School of Information Technology
IT3686/IT368C Robotic Process Automation
Assignment Guidebook AY2022 S1
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1. Introduction
IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
This module enables students to use Robotic Process Automation tools and best practices to automate business operations. Students will acquire knowledge in basic concepts and identify processes suitable for automation.
1.2 Learning Outcome
Upon successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. Explain what Robotics Process Automation and its challenges is
2. Identify industries and use cases where Robotics Process Automation fits best
3. Use Robotics Process Automation tools to automate business processes
4. Test and debug automated processes
2. Assessment Scenario 2.1 Background
Gamer’s Cove is a e-sports company dedicated to training up and coming streamers who shown potential in various online streaming platforms such as Twitch and YouTube Live. Streamers can sign up with a membership fee to Gamer’s Cove to gain access to training sessions and events with some of the biggest names in gaming.
You are a creative, innovative, and energetic business analyst who intends to help your company, Gamer’s Cove, to address the business challenges of automating routine administration in terms of marketing and maintaining member’s records.
Using RPA methodology, you shall develop the Process Design Document and the UiPath Attended Bot that will help the Gamer’s Cove achieve its digitalization efforts. Your main users are from the marketing team. The marketing team is currently doing the following tasks manually:
• Extracting customer records from Gamer Cove’s Staff Access Portal
• Entering customer records into Gamer’s Cove Intranet- Data Bank via a web form
• Emailing customers with promotional materials according to their gaming records
• Checking and validating data such as email and other fields
2.2 Deliverables
• Process Design Document (20 marks) – template is available in Brightspace, please submit in Word file
• PDD Presentation (10 marks) – a 5-minute presentation will be given to update on project progress.
• Attended Bot (50 marks) – To automate the marketing team processes
o Pleaseexport2emails(“ReadytoimproveyourTwitchRanking?”And“ Percentage?) from your Outlook and add them to your project folder. You may follow instructions from this link: Save a message as a file – Outlook (
o PleaseaddacopyoftheOutputexcelfileintotheprojectfolder.Thedatashouldbeextracted from the Gamer Cove’s website.
o Pleasezipupyourprojectfolderinazipfileforsubmission
Example: 033193M_Loo Kit
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2.3 Current Process Flow:
IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
1) Marketing staff on shift will access the Gamer’s Cove website:
2) Staff will access the gaming records via the “Staff Access” Button on the Homepage:
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3) Staff will then enter the password (staff123) for the access to the Gamer Cove’s Staff Access Portal:
IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
4) Staff will then copy out the data from the following table and save the data into an excel sheet:
5) Staff will then access the Gamer’s Cove Intranet- Data Bank web form
( ) and enter the above records into the form provided:
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IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
6) Using the same gaming records, send promotional emails to ALL members. The rules are as follows: Condition Email sample Email attachment
In the case that a member fulfils both conditions above (is Gamemaster certified with Twitch as streamer platform, and with a win rate lower than 60%), both emails will be sent to the member.
7) Staff will also check the following fields BEFORE entering the webform or sending the emails. If there is any wrong data, the record will not be entered into the web-form and the email will not be sent. The staff will then move to next record.
If member is GameMaster certified and is on Twitch platform
Streaming and Finding Success on Tw
(Download from Brightspace)
If member has a win rate less than 60%
E-Sports Manifesto.pdf
(Download from Brightspace)
Ensure that Number of Games is a number
Ensure that Winrate percentage is a valid percentage by checking if percentage is between 0% to 100%
Ensure that Email Address is in a valid format
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Other details:
IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
The staff typically starts the process in the morning at 9am daily during working days (Monday to Friday). Each record typically takes the staff around 7 minutes to complete. The peak period will be during the end of the year festive period, when transactions can be up to 90-100 records per day, with an expected increase of 10% in the following year. The marketing team have 2 Full Time Employees (FTEs) supporting this function.
