CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme algorithm How Styles Interact

How Styles Interact
The Cascade
The Cascade: How Styles Interact
The “Cascade” in CSS refers to how conflicting rules are handled.
The downward movement of water down a cascade is meant to be analogous to how a given style rule will continue to take precedence with child elements
CSS uses the following cascade principles to help it deal with conflicts:
• inheritance,
• specificity, and • location

The Cascade: How Styles Interact
Many (but not all) CSS properties affect not only themselves but their descendants as well.
Are inheritable: • Font,
• color,
• list, and
• text properties
Not inheritable: • layout,
• sizing,
• border,
• background, and
• spacing properties
The Cascade: How Styles Interact
<br /> body {<br /> font-family: Arial; color: red;<br /> border: 8pt solid green; margin: 60px;<br /> }<br /> <html><br /> Inherited<br /> Inherited Not inherited Not inherited</p> <div> <p> <p> <p> <small><br /> <time> <time></p> <h1> <h2> <body></p> <ul> <h3> <li> <li> <a> <p><div> 36</p> <p> The Cascade: How Styles Interact<br /> Inheritance<br /> <head> <meta> <title></p> <h1> <h2> <div> <p> <html><br /> div {<br /> font-weight: bold;<br /> margin: 50px;<br /> border: 1pt solid green; }<br /> <body></p> <ul> <h3> <li> <li> <a><br /> Inherited Not inherited Not inherited</p> <div> <p> <p><p> <small><br /> <time> <time><br /> 37<br /> The Cascade: How Styles Interact<br /> Specificity<br /> body {<br /> font-weight: bold; color: red;<br /> }<br /> div {<br /> font-weight: normal; color: magenta;<br /> }<br /> p {<br /> color: green;<br /> }<br /> .last {<br /> color: blue;<br /> }<br /> #verylast {<br /> color: orange; font-size: 16pt;<br /> }<br /> <body><br /> This text is not within a p element. </p> <p>Reviews</p> <div> <p>By Ricardo on <time>2016-05-23</time></p> <p>Easy on the HDR buddy.</p> <p>This text is not within a p element. </p></div> <hr/> <div> <p>By Susan on <time>2016-11-18</time></p> <p>I love Central Park.</p> </div> <hr/> <div> <p class="last">By Dave on <time>2016-11-24</time></p> <p class="last" id="verylast">Thanks for posting.</p> </div> <hr/> <p> </body><br /> 38</p> <p> The Cascade<br /> Specificity Value<br /> 0001<br /> 0002<br /> 0010<br /> 0100<br /> 0101<br /> Specificity Algorithm<br /> 1<br /> overrides<br /> element selector<br /> descendant selector (elements only)<br /> 2 overrides<br /> class and attribute selectors<br /> overrides 3<br /> id selector 4 overrides<br /> id + additional selectors<br /> overrides 5<br /> A higher specificity value overrides lower specificity values.<br /> div {<br /> color: green;<br /> }<br /> div form { color: orange;<br /> }<br /> .example { color: blue;<br /> }<br /> a[href$=”.pdf”] {<br /> color: blue; }<br /> #firstExample { color: magenta;<br /> }<br /> div #firstExample { color: grey;<br /> }<br /> inline style attribute</p> <div style="color: red;"> 1000<br /> 39<br /> The Cascade: How Styles Interact<br /> Location<br /> overrides 2 overrides 4<br /> 1 overrides<br /> Browser’s default style settings<br /> user-styles.css<br /> #example { color: green;<br /> }<br /> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesA.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesWW.css" /> <style> 3 overrides #example { color: orange; color: magenta; } </style> <p></head><br /> <body></p> <p id="example" style="color: red;"> sample text </p> <p> </body><br /> 5 overrides<br /> #example { color: blue;<br /> }<br /> 6 overrides<br /> 40</p> <p> The Box Model<br /> 41<br /> The Box Model<br /> Overview<br /> margin<br /> border<br /> padding<br /> background-color/background-image of element<br /> Every CSS rule begins with a selector. The selector identifies<br /> width<br /> which element or elements in the HTML document will be<br /> affected by the declarations in the rule. Another way of thinking of selectors is that they are a pattern which is used<br /> element content area<br /> by the browser to select the HMTL elements that will receive<br /> height<br /> background-color/background-image of element’s parent<br /> Every CSS rule begins with