CS计算机代考程序代写 prolog The University of British Columbia

The University of British Columbia
Department of Computer Science
Midterm Examination 3 ¡ª Fall 2019
Computer Science 312 Functional and Logic Programming
Question 1 [12 marks]
(a) [4 marks] What does ¡°g is not a logical consequence of KB¡± mean? [Copying the defintion of logical consequnce from you notes and putting ¡°not¡± in the front will not result in many marks.]
(b) [6 marks] Consider the following (partial) derivation of the query ?w. Note that the knowledge base is not specified. Fill in the underlined missing answers.
Answer clause
yes :- w
yes :- x, y
yes :- u, v, y
yes :- s, v, y
yes :- v, y
yes :- t, y
Clause resolved
w :- x, y.
u :- s.
v :- y. y :- t.
(c) [2 marks] If the proof fails here, what can you say about the knowledge base?
Question 2 [10 marks]
Consider the following logic program (assume there are declatations so there are no undefined predicate errors):
a :- b,c,d.
a :- e.
b :- g.
b :- m.
c :- m.
e :- g.
(a) [5 marks] Draw the box model for a. You need to include the ports (boxes and lines/arrrows), but not the port names. You need to include the names for the atoms that the boxes represent.
(b) [5 marks] Here is a (edited) trace of the query ?- a. Fill in the missing (underlined) lines: 1

[trace] ?- a.
Call: a
Call: b
Exit: g
Call: c
Call: m
Fail: m
Redo: b
Call: m
Fail: m
Fail: b
Call: e
Call: g
Exit: g
Exit: a true.
Question 3 [10 marks]
A binary search tree is a useful definition of a set. Suppose a set in Prolog is defined by the constant empty, denoting the empty set, and the term set(E,LS,RS) which denotes the set where E is an element of the set, LS is the set containing the elements less than E and RS is the set of elements greater than E.
The set {2, 7, 9, 11} can thus be represented as
set (7, set (2, empty , empty ), set (9, empty , set (11, empty , empty )))
Consider the following Prolog code:
elem(E, set(E,_,_)).
elem(V, set(E,LT,_)) :-
V #< E, elem(V,LT). elem(V, set(E,_,RT)) :- E #< V, elem(V,RT). where #< is an infix binary predicate between integers representing ¡°less than¡±. (a) [3 marks] What is the first result of the following query? ?- elem(3,S),elem(8,S). (b) [7 marks] Implement the following relation in Prolog: (The only predicate you can use that you do not define is #<.) % insert(E,S,S1) is true if S1 is a set containing E and the elements of set S 2 Question 4 [10 marks] In assignment 1, we wrote a program where the solution was: -- myapply lst sub where sub is a list of (x,y) pairs, replaces each occurrence of x by y in lst. myapply :: Eq t => [t] -> [(t, t)] -> [t]
myapply [] _ = []
myapply (h:t) sub = app h sub : myapply t sub
— app e sub gives the value e is replaced by according to sub
app e [] = e
app e ((x,y):r)
| e==x = y
| otherwise = app e r
The analogous Prolog program myapply(Lst,Sub,Res) is true when Lst is a list, Sub is a list of (X,Y) pairs, and Res is the result of replacing each X by Y in Lst. It should have the following behaviour:
?- myapply([a,b,c,d,e,c], [(a,f), (c,3), (g,7)], R).
R = [f, b, 3, d, e, 3] .
?- myapply([b,a,a,b], [(a,b),(b,a)], R).
R = [a, b, b, a] .
A definition of myapply is:
myapply([], _, []).
myapply([H|T], Sub, [H1|T1]) :-
app(H, Sub, H1),
myapply(T, Sub, T1).
(a) [3 marks] What is the first answer to the query
myapply([b,a,a,b], S, [c,c|R]).
(b) [7 marks] Implement app so it works with myapply. The only predefined predicate you may use is
dif (X , Y ) that is true when X and Y are different.
Question 5 [3 marks]
Complete the following sentences
(a) I like (b) I dislike
(c) I wish