2.4 Additional Features (where applicable)
• Features to enhance security of the application, such as using prompts or Orchestrator for password
• Emailing of status, logs, exceptions to administrator email after process is completed
• Using a configuration excel file to read fields such as URLs, administrator email address
• Adding Company Logo and other relevant information (contacts etc) to emails
• Other exceptions rules added for more data validation, such as checking for empty fields 3. Assessment
The assessment comprises of a total base mark of 80 marks and consist of 40% of the total module mark.
3.1 Assessment Components
Process Design Document
• Introduction and purpose
• As-Is Process Description
• To-Be Process Description
4 marks 10 marks 6 marks
Process Design Document Presentation
• Presentation
5 marks 5 marks
(Please refer to Presentation guide for more details.)
Attended Bot in UiPath
• Extracting customer records from Gamer’s Cove Staff Access Portal
• Entering customer records into Gamer’s Cove Intranet- Data Bank
• Emailing customers with promotional materials according to gaming record details
• Project organization, such as naming, annotations and flowcharts
10 marks 15 marks 20 marks
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3.2 Assessment Rubrics
(Please refer to presentation guide for presentation rubrics)
IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
Category Introduction And purpose (4 Marks)
As-Is Process Description (10 Marks)
Process Design Document (20 Marks)
Poor Provide no
description and relevant key facts of the objectives of the process
(0 – 1 marks)
Provide little documentationin the current process without screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map
(0 – 3 marks)
Provide 1-2 detailed
analysis, description and relevant key facts of the objectives of the process
(1.5 – 2 marks)
Provide some documentationinthe current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map
(3.5 – 5 marks)
Good Provide 3-4
detailed analysis, description
and relevant key facts of the objectives of the process
(2 – 3 marks)
Provide detailed documentationinthe current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map
(5.5 – 7 marks)
At least 5 detailed
analysis, description and relevant key facts of the objectives of the process, with key contacts
(3 – 4 marks)
Provide detailed documentationin the current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map and robust Business Rules Library Index (7.5 – 10 marks)
To-Be Process Description (6 Marks)
Provide little documentation in the current process for As-Is Process Map without business exceptions (0 – 2 marks)
Provide some documentation in the current process for As-Is Process Map with 1-2 business exceptions
(2.5 – 3 marks)
Provide detailed documentation in the current process for As-Is Process Map with 3-4 business exceptions
(3.5 – 4 marks)
Provide detailed documentation in the current process for As-Is Process Map with 3-4 business exceptions as well as handling of system exceptions (4.5 – 6 marks)
Attended Bot in UiPath (50
Extracting customer records from Gamer’s Cove Staff Access Portal
(10 marks)
Implement with errors with little justification in supporting the functionality of the application with wrong/no extraction of data from site.
(0 – 3 marks)
Implement with no errors with some justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with extraction of data from site.
(3.5 – 5 marks)
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with extraction of data from site and creation of excel records with correct headers
Features to enhance security of the application, such as using prompts for password
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application with extraction of data and creation of excel records with correct headers and additional validation checks on system and business exceptions
Features to enhance security of the
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IT3686/IT368C Assignment Guidebook
(5.5 – 7 marks)
application, such as using prompts for password
Using a configuration excel file to read fields such as URLs, administrator email address
(7.5 – 10 marks)
Entering customer records into Gamer’s Cove Intranet- Data Bank (15 marks)
Implement with errors with little justification in supporting the functionality of the application, and unable to submit the medical record correctly.
