CPSC 312
Midterm Examination 1 — Variant A — Fall 2017
Question 1 [8 marks]
Suppose the clauses for atom r are r :- s,t.
r :- u.
(a) [4 marks] Draw the box model for r. You do not need to include the port names, but you need to include the names for the atoms that the boxes represent.
(b) [2 marks] According to the box model, what happens immediately before atom t is called?
(c) [2 marks] In Prolog’s trace, what is printed immediately after “Redo r”? (You only need to gives as
much as can be inferred from the box model.)
Question 2 [8 marks]
Consider the following (partial) derivation of the query ?w. Note that the knowledge base is not specified. Fill in the underlined missing answers.
Answer clause yes :-w
yes :- s, t yes :- r, t yes :-q,z,t yes :- z, t (c)
yes :-n,o,p,t
Clause resolved Query
w:-s,t s:-r (a)
(b) z:-u,p u:-n,o
(d) If the proof then fails, what does this tell us about the knowledge base?
Question 3 [6 marks]
Consider the following knowledge base. (Assume there are dynamic declarations so there are no errors).
flies_autonomously :- bird, \+ abfly.
flies :- flies_autonomously, \+ injured.
flies :- on_plane, \+ plane_broken.
abfly :- emu.
abfly :- penguin.
bird :- emu.
bird :- penguin.
Give the set of all atoms and negations of atoms that are a logical consequence (i.e., the atoms and their negations that would be produced by the bottom-up proof procedure for negation as failure). You do not need to give the derivation.
Question 4 [10 marks]
Suppose that dates are represented as ce(Y,M,D) for dates in the common era, where they year is Y, the month is M and the day in the month is D; these are all integers. For example today’s date is ce(2017, 9, 27). Write a predicate next day(C1, C2) that is true when date C2 is the date after C1. You can assume the
following predicates are predefined:
• < which compares two arithmetic expressions for “less than”
• is, where V is E is true if arithmetic expression E evaluates to number V
• number days(M, D) which is true if month M contains D days defined by
number_days(M,31) :- member(M,[1,3,5,7,8,10,12]).
number_days(M,30) :- member(M,[4,6,9,11]).
You can assume that C1 does not contain variables when called. An example of its use is:
?- next_day(ce(2017,12,30),D).
D = ce(2017, 12, 31) .
?- next_day(ce(2017,12,30),D), next_day(D,D1).
D = ce(2017, 12, 31),
D1 = ce(2018, 1, 1) .
Question 5 [10 marks]
(a) [6 marks] Write a program replace(Old, New, Lst, Result) which is true when Result is a list with the same elements as list Lst (in the same order) but with all instances of Old replaced by New. For example, it should have the following behaviour:
?- replace(a, w, [a, v, a, t, a, r], R).
R = [w, v, w, t, w, r]
?- replace(w, a, [a, v, a, t, a, r], R).
R = [a, v, a, t, a, r]
You may use the predicate dif(X,Y) which is true when X is different to Y, but no other built-in predicates.
(b) [4 marks] What are all of the answers to the query:
?- replace(prolog,fun,L,[fun,is,fun]).
Question 6 [3 marks]
(a) What do you like about the course so far? (b) What do you dislike about the course so far? (c) What should be changed about this course?