#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
COMP9334 Capacity Planning
This Python function simulate an M/M/1 queue with mean arrival rate
lambda and service rate mu
It outputs the mean response time
There are 3 simulation parameters:
1. Arrival rate lambda
2. Service rate mu
3. Simulation time time_end
# Import
import random
from math import inf
def sim_mm1_func(lamb,mu,time_end):
# Accounting parameters
# The cumulative response time
response_time_cumulative = 0
# Number of customers served at the end of the simulation
num_customers_served = 0
# The mean response time will be given by
# response_time_cumulative/num_customers_served
# Events
# There are two events: An arrival event and a departure event
# An arrival event is specified by
# next_arrival_time = the time at which the next customer arrives
# service_time_next_arrival = the service time of the next arrival
# A departure event is specified by
# next_departure_time = the time at which the next departure occurs
# arrival_time_next_departure = the time at which the next departing
# customer arrives at the system
# Initialising the events
# Initialising the arrival event
next_arrival_time = random.expovariate(lamb)
service_time_next_arrival = random.expovariate(mu)
# Initialise the departure event to empty
# Note: We use inf (= infinity) to denote an empty departure event
next_departure_time = inf
# Initialising the Master clock, server status, queue_length,
# buffer_content
# server_status = 1 if busy, 0 if idle
# queue_length is the number of customers in the buffer
# buffer_content is a list-of-lists
# The inner lists are lists with 2 elements.
# The elements contain the arrival time and service time of a customer.
# E.g. If buffer_contents = [[5,7],[8,4]] means there are 2 customers
# in the server.
# For the 1st customer, its arrival and service times are respectively 5 and 7.
# For the 2nd customer, its arrival and service times are respectively 8 and 4.
# To add a job to the end of the buffer, use buffer_contents.append()
# To take a job off the front of the buffer, use buffer_contents.pop(0)
# Intialise the master clock
master_clock = 0
# Intialise server status
server_busy = 0
# Initialise buffer
buffer_content = []
queue_length = 0
# Start iteration until the end of simulation time
while master_clock < time_end:
# Find out whether the next event is an arrival or depature
if next_arrival_time < next_departure_time:
next_event_time = next_arrival_time
next_event_type = 'arrival'
next_event_time = next_departure_time
next_event_type = 'departure'
# update master clock
master_clock = next_event_time
# take actions depending on the event type
if next_event_type == 'arrival': # an arrival
if server_busy:
# add customer to buffer_content and
# increment queue length
buffer_content.append([next_arrival_time, service_time_next_arrival])
queue_length += 1
else: # server not busy
# Schedule departure event where
# the departure time is arrival time + service time
# Also, set server_busy to 1
next_departure_time = next_arrival_time + service_time_next_arrival
arrival_time_next_departure = next_arrival_time
server_busy = 1
# generate a new job and schedule its arrival
next_arrival_time = master_clock + random.expovariate(lamb)
service_time_next_arrival = random.expovariate(mu)
else: # a departure
# Update the variables:
# 1) response_time_cumulative T
# 2) num_customers_served N
response_time_cumulative += master_clock - arrival_time_next_departure
num_customers_served += 1
if queue_length: # buffer not empty
# Take the first customer in the buffer into the server
# Schedule the next departure event
first_job_in_the_buffer = buffer_content.pop(0)
queue_length -= 1
next_departure_time = master_clock + first_job_in_the_buffer[1]
arrival_time_next_departure = first_job_in_the_buffer[0]
# remove customer from buffer and decrement queue length
else: # buffer empty
next_departure_time = inf
server_busy = 0
# The estimated mean response time
mean_response_time = response_time_cumulative/num_customers_served
return mean_response_time