CS计算机代考程序代写 decision tree algorithm COMS 4771 (SPRING 2021) EXAM 2 APRIL 16, 2021

COMS 4771 (SPRING 2021) EXAM 2 APRIL 16, 2021
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COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 2 of 15
1. (20 points) For each statement below state either True or False. Justify your answer by providing a short expla- nation/proof sketch (for true statements) or a counter example (for false statements).
Any non-convex optimization problem is NP-hard to solve. In other words, there are no non-convex optimization problems for which we have algorithms to find the exact optimal solution in polynomial time.
SVM with slack (with a fixed hyperparameter C) always returns the linear classifier with the smallest training error.
All decision trees with a single non-leaf node (i.e. all decision trees that make a single split) are linear classifiers.
Any function class with finite VC dimension is efficiently PAC learnable.

COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 3 of 15
A function class with infinite VC dimension is never efficiently PAC learnable, but it may still be (non-efficiently) PAC learnable.
The coefficients of the weight vector returned by Ridge regression will tend to be larger (either more positive or more negative) than those of the weight vector returned by OLS.
Suppose we train a multivariate Gaussian probabilistic classifier on binary labeled data and also train a Gaussian Mixture Model with k = 2 on the same training data (the labels are ignored when training the Gaussian Mixture Model). The two models will always have the same boundary.
Given a dataset S = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), …, (xn, yn)} with xi 2 RD and yi 2 {0, 1} suppose we use PCA (applied only on the xi, the yi are ignored) to find a transformation : RD ! Rd with d < D. Let S0 = {((x1), y1), ((x2), y2), ..., ((xn), yn)}. Then the minimum training error of D-dimensional linear classifiers on S is always less than or equal to the minimum training error of d-dimensional linear classifiers on S0. (f) (g) (h) Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 4 of 15 (i) Given a dataset S = {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xn, yn)} with xi 2 RD and yi 2 {0, 1} suppose we use a non-linear dimensionality reduction technique (again the yi are ignored) to find a transformation : RD ! Rd with d < D. Let S0 = {((x1), y1), ((x2), y2), ..., ((xn), yn)}. Then the minimum training error of D-dimensional linear classifiers on S is always less than or equal to the minimum training error of d-dimensional linear classifiers on S0. (j) The partition induced by the Lloyd’s method for k-means optimization always results in convex cells. That is, let c , . . . , c 2 Rd be the solution returned by the algorithm on a given dataset. 1k Sj := x2Rd | argminkxcik2 =j forj =1,...,k. i Define Then each Sj is necessarily a convex set. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 5 of 15 2. [Facilities location via clustering] You are hired as the lead data scientist in the city planning office. As your first important project your boss tells you that they have received funding to build k hospitals throughout the city. The city has identified m > k different potential sites {s1 , . . . , sm } to build these hospitals. The goal obviously is to pick k sites that collectively minimize the worst-case commute distance to the closest hospital.
Moreformally,youaregivennhouseholdsX = {x1,…,xn} ⇢ R2,andmpotentialsitesS = {s1,…,sm} ⇢ R2, and a number k. You goal is to select k sites (let’s collectively call them centers {c1, . . . , ck} = C ⇢ S), that minimizes the largest (worst-case) Euclidean distance between a household xi and its closest center cj . In other words,
argmin “max min kxi cjk2# (1) C⇢S s.t. |C|=k xi2X cj2C
(a) (5 points) Your boss identifies it as a clustering problem (finding k hospital centers to “group” and serve n households), and proposes that any reasonable k-means algorithm should be able to give a good solution to this problem. Show that even when k = 1 and there is no restriction on the cite locations (that is S = R2), the optimal 1-means solution (k = 1) is not necessarily the optimal solution for the objective function stated above (Eq. 1).

COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 6 of 15
(b) (12 points) Having demonstrated to your boss (in part (a)) that this optimization problem is different from the classic k-means problem, you are tasked with coming up with a methodology to find the centers. Given X, S and k, give an algorithm that returns the set of k centers C that exactly minimizes the given objective (1).
(While your algorithm need not be ‘efficient’, more points will be awarded to an algorithm that runs faster while still returning a correct solution.)
(c) (3 points) What is the run time (in terms of n, m and k) of your stated algorithm?

COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 7 of 15
3. [Probabilistic linear embeddings] Having recently learned about linear dimension reduction, you decided to explore linear maps for yourself.
Given a dataset X = {x1, . . . , xn} ⇢ RD on n points. You want to study the effects of applying a d ⇥ D matrix P to the dataset (d < D). Since distances between pairs of datapoints is an important property, you want to study how P distorts interpoint Euclidean distances. (a) (3 points) For two arbitrary (but fixed) datapoints x and x0 from the dataset X, the squared Euclidean distance between the projected datapoints, that is, kP x P x0 k2 equals (circle the correct option) • Xd XD XD ⇣PijPij0(xj x0j)(xj0 x0j0)⌘ i=1 j=1 j0=1 • XdXD⇣Pij(xjx0j)⌘2 i=1 j=1 • XD "Xd Xd ⇣Pij(xj x0j)Pi0j⌘# j=1 i=1 i0=1 • XDXdXd⇣PijxjPi0jx0j⌘2 j=1 i=1 i0=1 • Xd Xd XD XD ⇣Pijxj Pi0j0x0j0⌘ i=1 i0=1 j=1 j0=1 • Xd XD XD ⇣Pijxj Pij0x0j0⌘ i=1 j=1 j0=1 ⌘ 2 (note: Pij denotes the ith row and j th column of the matrix P ) • ⇣ Xd XD i=1 j=1 Pijxj Pijx0j Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 8 of 15 (b) You want to study what effects does a random matrix P has on interpoint distances. For all 1  i  d and 1  j  D, let each entry Pij be drawn independently uniformly at random1 from the discrete set {↵, +↵}. i. (12 points) For two arbitrary (but fixed) datapoints x and x0 from the dataset X. Compute (simplify as much as possible) EP hkPxPx0k2i ii. (5 points) For what value of ↵ we have: EP ⇥kPx Px0k2⇤ = kx x0k2 ? 1That is, Pij = ↵ with probability 0.5 and Pij = +↵ with probability 0.5. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 9 of 15 4. [Regression and MLE (20 points)] After your great success in Exam 1, you have once again been invited to a game show. To keep things interesting, the game show host has invented a new game. In this new game, the host first secretly picks a unit vector w 2 Rd (you may assume it is chosen uniformly at random from the unit sphere). Then a uniformly random integer k between 1 and 1000 (inclusive) is chosen and revealed. Finally, there are k trials that occur. Trial i 2 {1, 2, ..., k} happens as follows: • You pick a unit vector xi 2 Rd. • The quantity i := (w · xi)2 is computed but is not revealed to you. • Finally yi is drawn from an exponential distribution with parameter2 i and you are given yi dollars. Note that when you pick xi you only get to see yi (you do not get to see i). As a smart ML student, you decide to model this as an ML problem. Specifically, you decide to split your k trials into two groups. You use the first c trials to try to learn what the best xi to give is. You then use the remaining trials to try to maximize your earnings by repeatedly picking the (same) best possible input. We will focus on the first c trials (the learning or training phase). For this phase you decide to pick each xi uniformly at random from the unit sphere. We denote the set of inputs and outputs thus obtained by S := {(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ..., (xc, yc)}. (a) (4 points) Armed with your new regression knowledge, you first decide to view this as a regression prob- lem. Show that the optimal L2 regressor for this problem is f⇤(x) = (w · x)2. In other words, letting x and y be random variables created as above (you pick x uniformly at random from the unit ball, y is then created as outlined in the bullet points above), show that f⇤(x) = (w · x)2 is the function that minimizes Ex,y(f(x) y)2 over all f : Rd ! R. 2 In other words p(yi ) = i ei yi . You can use any known facts about the exponential distribution without proof. Most useful is that the mean of the exponential distribution with parameter i is 1/i. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 10 of 15 (b) (4 points) Using the result from part (a), explain why using OLS to learn a prediction function from S is not a good idea. (c) (5points)WhatsimplepreprocessingstepcouldbeusedonStofixtheissuein(b)andallowustoestimate f⇤(x) using the OLS algorithm? Make sure to explain why your suggested preprocessing step would help. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 11 of 15 (d) (4 points) You also consider using MLE rather than OLS in the training phase. Let wMLE be the MLE of w given S. The best way to find wMLE is by optimizing the negative log likelihood function. Write down the negative log likelihood optimization problem for this particular data distribution and simplify it as much as possible. Make sure to completely specify the optimization problem. In particular, specify what variable(s) you optimize over, whether it is a minimization or a maximization problem, whether the optimization is subject to any constraints, etc. You do not need to solve the optimization problem, just simplify it as much as possible. (e) (3 points) Assume that you were able to find an estimate wˆ of w using S. You now want to pick a single value x to use in all subsequent trials. If your only goal for those trials is to maximize profits what unit length x should you use? Why? Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 12 of 15 5. [Learning Theory] For a set I ✓ {1,2,...,n} we define a classifier hI : {0,1}n ! {0,1} as follows. For a binary vector ~x = (x1,...,xn) 2 {0,1}n, hI(~x) = Xxi · 1[ i is even ]!mod 2, i2I where • 1[·] is the indicator function, and • (·) mod 2 is the modulus 2 operation; thus, when the left expression (·) is even, the overall expression returns 0, and when the left expression (·) is odd the overall expression returns 1. (a) Forthispart,assumen=2,I0 ={},I1 ={1},I2 ={2}andI3 ={1,2}. i. (3points)Twoclassifiersh↵ andh areconsideredidenticalifforall~x2{0,1}2,h↵(~x)=h(~x). Consider four classifiers hI0 , hI1 , hI2 , and hI3 . List all the classifiers which are identical to each other. (example response: classifiers hI0 , hI1 and hI2 are identical) ii. (2 points) Consider an arbitrary (but fixed) dataset X ✓ {0, 1}2 . How many different ways can the classifier hI2 label the dataset X? iii. (3 points) Define H := {hI1 , hI2 , hI3 } as the hypothesis class of three specified classifiers. What is the VC-dimension of H? Justify your answer for full credit. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 13 of 15 (b) (12 points) For an arbitrary (but fixed) n 2 N = {1,2,3,...}. Define Hn := {hI : I ✓ {1,...,n}}. Provide the tightest upper and lower bounds for the VC-dimension of Hn. Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 14 of 15 [blank page 1 for scratch work] Cont. COMS 4771 (Spring 2021) Exam 2 Page 15 of 15 [blank page 2 for scratch work] The End.