CPSC 312 Functional and Logic Programming Jan-Apr 2021
Assignment Two: Haskell Lists and Higher-order functions
Due: 11:59pm, Thursday 28 January 2021.
You may do this question either alone or with a partner (i.e., in a group of 1 or 2). Make sure you both understand and can explain your solution. If you are doing this in a group of size 2, you should do at least 2 challenge problems.
Submit your answers in a text file using Canvas. Make sure you name(s), student number(s) is at the top of each file. The file should run with Haskell Platform. Your code needs comments that include the specification of the meaning of all functions. Also provide a trace of a session to show it runs for multiple test cases. The explanations should be comments in the Haskell file.
Question One
(a) Consider the program
tails [] = [[]]
tails (e:r) = (e:r):tails(r)
i) What is the type of tails
ii) What is the value of tails “happy”
iii) What is the type of tails “happy”
iv) Can tails be implemented by foldr or foldl with lambda and : (and no recursion)? If
so, give a definition (call it tails1), if not, explain why not.
(b) Consider the definition:
doif f g [] = []
doif f g (h:t)
| f h = g h : doif f g t
| otherwise = h : doif f g t
i) What is the inferred type of doif?
ii) what is the value of
doif even (¡®div¡® 2) [11,22,33,44,55,66]
iii) Using doif, assuming only the functions elem (which tests whether a value is an element of a list), and toUpper (which makes a character into upper-case, defined below), write a non-recursive function capvowel that takes a string capitalizes all vowels (a,e,i,o,u), with the following behaviour:
toUpper :: Char -> Char
toUpper x = toEnum( fromEnum x – fromEnum ¡¯a¡¯ + fromEnum ¡¯A¡¯)
*Main> capvowel “abcdefghij”
*Main> capvowel [¡¯a¡¯..¡¯z¡¯]
iv) Implement doif using list comprehensions. You may only also use lambda (\) and if- then-else, and constructors : and []. Call it doif1.
v) Implement doif using either foldl or foldr. You may only also use lambda (\) and if- then-else, and constructors : and []. Call in doif2.
Question Two
Implement the following without using recursion, but using only list comprehensions, foldr and/or foldl. You can also use tails (from Question 1), lambda, if-then-else, functions defined in Bool, Num, Fractional, Integral, Eq, Ord, as well as list functions elem, head, tail, !!. Include the most general type that makes sense.
Groups of two should do four parts. Groups of one should do three parts. (Everyone is encour- aged to try all parts, but not all parts are equally straightforward).
(a) Implement harmonic from the previous assignment.
(b) Implement myremoveduplicates which removes duplicates from a list. For example:
myremoveduplicates “abacad” => “bcad”
myremoveduplicates [7,3,2,1,3,2,2,1,1,3,7,8] => [2,1,3,7,8]
(c) Implement myordered lst that is True if list lst is ordered (by ¡Ü). myordered “abcdeefg” => True
myordered “ba” => False
(d) myreplace x y lst replaces all occurrences of x in list lst with y. For example,
myreplace 7 3 [7,0,7,1,7,2,7,3] => [3,0,3,1,3,2,3,3]
myreplace ¡¯a¡¯ ¡¯x¡¯ “” => “”
myreplace ¡¯a¡¯ ¡¯x¡¯ “abacad” => “xbxcxd”
(e) Implement myapply lst sub where sub is a list of (x,y) pairs, replaces each occurrence of x by y in lst.
myapply “abcdec” [(¡¯a¡¯,¡¯f¡¯), (¡¯c¡¯,¡¯3¡¯), (¡¯g¡¯,¡¯7¡¯)] => “fb3de3”
myapply “baab” [(¡¯a¡¯,¡¯b¡¯), (¡¯b¡¯,¡¯a¡¯)] => “abba”
Question Three
For each question, specify how long you spend on it, and what you learned. Was the question reasonable? (This question is part of the assignment, so please do it!)