\title{Welcome to the Lab}
\author[CMPUT 229]{CMPUT 229}
\institute{University of Alberta}
\date{Winter 2021}
\section{About the Lab}
\frametitle{The Lab}
\item Attendance is not
\item TAs will use Lab time as office hours. Ask us questions if
you have them!
\item Presentations will be pre-recorded. They will be made available
according to the course schedule.
\item Lab Solution videos will be posted after the submission deadlines.
\frametitle{What Will We Be Doing?}
\item In short: assembly language programming for the MIPS architecture.
\item But writing assembly for real hardware is hard:
\item You have to interface with the operating system, or write lots of
low-level code to manage the hardware yourself.
\item Testing and debugging requires special equipment and is difficult.
\item So we use a simulator: SPIM.
\section{SPIM and QTSPIM}
\frametitle{What is SPIM?}
\item SPIM is MIPS backwards!
\item It’s a MIPS simulator.
\item It gives you an easy environment in which to run and debug your MIPS
\item QTSPIM is a graphical interface to SPIM.
Some things to remember:
\item SPIM uses the endianness of the host machine.
\item SPIM is not a cycle-accurate simulator: it doesn’t accurately simulate
cache, memory latency, floating-point operations, etc. You can’t tell how
efficient your MIPS code is by running it in SPIM.
\item SPIM implements some pseudo-instructions that expand into real
instructions. When you run code, you might see instructions you didn’t
write. For example:
What you wrote&What you see in SPIM\\
\texttt{li \$t0, 10}&\texttt{ori \$8, \$0, 10}\\
\texttt{move \$v0, \$t0}&\texttt{addu \$2, \$0, \$8}
\item Pseudo-instructions will do what you intend, so they’re nothing to
worry about. Just be aware that they may expand to multiple instructions,
and don’t be surprised when you see them.
\section{Using QTSPIM}
\frametitle{Basic QTSPIM Usage}
\item Run \texttt{qtspim} from a terminal.
\item Click “File” and select “Load File”. Choose the file to load.
\item Press the “Clear Registers” button before running your program.
\item Press the “run” button to run your program.
\item If your program needs input or prints output, QTSPIM will pop up a
\section{Using SPIM}
\frametitle{Basic SPIM Usage}
\item Start \texttt{spim} in a terminal.
\item Type \texttt{load “file.s”} to load your program.
\item Type \texttt{run} to run your program.
\item If your program needs input or prints output, it will appear in the
\item Type \texttt{exit} to quit.
\item You can always type \texttt{?} to get help!
\section{Assignment Tips}
\frametitle{Assignment Tips for CMPUT 229}
\item Read specifications very carefully. Pay special attention to what you
are to include – sometimes we don’t want a \texttt{main} method.
\item Even if you don’t finish an assignment, make sure you submit something
that loads and runs.
\item Test your assignments on the lab machines before you submit. That’s
where we’ll be marking them.
\item For most assignments, the marksheet will be posted in advance. Look
at it to get an idea of what’s important.
\item Style marks are easy marks. Format your code like the
\texttt{example.s} file we provide, and write good comments.
\item With moodle (eClass) you can submit as many times as you like. Submit early and
often (e.g. every time you get part of the assignment working). We don’t
accept any late submissions!