CS代考 from os import listdir

from os import listdir
from os.path import isfile, join
from shutil import copyfile
import mimetypes

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

import time

# path where program file is stored
path = ‘./’
# this is the list of expected answers to the example formulas
solutions = [‘YES’,’NO’]
# a list of all propositional formulas that we want to test the program on
formulas = [‘x or neg x’, ‘(x uparrow y) equiv z’]

# run the code with all the formulas as input
def run_tests():
correct = 0
for i in range(0,len(formulas)):
f = formulas[i]
copyfile(path + ‘resolution.pl’, ‘test.pl’) # copy test file to current directory
file = open(‘test.pl’,’a’)
file.write(‘\n\nmy_test:-test(‘ + f + ‘).’) # append test commands to this Prolog file

# run Prolog interpreter
# stdout is redirected to output file out.txt, stderr is dumped
cmd = “swipl -l test.pl -t my_test. > out.txt 2>/dev/null”

# read results from output file
file = open(‘out.txt’)
fstr = file.read()

answers = re.findall(r’YES|NO’, fstr, re.IGNORECASE) # search for occurences of yes/no in the output file
if (len(answers) == 0):
print(” WARNING: no answer given for f=” + f)

if (len(answers) > 1):
print(” WARNING: multiple answers given for f=” + f) # take the last one in this case

a = answers[-1].upper() # take the last answer given
if (a == solutions[i]):
correct += 1

return correct

t = run_tests()
print(“#correct answers=” + str(t) + “/” + str(len(formulas)))

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com