CSE1729 – Introduction to Programming
April 5, 2021
Prelim 2 Solutions
1. Define SCHEME functions with the following specifications.
(a) [3 points] The built-in SCHEME function max returns the maximum of two numbers. Define a SCHEME
function listmax which takes a list of numbers as input, and returns their maximum.
(b) [3 points] Define a SCHEME function filter which takes a list L and a number k as inputs and returns a list containing the numbers in L that are less than k. For example (filter ‘(1 5 2 6 3 7) 4) should return (1 2 3), as these are the elements of (1 5 2 6 3 7) that are less than 4.
(c) [4 points] Define a SCHEME function treesize which, given a binary tree, returns the number of nodes in the tree. (Note that both of the trees in Figure ?? have 6 nodes.)
(define (listmax numbers)
(if (null? (cdr numbers))
(car numbers)
(max (car numbers)
(listmax (cdr numbers)))))
(define (filter L k) (cond ((null? L) ‘())
((< (car L) k) (cons (car L)
(filter (cdr L) k)))
(else (filter (cdr L) k))))
(define (treesize T)
(if (null? T)
(+ 1
(treesize (left T))
(treesize (right T)))))
2. Recall that a heap is a binary tree with the property that for every node of the tree, its value is (strictly) smaller the values of its children. Thus, the smallest value of a heap always appears at the root.
(a) [5 points] Given a heap H and a number v, define a SCHEME function that properly inserts v into H; your function should return the resulting heap. Use the alternating subtree heuristic we discussed in class, so that elements are inserted into subtrees by insertion into the left subtree after exchanging the two subtrees.
(define (heapinsert v H)
(cond ((null? H) (maketree v '() '()))
((< v (value H)) (maketree v
(heapinsert (value H)
(else (maketree (value H)
(left H)))))
(right H))
(heapinsert v (right H))
(left H)))
(b) [1 point] What’s the point of the “alternating subtree heuristic” discussed above? (That is, why not just insert the element into the left subtree?)
(c) [1 point] How does the “alternating subtree heuristic” compare with the policy of inserting the element into the smaller of the two subtrees?
(d) [3 points] Define a SCHEME function heapify which, given a list of numbers (call it numbers), con- structs and returns a heap from the numbers in the list.
Solution: This helps to keep the heap balanced, so that it is shallow. By alternating between the two subtrees, we can ensure that we have inserted the same number of elements into the two subtrees (upto ±1).
Solution: This would give the identical result (depending on how you break ties) unless values are removed from the heap, in which case the "smaller" heuristic may do a better job of balancing. It would require maintaining the size of each subtree, however, or computing this. Interestingly, if you actually want to maintain balance in situations where you are both inserting and deleting elements from a heap, this is a good idea which can outperform simple alternation.
(define (heapify numbers)
(define (heapify-acc remaining partialheap)
(if (null? remaining)
(heapinsert (car remaining)
(heapify-acc (cdr remaining)
(heapify-acc numbers '())) or just
(define (heapify L)
(if (null? L)
(insert (car L)
(heapify (cdr L)))))
3. Consider the problem of finding the kth smallest element of a given list of numbers—that is, the number that would appear in the kth position if the list was placed in sorted order. Of course, one obvious way to solve the problem is to sort the list and then return the kth element.
However, there is a nice recursive algorithm for this process which we will call QuickSelect; its operation is very like QuickSort and, in general, it finds the kth element of an (unsorted) list more quickly than completely sorting the list.
To recap: Given a number k and a list L, QuickSelect should return the kth smallest element of L (that is, the kth element of the list that would result if L were sorted). A detailed description of the QuickSelect algorithm:
QuickSelect(k, L):
• Select a pivot element p from the list L. (p may be any element of the list.)
• Partition the list L around the element p. This results in two lists, Small and Big: the list Small contains all elements smaller than p; the list Big contains all elements larger than p.
• Let l be the number of elements in Small. (Note then that p is the l + 1st element of the original list when placed in sorted order because there are exactly l elements less than p.)
• Ifl+1=k,returnp.
• If k ≤ l, return QuickSelect(Small, k).
• Ifl+1
(else (+ (countlessthan (left T) k)
(countlessthan (right T) k)
(b) [3 points] Consider a fancy adaptation of the binary search tree concept in which each node additionally stores the size of the whole tree rooted at the node (size here means the number of nodes). Thus, each node actually stores two numbers: the data value (which is an arbitrary number) and a second number equal to the size of the tree rooted at the node. We can adapt our node data structure to maintain this new information by adding to the list: in particular, each node is now represented as
(value left right totalsize)
and we may add the “convenience” function
(define (size T) (if (null? T) 0 (cadddr T)))
(The other convenience functions can retain their usual definitions, except for maketree, which now takes four parameters.) Of course, in order to keep the size data up to date, they have to be updated appropriately during insertion. Show how to rewrite the standard binary search tree insert function
to additionally update the size registers. Specifically, define a SCHEME function insert which, given a binary search tree T with correct size data (as described above) and a value v, returns the tree that results by inserting v into T —of course, the returned tree should have correct size data!
(define (insert v T)
(cond ((null? T) (make-tree v ‘() ‘() 1))
((= v (value T)) T)
((< v (value T)) (make-tree (value T)
(insert v (left T))
(right T)
(+ 1 (size T))))
((> v (value T)) (make-tree (value T)
(left T)
(insert v (right T))
(+ 1 (size T))))))
(c) [4 points] Finally, write a SCHEME function countlessthan which, given a fancy binary search tree (in which all the size registers indeed correctly hold the tree sizes) and a number k, returns the number of elements less than k. Show how to use the size function to give a fast implementation that avoids exploring certain subtrees.
(define (countlessthan T k)
(cond ((null? T) 0)
((<= k (value T)) (countlessthan (left T) k))
((> k (value T)) (+ (size (left T))
(countlessthan (right T) k)))))