable. So, by the time the waken process gets the chance to run, that condition may no longer hold (e.g., another process jumped in before and made a change). A predicate with a loop will ensure that the process will loop for one more iteration (hence waiting again) if spurious wakeup happens.