(0 – 5 marks)
Implement with no errors with some justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with 2 or less validation checks (5.5 – 7.5 marks)
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with 3-4 validation checks
(8 – 12 marks)
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with additional 4-5 or more validation checks on system and business exceptions
(12 – 15 marks)
Emailing customers with promotional materials according to gaming records details
(20 marks)
Implement with errors with little justification in supporting the functionality of the application, and unable to send any mails
(0 – 6 marks)
Implement with no errors with some justification in supporting the functionality of the application, able to send email but email rules contains 1 or more logic exceptions
(6.5 – 10 marks)
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with 3-4 validation checks and email sending Emailing of status, logs, exceptions to administrator email after process is completed
(10.5 – 15 marks)
Implement with no errors with full justification in supporting the functionality of the application, with 3-4 validation checks and email sending, and logging of any exceptions in administrative email Emailing of status, logs, exceptions to administrator email after process is completed
(15.5 – 20 marks)
Project organization, such as naming, annotations and flowcharts
Poor organization of project such as bad naming of variables, files, and sequences with little to no annotation
(0 – 1 mark)
Standard organization of project with proper naming of variables, files, and sequences with some annotations, but without using flowchart
(1.5 – 2.5 marks)
Good organization of project with proper naming of variables, files, and sequences with proper annotations at higher level sequences, using flowchart to organize project and workflow
(3 – 3.5 marks)
Good organization of project with proper naming of variables, files, and sequences with proper annotations at higher level sequences, using flowchart to organize project with invoking of files with proper arguments.
(4 – 5 marks)
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School of Information Technology
IT368C/IT3686 Robotic Process Automation
Presentation Guidebook AY2022 S1
1. Introduction
IT3686/IT368C (2022S1) Assignment Guidebook
This presentation guide is for IT3686/IT368C Assignment Presentation, which is 5% of the total grade.
Please refer to your assignment guide on Brightspace for more assignment context and information. Presentation and communication of RPA processes is an important aspect as an RPA developer as clients often needs to understand how RPA will impact their current workflow.
You are a creative, innovative, and energetic business analyst who intends to help your company, Gamer’s Cove, to address the business challenges of automating routine administration in terms of marketing and maintaining member’s records.
You are tasked to give an interim update to the marketing team on your RPA process and development, which includes updates on your Process Design Document, As-if and To-Be processes.
Important information about the presentation: 1) Time limit: 5 minutes presentation
2) Content: Present on the following:
a. Overall project info and purpose b. As-if workflow
c. To-be workflow
d. Exception handling
You may choose to use the word document, slides, or both.
3) Dress Code: Covered shoes, presentable clothes with collar (polo T, jacket, shirts, office wear are acceptable.) Avoid t-Shirt and shorts.
4) Marketing team are non-IT professionals, so be clear and concise when explaining the workflows and exceptions.
5) Presenting using your laptop: You will present seated down, in front of lecturer, suing your own laptop. Please ensure your slides/document is ready when you are seated.
6) Timeslot: An excel will be set up for you to refer to your timeslot (according to register number). Please refer to announcement closer to presentation for more details.
2. Assessment
The assessment comprises of a total base mark of 10 marks and consist of 5% of the total module mark.
3.1 Assessment Components
Presentation Content
5 marks 5 marks
IT3686/IT368C (2022S1) Assignment Guidebook
3.2 Assessment Rubrics
Category Presentation (5 Marks)
Unable to clearly explain any of the as-if, to-be workflows and lack clarity in flow of the presentation
(0-1 mark)
Present little for the currentprocess without screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map and exceptions
(0-1 mark)
Presentation (10 Marks)
Able to present and
explain the workflows and exceptions, but too technical for non- technical staff to understand (marketing team) (1.5 – 2 marks)
Present some documentationinthe current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map and exceptions
(1.5 – 2 marks)
Able to clearly
explain the workflows and exceptions clearly with good examples and clarity
(2.5 – 3.5 marks)
Present detailed explanationinthe current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map and exceptions (2.5 – 3.5 marks)
Able to clearly
explain the workflows and exceptions clearly with good examples and clarity, and able to present confidently and concisely such that the target audience can clearly understand the presentation
(4 – 5 marks)
Present detailed but clearandconcise
documentation in the current process with screenshots and detailed As-Is Process Map, considerations of possible exceptions and how staff current handles them
(4 – 5 marks)
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