a selector. The selector identifies which element or elements in the HTML document will be<br /> 42<br /> affected by the declarations in the rule. Another way of thinking of selectors is that they are a pattern that is used</p> <p> The Box Model<br /> Background<br /> • Background<br /> • Background-attachment • Background-color<br /> • Background-image<br /> • Background-position<br /> • Background-repeat<br /> • Background-size<br /> 43<br /> The Box Model<br /> Background<br /> 44</p> <p> The Box Model<br /> Collapsing Margins<br /> 45<br /> The Box Model<br /> CSS TRBL Shortcut<br /> border-top-color: red; /* sets just the top side */ border-right-color: green; /* sets just the right side */ border-bottom-color: yellow; /* sets just the bottom side */ border-left-color: blue; /* sets just the left side */<br /> Alternately, we can set all four sides at once: border-color: red; /* sets all four sides to red */ border-color: red green orange blue; /* sets 4 colors */<br /> 46</p> <p> The Box Model<br /> Box Dimensions<br /> 47<br /> The Box Model<br /> Limitations of Height Property<br /> 48</p> <p> The Box Model<br /> Overflow Property<br /> 49<br /> CSS Text Styling<br /> 50</p> <p> CSS Text Styling<br /> Font Family<br /> Property Description<br /> font A combined shorthand property that allows you to set the family, style, size, variant, and weight in one<br /> property.<br /> style weight variant size font-family<br /> font-family Specifies the typeface/font to use. More than one can be specified.<br /> font-size The size of the font in one of the measurement units<br /> font-style Specifies whether italic, oblique, or normal<br /> font-variant Specifies either small-caps text or none<br /> font-weight Specifies either normal, bold, bolder, lighter, or a value between 100 and 900 in multiples of 100,<br /> where larger number represents weightier (i.e., bolder) text.<br /> 51<br /> CSS Text Styling<br /> Specifying the Font Family<br /> 1 Use this font as 3 If it isn’t available, the first choice. then use this one.<br /> p { font-family: Cambria, Georgia, “Times New Roman”, serif; }<br /> 2 But if it is not available, 4 And if it is not available then use this one. either, then use the<br /> default generic serif font.<br /> 52</p> <p> CSS Text Styling<br /> Different Font Families<br /> 53<br /> CSS Text Styling<br /> Font Sizes<br /> <body></p> <h3> <h2> <h1> /* using 16px scale */<br /> body { font-size: 100%; }<br /> p { font-size: 1em; }<br /> h3 { font-size: 1.125em; } /* 1.25 x 16 = 18 */ h2 { font-size: 1.5em; } /* 1.5 x 16 = 24 */ h1 { font-size: 2em; } /* 2 x 16 = 32 */<br /> <body><br /> Browser’s default text size is usually 16 pixels </p> <p>100% or 1em is 16 pixels</p> <h3>125% or 1.125em is 18 pixels</h3> <h2>150% or 1.5em is 24 pixels</h2> <h1>200% or 2em is 32 pixels</h1> <p></body><br /> /* 1.0 x 16 = 16 */<br /> 54</p> <p> CSS Text Styling<br /> Paragraph Properties<br /> Just as there are properties that affect the font in CSS, there are also a range of CSS properties that affect text independently of the font.<br /> • letter-spacing<br /> • line-height<br /> • text-align<br /> • text-decoration • text-direction<br /> • text-shadow •…<br /> 55<br /> Normal Flow<br /> 56</p> <p> Normal Flow<br /> To understand CSS positioning and layout, it is essential that we understand this distinction as well as the idea of normal flow:<br /> how the browser will normally display block-level elements and inline elements from left to right and from top to bottom<br /> 57<br /> Normal Flow<br /> • Block-level elements such as </p> <p>, </p> <div>, </p> <h2>, </p> <ul>, and </p> <table> are each contained on their own line.<br /> • Inline elements do not form their own blocks but instead are displayed within lines.<br /> 58</p> <p> Normal Flow<br /> Block-Level Elements<br /> Browser</p> <h1> … </h1> <ul> </ul> </p> <div> </div> <h2> … </h2> </p> <p> Each block exists on its own line and is displayed in normal flow from the browser window’s top to its bottom.<br /> By default each block-level element fills up the entire width of its parent (in this case, it is the <body>, which is equivalent to the width of the browser window).