CS计算机代考程序代写 ocaml Please indicate if the statement is either True or False.

Please indicate if the statement is either True or False.
(1) If an expression (f e) is well typed, then f has some type of the form A -> B.
(2) unit is a value in OCaml. [FALSE]
(3) An unambiguous grammar permits to have multiple parse trees for the same sentence. [FALSE]
(4) Every grammar with multiple rules for the same nonterminal is ambiguous. [FALSE]
(6) If (f 3) always evaluates to 1 and (f 1) always evaluates to 3, then f (f (f 3)) evaluates to 1.
(7) In an OCaml data type T, the constructors can refer to the data type T itself. [TRUE]
(8) Curried functions are more easily composable. [TRUE]

P2-1 What is the type of the expression printer?
type printable =
Bofbool |Iofint |Cofchar|
S of string | L of int list | P of printable * printable
let rec printer f p =
match p with
| L l -> L (map f l)
| P(p1,p2) -> P(printer f p1, printer f p2)
| _-> p
A: int -> int -> printable -> int list
B: (int -> int) -> printable -> printable
C: int list -> int list -> printable -> int list
D: int -> int -> printable -> printable
E: (int list -> int list) -> printable -> int list
F: int list -> int list -> printable -> printable
P2-2 Given the type printable defined in P2-1, what is the type of the expression printer2?
let rec printer2 mix p1 p2 p3 =
match mix with
| [] -> L p1
| x::xs ->
match x with
|B b -> printer2 xs p1 (b::p2) p3
|I i -> printer2 xs (i::p1) p2 p3
|C c -> printer2 xs p1 p2 (c::p3)
|_ -> printer2 xs p1 p2 p3
A: printable list -> bool -> int -> char -> int list
B: printable list -> int -> bool -> char -> printable
C: printable list -> bool list -> int list -> char list -> int list D: printable list -> int list -> bool list -> char list -> printable E: printable list -> int list -> bool list -> char list -> int list F: printable list -> bool -> int -> char -> printable

P2-13 Consider the following expression in OCaml:
let f = fun x-> if x<=2 then 0 else x in let y= [1;2;3] in map f y What value this expression will evaluate to? A: [0;0;0] B: [0;0;3] C: [1;2;3] D: [0;2;3] E: [3;0;0] 14) What is printed to the screen when the following Ocaml code is executed? let s = 4 in let f = let s = 3 in (print_endline (string_of_int s)) in let s = 5 in let _ = print_endline (string_of_int s) in f A.3 5 B.4 5 C.3 4 D.4 3 E. This code contains a type error (17) Consider the following functions in OCaml: let foo(x) = (let _ = print_endline("foo")in x) let bar(x) = (let _ = print_endline("bar")in x) let baz(x) = (let _ = print_endline("baz")in x) Which of the following statements will print the same string to the screen: 1: foobazbar1 2: foo (bar (baz 1)) 3: foo bar (baz(1)) A. B. C. D. E. None, they all print something different 2 and 3 will print the same thing 1 and 3 will print the same thing 1 and 2 will print the same thing 1, 2, and 3 will print the same thing Consider the following grammar: ::= +
Is the grammar ambiguous? Please explain:
has the parse trees:
++ /\ /\ a+ +a /\ /\ aaaa
Write a new grammar such that:
– it accepts exactly the same strings as the grammar above
– the grammar is not ambiguous.
– the operation + has higher precedence then -,
– the operation + is left recursive and – is right recursive.
::= | ::= + |
::= a | b | c