CS计算机代考程序代写 interpreter University of Sussex Spring 2021 Informatics

University of Sussex Spring 2021 Informatics
Limits of Computation
Exercises 6
Specialisers, Self-referencing Programs & Time Measure
(Lectures 10–12)
1. Assume you need a program with just one argument that com- putes “+3”, i.e. adds 3 to the given input number (in unary rep- resentation). How do you create and call this program without writing a new program from scratch, given that we already have produced the addition program (see add.while on Canvas)? The answer should be expressed as an hwhile call description.
(Hint: use the specialiser from Lecture 10, also available in file spec.while from Canvas.)
Try out your answer and inspect the output (and test the out- putted program itself via the self-interpreter).
2. Assume we added to WHILE an expression *myself such that E 􏰖∗myself􏰗 σ = 􏰯p􏰰 where p is the program in which this expres- sion is used! This says that the semantics of expression *myself in a store is the encoding of the program in which it occurs. This new expression would buy us immediate access to the encoding of a program within this program itself: a powerful programming principle, also called reflection, which is not explicitly expressible in the semantics of WHILE as given.
(a) In this extended language, write a program that outputs its own encoding (AST). This is now suddenly very easy.
(b) Explain why this feature (*myself) can be again deemed a “simple” WHILE-extension that can be translated away into “core” WHILE. In other words, explain why we could rewrite any program using (*myself) into an equivalent WHILE-program (with the same semantics) that does not use this extension. You are not supposed to carry out the actual compilation, just argue why it is possible.

3. Consider the following WHILE-program p:
p read X {
Y:= cons X X
write Y
Compute timeWHILE(d) for any d ∈ D. p
4. Write a WHILE-program q with the following time measure: timeWHILE(d) = 5 × length(l ) + 4
for any d ∈ D. Here ld denotes the list encoded by d, i.e. d = 􏰯l􏰰. Hint: Start with the simplest terminating while loop you can think of.