<br /> You can use CSS box model properties to customize, for instance, the width of the box and the margin space between other block-level elements.<br /> 59<br /> Normal Flow<br /> Inline Elements</p> <p> This photo <img decoding="async" src="photo-con.png" alt="..." /> of Conservatory Pond in <a href="http://www.centralpark.com/">Central Park</a> New York City<br /> was taken on October 22, 2015 with a <strong>Canon EOS 30D</strong> camera. </p> <p>Inline content is laid out horizontally left to right within its container.<br /> Once a line is filled with content, the next line will receive the remaining content, and so on.<br /> Here the content of this </p> <p> element is displayed on two lines.<br /> If the browser window resizes, then inline content will be “reflowed” based on the new width.<br /> Here the content of this </p> <p> element is now displayed on three lines.<br /> Browser</p> <p> text<br /> <img><br /> text<br /> <a><br /> text<br /> <strong><br /> text<br /> Browser</p> <p> text<br /> text </p> <p><img><br /> <strong><br /> <a><br /> text<br /> text<br /> 60</p> <p> Normal Flow<br /> Block and Inline Elements<br /> Browser</p> <h1> </h1> </p> <div> </div> <ul> </ul> <p> text<br /> <span><br /> text<br /> text</p> <h2> </h2> </p> <p>text<br /> <img><br /> text <strong> text<br /> <a><br /> text<br /> text<br /> text</p> <li> … </li> <li> … </li> <p> A document consists of block-level elements stacked from top to bottom.<br /> Within a block, inline content is horizontally placed left to right.<br /> Some block-level elements can contain other block-level elements (in this example, a </p> <div> can contain other blocks).<br /> In such a case, the block-level content inside the parent is stacked from top to bottom within the container (</p> <div>).<br /> 61<br /> Positioning Elements<br /> 62</p> <p> Positioning Elements<br /> • absolute The element is removed from normal flow and positioned in relation to its nearest positioned ancestor.<br /> • fixed The element is fixed in a specific position in the window even when the document is scrolled.<br /> • relative The element is moved relative to where it would be in the normal flow.<br /> • static The element is positioned according to the normal flow. This is the default.<br /> 63<br /> Positioning Elements<br /> Relative Positioning<br /> 64</p> <p> Positioning Elements<br /> Absolute Positioning<br /> 65<br /> Positioning Elements<br /> Absolute Positioning is relative to nearest positioned ancestor<br /> 66</p> <p> Positioning Elements<br /> Z-Index<br /> figure {<br /> position: absolute;<br /> top: 150px;<br /> left: 200px;<br /> }<br /> figcaption {<br /> position: absolute;<br /> top: 90px;<br /> left: 140px;<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> 67<br /> z-index: 5;<br /> }<br /> figcaption {<br /> …<br /> }<br /> Note that this did not move the </p> <figure> on top of the<figcaption> as one<br /> Positioning Elements<br /> Z-Index<br /> might expect. This is due to the nesting of the caption within the figure.<br /> figure { …<br /> z-index: 1;<br /> }<br /> figcaption {<br /> …<br /> z-index: -1;<br /> }<br /> Instead the<figcaption> z-index must be set below 0. The </p> <figure> z-index<br /> z-index: 1;<br /> could be any value equal to or above 0.<br /> If the </p> <figure> z-index is given a value less than 0, then any of its positioned descendants change as well. Thus both the </p> <figure> and<figcaption> move underneath the body text.<br /> figure { …<br /> z-index: -1;<br /> }<br /> figcaption {<br /> …<br /> z-index: 1;<br /> }<br /> 68</p> <p> gure is fixed regardless of the page<br /> ed.<br /> Positioning Elements<br /> Fixed Position<br /> figure { …<br /> position: fixed;<br /> top: 0;<br /> left: 0; }<br /> 69<br /> Notice that fi in its position of what part is being view<br /> Floating Elements<br /> 70</p> <p> Floating Elements<br /> It is possible to displace an element out of its position in the normal flow via the CSS float property<br /> • •<br /> An element can be floated to the left or floated to the right .