module Formula
import Data.Char
import Data.List
— The following types are used to represent propositional formulas in
— conjunctive normal form.
— In conjunctive normal form, a Formula is a conjunction of Clauses.
— A Clause is a disjunction of Literals. A Literal is a propositional
— variable, or its negation.
data Literal
= Pos Char | Neg Char
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
type Clause
= [Literal]
type Formula
= [Clause]
— The following functions are helpful for manipulating formulas.
negate_literal :: Literal -> Literal
— Given a literal, switch its sign. That is, turn a propositional variable
— into its negation, or remove the negation from a negated variable.
negate_literal (Pos c)
= Neg c
negate_literal (Neg c)
= Pos c
negate_formula :: Formula -> Formula
— Given a set f of clauses, return a set of clauses representing ~f.
= reduce . remove_tautologies . map switch_signs . to_dnf
switch_signs = reduce . map negate_literal
to_dnf :: Formula -> Formula
— Convert a CNF formula to DNF (negation will produce CNF again).
to_dnf []
= [[]]
to_dnf (c:cs)
= distribute c (to_dnf cs)
distribute [] _ = []
distribute (lit:lits) dnf = map (lit:) dnf ++ distribute lits dnf
reduce :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
— Sort and remove duplicates from a list.
= nodups . sort
nodups (x:y:ys)
| x == y = xs
| otherwise = x:xs
where xs = nodups (y:ys)
nodups xs
= xs
normalise :: Formula -> Formula
— Arrange a formula’s clauses in order of increasing length.
normalise cs
= map snd (sort annotated_clauses)
length_annotate c = (length c, c)
annotated_clauses = map length_annotate cs
remove_tautologies :: Formula -> Formula
— Remove tautological clauses from a formula (these do not change the formula).
remove_tautologies cs
= filter (not . tautology) cs
tautology :: Clause -> Bool
— A clause is a tautology if any of its literals appears in both negated
— and non-negated form.
tautology []
= False
tautology (lit:lits)
= (negate_literal lit `elem` lits) || (tautology lits)
— The function translate supports the use of short strings as a way of
— writing lists of clauses using types Literal, Clause and Formula.
— In the string representation, `$’ signifies the start of a clause,
— and `-‘ stands for negation. For example,
— “$A-BC$-A-D$BCD”
— translates to
— [[Pos ‘A’,Neg ‘B’,Pos ‘C’],[Neg ‘A’,Neg ‘D’],[Pos ‘B’,Pos ‘C’,Pos ‘D’]]
— With that convention, “” denotes the empty formula (i.e., true) and
— “$” denotes the formula consisting of an empty clause (i.e., false).
translate :: String -> Formula
translate s
= tr (reverse s) [] []
tr :: String -> Clause -> Formula -> Formula
tr [] _ clause_stack
= clause_stack
tr (‘$’:s) literal_stack clause_stack
= tr s [] (literal_stack : clause_stack)
tr (‘-‘:s) (Pos c : literal_stack) clause_stack
= tr s (Neg c : literal_stack) clause_stack
tr (c:s) literal_stack clause_stack
| isUpper c = tr s (Pos c : literal_stack) clause_stack
| otherwise = error (“Illegal input character: ” ++ [c])