.file “SP21.mult.s”
# Assembler directives to allocate storage for static array
.section .rodata
.globl multlong
.type multlong, @function
push %rbp # save caller’s %rbp
movq %rsp, %rbp # copy %rsp to %rbp so our stack frame is ready to use
# %rdi contains high x value
# %rsi contains high y value
# %rdx contains pointer to malloc()’d space
# NOTE: as we populate each structure in the array
# keep in mind that we no longer have a need for
# the starting address of the array. The calling function
# has it.
# Calculate z = 13x^2 + 28x^2*y^2 + 9y^2 over all values x/y
# between -x/-y and high values passed
movslq %esi, %rsi # sign extend integer y to long, it could be negative
movq %rsi, %r8 # copy y
movq %r8, %r12 # copy y again
negq %r12 # %r12 = -y max
movslq %edi, %rdi # sign extend integer x to long, it could be negative
movq %rdi, %r13 # copy x
negq %r13 # %r13 = -x max
incq %rdi # incrment x so that when we enter loop
# we use x as first value rather than (x-1)
decq %rdi # decrement x
cmpq %r13, %rdi # compare current x value with -xmax
jl Calc_exit # if < -x max, we're done
# calculate x^2 and 13x^2 put both in an 8-byte register
movq %r8, %rsi # set %rsi back to high y value
# calculate y^2, 28x^2*y^2, 9y^2 and z
# write x, y, and z to the appropriate structure in the array of structures
decq %rsi # decrement y
cmpq %r12, %rsi # compare current y value with -y max
jl Calc_loop_x # if y < -y max, set up next x value
jmp Calc_loop_y # otherwise calculate next result
.size multlong, .-multlong