<br /> it is moved all the way to the far left or far right of its containing block and the rest of the content is “reflowed” around the floated element<br /> 71<br /> Floating Elements</p> <h1>Float example</h1> <p>A wonderful serenity has taken …</p> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>British Museum</figcaption></figure> <p>When, while the lovely valley …</p> <p>Notice that a floated block-level element should have a width specified.<br /> figure {<br /> border: 1pt solid #A8A8A8; background-color: #EDEDDD; margin: 0;<br /> padding: 5px;<br /> width: 150px;<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> width: 150px;<br /> float: left;<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> width: 150px; float: right; margin: 10px;<br /> }<br /> 72</p> <p> Floating Elements<br /> Floating Multiple Items Side by Side</p> <article> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/275.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Westminister</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/700.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Emirates Stadium</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/537.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Albert Hall</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>British Museum</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/464.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Wellington Monument</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/224.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Lewes Castle</figcaption></figure> <p>When, while the lovely valley teems .. </article> <p>As the window resizes, the content in the containing block (the </p> <article> element),<br /> will try to fill the space that is available to the right of the floated elements.<br /> figure { …<br /> width: 150px;<br /> float: left;<br /> }<br /> 73<br /> Floating Elements<br /> Floating Multiple Items Side by Side<br /> Stop elements from flowing around a floated element by using the clear property</p> <article> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/275.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Westminister</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/700.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Emirates Stadium</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/537.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Albert Hall</figcaption></figure> <figure class="first"> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>British Museum</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/464.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Wellington Monument</figcaption></figure> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/tiny/224.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>Lewes Castle</figcaption></figure> <p class="first">When, while the lovely … </article> <p> .first { clear: left; }<br /> 74</p> <p> Floating Elements<br /> Clear property<br /> • left The left-hand edge of the element cannot be adjacent to another element.<br /> • right The right-hand edge of the element cannot be adjacent to another element.<br /> • both Both the left-hand and right-hand edges of the element cannot be adjacent to another element.<br /> • none The element can be adjacent to other elements.<br /> 75<br /> Floating Elements<br /> Containing Floats<br /> Another problem that can occur with floats is when an element is floated within a containing block that contains only floated content. In such a case, the containing block essentially disappears</p> <article> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>British Museum</figcaption></figure> <p class="first">When, while the lovely valley …<br /> </article> <p> figure img { width: 170px; margin: 0 5px; float: left;<br /> }<br /> figure figcaption {<br /> width: 100px;<br /> float: left;<br /> }<br /> figure {<br /> border: 1pt solid #262626; background-color: #c1c1c1; padding: 5px;<br /> width: 400px;<br /> margin: 10px; }<br /> .first { clear: left; }<br /> Notice that the </p> <figure> element’s content area has shrunk down to zero (it now just has padding space and borders).