CS计算机代考程序代写 flex Haskell Question 1 [8 marks]

Question 1 [8 marks]
Consider the program
dw _ [] = []
dw p (h:t)
| p h = dw p t
| otherwise = (h:t)
The University of British Columbia
Department of Computer Science
Midterm Examination 1 — Fall 2019
Computer Science 312 Functional and Logic Programming
(a) [4 marks] What is the inferred type of dw? (Use the notation that will be accepted by Haskell)
(b) [4 marks] What is the value of
dw (/= ’?’) “CS312? Real fun?”
Note that /= is “not equals” (defined in the Eq class).
[You do not need to show your reasoning if you get the correct answer, but if you want partial marks, you need to explain your answer.]
Question 2 [10 marks]
Consider the function
rdint:: Integer -> String -> (Integer, String)
which can be used to build an integer while parsing a string. It takes the part of the integer already read, and a string, and returns the integer read from the string as well as the rest of the string. It should have the following behaviour:
*Mid12019> rdint 0 “123+45″
*Mid12019> rdint 1 “23+45″
*Mid12019> rdint 12 “3+45″
*Mid12019> rdint 123 “+45″
*Mid12019> rdint 0 “432”
*Mid12019> rdint 0 “432 and anything”
(432,” and anything”)

(a) [4 marks] Explain in English (suitable for a starting CPSC 312 student who has just been introduced to Haskell) what the type means.
(b) [6 marks] Fill in the missing values in the following recursive definition of rdint. This should use pattern matching as much as possible. You can use “, : and [], the Integer functions (+,*, etc), the functions defined below, but no other Haskell functions. Hint: the numerical value of “123” is (1*10+2)*10+3.
— ch2dig converts character to number (assuming the character is a digit) ch2dig ch = fromIntegral (fromEnum ch – fromEnum ’0’)
— isdigit ch is True is the ch is a digit
isdigitch=ch>= ’0’&& ch<= ’9’ rdint n [] = ___________________________ rdint n (h:t) | isdigit h = ___________________________ | otherwise = ___________________________ Question 3 [8 marks] In this question you can use: foldr ⊕ v [a1,a2,..an]=a1⊕(a2⊕(...⊕(an⊕v))) foldl ⊕ v [a1,a2,..an]=(((v⊕a1)⊕a2)⊕...)⊕an (a) [4 marks] Filter takes a function and a list and returns the elements of the list for which the function returns true. Implement filter in terms of foldr or foldl. You may use if-then-else, lambda (\) and : but no other built-in functions. You cannot use recursion. For example: *Mid12019> filter (>3) [4,2,7,3,1,8]
*Mid12019> filter (<3) [4,2,7,3,1,8] [2,1] (b) [4 marks] Given the definition: dod p lst = foldr (\x y -> x : p x : y) [] lst
What is the value of
dod (*10) [1..5]
[You do not need to show your reasoning if you get the correct answer, but if you want partial marks, you need to explain your answer.]

Question 4 [6 marks]
(a) [3 marks] Why is lazy evaluation preferable to call-by-name? (There is no need to define lazy evaluation or call-by-name.)
(b) [3 marks] Explain the meaning of the type declaration (suitable for a student who is just learning Haskell; explain all of the parts):
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a
Question 5 [10 marks]
David wanted to build a calculator using rdint (defined earlier). He wants to read the first number in a string, and pass that number and the rest of string to his function calcin. He defined the functions:
calc st = calcin n r
where (n,r) = (rdint 0 st)
calcin:: Integer -> String -> Integer
rdint:: Integer -> String -> (Integer, String)
(a) [4 marks] He was not happy because he thought the “where” in the definition of calc was inelegant, and thought there should be a function that takes a pair of arguments (like what is returned by rdint) and passes them onto a function that requires 2 arguments. Define a function myunc so that the following call will work the same as the above defintion. (Do not use “where” or “let” in your solution, you can only use the operator “,”).
calc st = myunc calcin (rdint 0 st)
(b) [6 marks] His defintion of calcin is
calcin n [] = n
calcin n (’+’:r) = calcin (n+v) t where (v,t) = rdint 0 r
calcin n (’-’:r) = calcin (n-v) t where (v,t) = rdint 0 r
He is happy because calc “132-22+10” returns 120, which is correct. But is not happy because calc is not flexible enough when confronted with spaces. Show how the program can be changed to ignore spaces around operators. You can use any functions defined previously in the exam, but should only modify calcin. Show, on the code above, how to change calcin to ignore (arbitrarily many) spaces around operators. Be specific.