CS计算机代考程序代写 Java package mttcpserver;

package mttcpserver;

import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

public class MTTCPServer {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

// the port number that the server socket will be bound to
int portNumber = 10000;

// The TCP ServerSocket object (master socket)
ServerSocket masterSocket;
Socket slaveSocket;

// *******************************************************************************************
// TODO:
// Instantiate the server socket, binding it to the port defined above
// The easiest way of doing that is to pass the portNumber in the constructor (check the Javadoc links)
// Otherwise you need to instantiate the serverSocket object without a port and then bind it manually to a SocketAddress
// *******************************************************************************************
masterSocket = new ServerSocket(portNumber);

System.out.println(“Server Started…”);

// the following will run forever (until interrupted by stopping the application through Netbeans)
while (true) {
// *******************************************************************************************
// TODO:
// Add source code below below to accept socket connections. This will be a bloking call; i.e. the process will be blocked until a TCP connection is attempted from a remote host
// The method should return a Socket object, named slaveSocket.
// the slaveSocket object will be then passed to a new thread that will handle the connection
// *******************************************************************************************
slaveSocket = masterSocket.accept();

System.out.println(“Accepted TCP connection from: ” + slaveSocket.getInetAddress() + “, ” + slaveSocket.getPort() + “…”);
System.out.println(“Instantiating and starting new MTTCPServerThread object to handle the connection…”);

// *******************************************************************************************
// TODO:
// instantiate and start a new MTTCPServerThread object with the client socket as an argument
// check the constructor in the MTTCPServerThread class which extends Thread
// *******************************************************************************************
new MTTCPServerThread(slaveSocket).start();