<br /> 76</p> <p> Floating Elements<br /> Overlaying and Hiding Element<br /> figure {<br /> border: 1pt solid #262626; background-color: #c1c1c1; padding: 10px;<br /> width: 200px;<br /> margin: 10px;<br /> }<br /> figcaption { background-color: black; color: white;<br /> opacity: 0.6;<br /> width: 140px;<br /> height: 20px;<br /> padding: 5px;<br /> 130px<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> position: relative;<br /> }<br /> figcaption {<br /> …<br /> position: absolute;<br /> top: 130px;<br /> left: 10px;<br /> }<br /> This creates the positioning context.<br /> This does the actual move.<br /> 77<br /> Floating Elements<br /> Using display</p> <figure> <img decoding="async" src="images/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption>British Museum</figcaption><img decoding="async" src="images/new-banner.png" alt="" class="overlayed"/><br /> </figure> <p> .overlayed {<br /> position: absolute; top: 10px;<br /> left: 10px;<br /> }<br /> new-banner.png<br /> Transparent area<br /> <img ... class="overlayed hide"/><br /> .overlayed {<br /> position: absolute; top: 10px;<br /> left: 10px; display: none;<br /> }<br /> .hide {<br /> display: none;<br /> This hides the overlayed image.<br /> }<br /> This is the preferred way to hide: by adding this additional class to the element. This makes it clear in the markup that<br /> the element is not visible.<br /> 78<br /> NEW</p> <p> Floating Elements<br /> Comparing visibility with display<br /> figure { …<br /> display: auto;<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> display: none;<br /> }<br /> figure { …<br /> visibility: hidden;<br /> }<br /> 79<br /> Floating Elements<br /> Using Hover with display</p> <figure class="thumbnail"> <img decoding="async" src="images/828.jpg" alt="..." /><figcaption class="popup"> <img decoding="async" src="images/828-bigger.jpg" alt="..." /></p> <p>The library in the British Museum in London</p> </figcaption></figure> <p>When the page is displayed, the larger version of the image, which is within the<figcaption> element, is hidden.<br /> figcaption.popup { padding: 10px; background: #e1e1e1; position: absolute;<br /> /* add a drop shadow to the frame */<br /> box-shadow: 0 0 15px #A9A9A9;<br /> /* hide it until there is a hover */<br /> visibility: hidden;<br /> }<br /> figure.thumbnail:hover figcaption.popup { position: absolute;<br /> top: 0;<br /> left: 100px;<br /> /* display image upon hover */<br /> visibility: visible;<br /> }<br /> When the user moves/hovers the mouse over the thumbnail image, the visibility property of the<figcaption> element is set to visible.<br /> 80</p> <p> Styling Tables<br /> 81<br /> Styling Tables<br /> Table Borders<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black;<br /> }<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; }<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; border-collapse: collapse;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; }<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; border-collapse: collapse;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> 82<br /> border: solid 1pt black;<br /> padding: 10pt; }</p> <p> Styling Tables<br /> Table Borders<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; border-collapse: collapse;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; }<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; border-collapse: collapse;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> border: solid 1pt black;<br /> padding: 10pt; }<br /> table {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; border-spacing: 10pt;<br /> }<br /> td {<br /> border: solid 1pt black; }<br /> 83<br /> Styling Tables<br /> Boxes<br /> caption {<br /> font-weight: bold;<br /> padding: 0.25em 0 0.25em 0;<br /> text-align: left;<br /> text-transform: uppercase;<br /> border-top: 1px solid #DCA806;<br /> }<br /> table {<br /> font-size: 0.8em;<br /> font-family: Arial, sans-serif;<br /> border-collapse: collapse;<br /> border-top: 4px solid #DCA806;<br /> border-bottom: 1px solid white;<br /> text-align: left;<br /> }<br /> thead tr {<br /> background-color: #CACACA;<br /> } 84 th {<br /> padding: 0.75em;<br /> }</p> <p> padding: 