package mttcpserver;
public class MTTCPServerThread extends Thread {
private Socket slaveSocket = null;
public MTTCPServerThread(Socket socket) {
this.slaveSocket = socket;
// This method is called when we start a Thread object
// Note that the MTTCPServerThread extends the Thread object
public void run() {
// The line that will be echoed back to the client.
String line;
// All Input/Output from/to the socket will take place through the writer/reader objects defined below.
// We will not access sockets directly in this example.
PrintWriter socketOutput;
BufferedReader socketInput;
try {
// We get an OutputStream from the slave socket and use it to construct a PrintWriter object
// to write formatted representations of objects to the socket (to send messages to the client through TCP)
socketOutput = new PrintWriter(slaveSocket.getOutputStream(), true);
// We get an InputStream from the slave socket and use it to construct a BufferedReader object
// to read a character input stream from the socket (sent from the client through TCP)
socketInput = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(slaveSocket.getInputStream()));
// *******************************************************************************************
// TODO:
// Fill the while statement so that lines of characters are read from the socket until EOF is reached
// End-Of-File (i.e. returning null) when reading from sockets means that the the connection is closed
// Use the BufferedReader object that was created above
// Assign the read characters (the whole line) to the inputLine String object declared above.
// *******************************************************************************************
while ((line = socketInput.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println(“Echoing: ” + line + “, which is ” + line.length() + ” characters long..”);
// *******************************************************************************************
// TODO:
// Add a line below to send back (through the TCP Socket) the outputLine using the PrintWriter
// BE CAREFUL to use a method that will add a carriage return at the end of the line so that the other side can know when to stop reading
// (multiple methods can send data through the PrintWriter object)
// *******************************************************************************************
System.err.println(“Closing Socket”);
} catch (IOException e) {
// The run method will complete now.
// The Thread object, which was used to serve this session with a single client