— CPSC 312 – 2021 – Priority Queues in Haskell
— Copyright David Poole 2021, released on GNU General Public License
module PrioriryQueue
(PQ, — type of priority queue
emptyPQ, — PQ v
isEmptyPQ, — PQ v -> Boolean
popPQ, — (Ord v) => PQ v -> (v, PQ v)
pushPQ, — (Ord v) => v -> PQ v -> PQ v
tolist, — PQ v -> [v]
stats, — PQ v -> String
show, — PQ v -> String
psort, — Ord v => [v] -> [v]
psort_with_stats — Ord v => [v] -> ([v], String)
) where
— To run it, try:
— ghci
— :load PQ
In a priority queue on v, elements of type v can be pushed (added) and popped (removed),
and when a value is popped, one of the minimal values
is returned. It is implemented with a binary tree
maintaining the property that a minimum value for every subtree is
at the root of the subtree. That is, the value at each node is less than
or equal to the value of any children (and so all descendents).
— a tree where v is the type of value to be minimized
data PQTree v = PQEmpty
| PQNode v (PQTree v) (PQTree v)
deriving (Show)
type PQ = PQTree
— the empty priority queue
emptyPQ :: PQ v
emptyPQ = PQEmpty
— tests whether a priority queue is empty
isEmptyPQ :: PQ v -> Bool
isEmptyPQ PQEmpty = True
isEmptyPQ _ = False
— A test priority queue
test_tree :: PQ Int
test_tree = PQNode 3 (PQNode 10 PQEmpty PQEmpty) (PQNode 20 PQEmpty PQEmpty)
— topvalue returns the value at the top of the prioriry queue
topvalue :: PQTree v -> v
topvalue (PQNode v _ _) = v
— popPQ pq returns a pair of a minimal value and a new PQ
— this will give an error if called on an empty prority queue
popPQ :: (Ord v) => PQ v -> (v, PQ v)
popPQ (PQNode v PQEmpty rpq) = (v,rpq)
popPQ (PQNode v lpq PQEmpty) = (v,lpq)
popPQ (PQNode v lpq rpq)
| topvalue lpq <= topvalue rpq =
let (tv,tree) = popPQ lpq
in (v, PQNode tv rpq tree)
| otherwise =
let (tv,tree) = popPQ rpq
in (v, PQNode tv lpq tree)
-- pushQP v q adds v to priority queue q, returning the resulting prioroity queue
pushPQ :: (Ord v) => v -> PQ v -> PQ v
pushPQ v PQEmpty = PQNode v PQEmpty PQEmpty
pushPQ v (PQNode tv lt rt)
| v <= tv = pushdown v tv lt rt
| otherwise = pushdown tv v lt rt
-- pushdown topvalue newvalue leftsubtree rightsubtree
-- the arguments are like: topvalue (PQNode newvalue leftsubtree rightsubtree)
-- where we know topvalue <= newvalue
pushdown :: Ord v => v -> v -> PQTree v -> PQTree v -> PQTree v
pushdown tv v lt PQEmpty = PQNode tv (PQNode v PQEmpty PQEmpty) lt
pushdown tv v lt (PQNode rv rlt rrt)
| v < rv = PQNode tv (pushdown v rv rlt rrt) lt
| otherwise = PQNode tv (pushdown rv v rlt rrt) lt
-- Simple test cases to try:
-- popPQ test_tree
-- popPQ (pushPQ 1 test_tree)
-- popPQ (pushPQ 12 test_tree)
-- pushPQ 60 (pushPQ 55 (pushPQ 22 test_tree))
-- pushPQ 2 (pushPQ 5 (pushPQ 22 test_tree))
-- tolist tree = list representation of tree
tolist PQEmpty = []
tolist (PQNode val l r) = val : tolist l ++ tolist r
-- tolist ( insertval 77 "test" test_tree)
-- tsize tree = number of nodes in the tree
tsize tree = length (tolist tree)
--- tdepth tree = depth of the tree
tdepth PQEmpty = 0
tdepth (PQNode _ l r) = 1+ max (tdepth l) (tdepth r)
-- stats tree = some statistics on tree
stats :: PQ v -> String
stats tr = “Number of elements=”++show (tsize tr)++”, Depth=”++show (tdepth tr)
—- Using a priority queue for sorting —-
— This is often called a heapsort: place all of the elements into a
— prioriry queue and then pop them off one at a time.
— priority queue sorting
psort :: Ord v => [v] -> [v]
psort lst = popall (pushall PQEmpty lst)
pushall :: Ord v => PQ v -> [v] -> PQTree v
–pushall pq [] = pq
–pushall pq (h:t) = pushall (pushPQ h pq) t
pushall = foldr pushPQ
popall :: Ord v => PQ v -> [v]
popall PQEmpty = []
popall pq = val: popall newPQ
where (val, newPQ) = popPQ pq
— psort_with_stats returns a pair of the sorted list and the size of the priority queue
psort_with_stats :: Ord v => [v] -> ([v], String)
psort_with_stats lst = (popall fullpq, stats fullpq)
where fullpq = pushall PQEmpty lst
— Some sorting examples
— psort [1,6,3,4,8,9,2,44,22,11,88,99,3,4,5,66]
— psort_with_stats [1,6,3,4,8,9,2,44,22,11,88,99,4,5,66]
— psort_with_stats ([3,100,1,6,3,4,8,9,2,44,22,11,88,99,4,5,66]++[5..20]++ [55,54..40]++ [100..111])
Solution: some arguments to PQNode were changed in popPQ and pushdown
It makes a dramatic difference in time. Try with the old and new definitions (perhaps with different constants, depending on the speed of your computer):
:set +s
size = 10000
snd (psort_with_stats ([1..size+4]++[size,size-1..5]))
—– this file —-
*PrioriryQueue> snd (psort_with_stats ([1..size+4]++[size,size-1..5]))
“Number of elements=20000, Depth=15”
(0.11 secs, 85,122,856 bytes)
—– original PQ —-
*PrioriryQueue> snd (psort_with_stats ([1..size+4]++[size,size-1..5]))
“Number of elements=20000, Depth=10001”
(23.02 secs, 32,197,897,544 bytes)
then try it with size 10 times as big….
Q2 c: What if we want to have a key-value pair where the comparison is only on the key. -}
data KeyVal k v = KeyVal k v
deriving Show
instance (Eq k) => Eq (KeyVal k v) where
KeyVal k1 _ == KeyVal k2 _ = k1 == k2
instance (Ord k) => Ord (KeyVal k v) where
KeyVal k1 _ <= KeyVal k2 _ = k1 <= k2
type KayValPQ k v = PQTree (KeyVal k v)
pushKVPQ k v = pushPQ (KeyVal k v)
testkvpq = pushKVPQ 5 "alive" (pushKVPQ 2 "be" (pushKVPQ 4 "fun" (pushKVPQ 8 "food" emptyPQ)))
This is better if we want to checkpoint a priority queue and have a quick "undo".