0.25em 0 0.25em 0;<br /> text-align: left;<br /> text-transform: uppercase;<br /> Styling Tables<br /> Boxes<br /> border-top: 1px solid #DCA806;<br /> }<br /> table {<br /> font-size: 0.8em;<br /> font-family: Arial, sans-serif;<br /> border-collapse: collapse;<br /> border-top: 4px solid #DCA806;<br /> border-bottom: 1px solid white;<br /> text-align: left;<br /> }<br /> thead tr {<br /> background-color: #CACACA;<br /> }<br /> th {<br /> } font-weight: bold;<br /> padding: 0.25em 0 0.25em 0; text-align: left; text-transform: uppercase; border-top: 1px solid #DCA806;<br /> }<br /> table {<br /> font-size: 0.8em;<br /> padding: 0.75em; caption {<br /> font-family: Arial, sans-serif;<br /> tbody tr {<br /> border-collapse: collapse;<br /> background-color: #F1F1F1; border-top: 4px solid #DCA806;<br /> border-bottom: 1px solid white; border-bottom: 1px solid white;<br /> color: #6E6E6E;<br /> } text-align: left;<br /> }<br /> 85<br /> tbody td {<br /> padding: 0.75em;<br /> }<br /> Styling Tables<br /> Boxes<br /> thead tr {<br /> background-color: #CACACA;<br /> }<br /> th {<br /> padding: 0.75em;<br /> }<br /> tbody tr {<br /> background-color: #F1F1F1;<br /> border-bottom: 1px solid white;<br /> color: #6E6E6E;<br /> }<br /> tbody td {<br /> padding: 0.75em;<br /> }<br /> 86</p> <p> Styling Tables<br /> Hover & Zebras<br /> tbody tr:hover {<br /> background-color: #9e9e9e;<br /> color: black;<br /> }<br /> tbody tr:nth-child(even) {<br /> background-color: lightgray;<br /> }<br /> 87<br /> CSS Frameworks<br /> 88</p> <p> CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors<br /> Grid in print design<br /> Most page design begins with a grid. In this case, a seven-column grid is being used to layout page elements in Adobe InDesign.<br /> Without the gridlines visible, the elements on the page do not look random, but planned and harmonious.<br /> 89<br /> CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors<br /> Using Bootstrap<br /> <head> <link href="bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head><br /> <body></p> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> left column </div> <div class="col-md-7"> main content </div> <div class="col-md-3"> right column </div> </p></div> </p></div> <p></body><br /> 90</p> <p> CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors<br /> CSS Preprocessors<br /> $colorSchemeA: #796d6d; $colorSchemeB: #9c9c9c; $paddingCommon: 0.25em;<br /> footer {<br /> background-color: $colorSchemeA; padding: $paddingCommon * 2;<br /> }<br /> @mixin rectangle($colorBack, $colorBorder) { border: solid 1pt $colorBorder;<br /> margin: 3px;<br /> background-color: $colorBack;<br /> }<br /> fieldset {<br /> @include rectangle($colorSchemeB, $colorSchemeA);<br /> }<br /> .box {<br /> @include rectangle($colorSchemeA, $colorSchemeB); padding: $paddingCommon;<br /> }<br /> Sass source file, e.g., source.scss<br /> This example uses Sass (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets). Here three variables are defined.<br /> You can reference variables elsewhere. Sass also supports math operators on its variables.<br /> A mixin is like a function and can take parameters. You can use mixins to encapsulate common styling.<br /> A mixin can be referenced/called and passed parameters.<br /> The processor is some type of tool that the developer would run.<br /> The output from the processor is a normal CSS file that would then be referenced in the HTML source file.<br /> Sass Processor<br /> footer {<br /> padding: 0.50em; background-color: #796d6d;<br /> }<br /> fieldset {<br /> border: solid 1pt #796d6d; margin: 3px; background-color: #9c9c9c;<br /> }<br /> .box {<br /> border: solid 1pt #9c9c9c; margin: 3px; background-color: #796d6d; padding: 0.25em;<br /> }<br /> Generated CSS file, e.g., styles.css<br /> 91</p> </div><!-- .entry-content .clear --> </div> </article><!-- #post-## --> <nav class="navigation post-navigation" aria-label="Post navigation"> <span class="screen-reader-text">Post navigation</span> <div class="nav-links"><div class="nav-previous"><a title="CS计算机代考程序代写 cache Quiz14" 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