Module : Fanorona
Description : The logic and rules of the Fanorona board game
Copyright : (c) 2022 The Australian National University
License : AllRightsReserved
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
This module contains the data types, rules, and logic for the
Fanorona game. You should skim through the functions and look
at the type signatures.
You don’t need to understand how the code in this file works
in order to complete the assignment, but it will be necessary
to understand what some of the functions in this file do
so that you can use them in your code in AI.hs. In particular
you should look out for functions that update the game state.
You are welcome to ask questions about the code in this
module in public posts on piazza.
module Fanorona where
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Monad
import Data.Foldable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Maybe
— | There are slightly differing rules between courses.
— In a few functions, we will differentiate between them
— by adding the course as an argument.
data Course = COMP1100 | COMP1130
— | The game state contains
— 1. What the current turn is.
— 2. Whether that move is part of a capturing sequence, and if so,
— that sequence.
— 3. The size of the board
— 4. The current occupation of each piece on the board, and
— 5. A history of previous boards that could possibly be repeated.
data GameState = State Turn Captor (Int,Int) Board History
deriving (Eq, Show)
— | It is either a player’s turn, or the game is over.
data Turn = Turn Player | GameOver Outcome deriving (Eq, Show)
data Player
= Player1 — ^ Light
| Player2 — ^ Dark
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Outcome = Winner Player | Draw deriving (Eq, Show)
— | If the current move is in a capturing sequence, then there must be
— a single “captor”, i.e. the piece that is making a string of captures.
— We record the captor’s current location, and the list of locations
— the captor has passed.
data Captor = None | Captor Location [Location] deriving (Eq, Show)
— | A location on the board is an X then a Y coordinate.
data Location = Location Int Int
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Show)
— | A ‘Board’ always consists of ‘gameHeight’ rows, each of length
— ‘gameWidth’. The top-left corner is @’Location’ 0
type Board = [[Square]]
— | A square on the board.
data Square
= Piece Player — ^ Occupied by a player’s piece.
| Empty — ^ Empty space.
deriving (Eq, Show)
— | The ‘History’ of a game state contains past boards
— which may be repeated. It is cleared after each capturing move.
type History = [Board]
turn :: GameState -> Turn
turn (State trn _ _ _ _) = trn
— | Given a function to update a Turn, update a whole GameState
adjustTurn :: (Turn -> Turn) -> GameState -> GameState
adjustTurn f (State trn _ bnds brd hist) = State (f trn) None bnds brd hist
— | Given a Turn, set Turn in a GameState to that value.
setTurn :: Turn -> GameState -> GameState
setTurn trn = adjustTurn (const trn)
bounds :: GameState -> (Int, Int)
bounds (State _ _ bnds _ _) = bnds
board :: GameState -> Board
board (State _ _ _ brd _) = brd
setBoard :: Board -> GameState -> GameState
setBoard brd (State trn cap bnds _ hist) = State trn cap bnds brd hist
history :: GameState -> History
history (State _ _ _ _ hist) = hist
captor :: GameState -> Captor
captor (State _ cap _ _ _) = cap
— | Add the current Board to the board History.
updateHistory :: GameState -> GameState
updateHistory (State trn cap bnds brd hist) = State trn cap bnds brd (brd:hist)
clearHistory :: GameState -> GameState
clearHistory (State trn cap bnds brd _) = State trn cap bnds brd []
— | Given a change in Location, update the Captor to be in
— its new Location, remembering its last location.
adjustCaptor :: Location -> Location -> GameState -> GameState
adjustCaptor from to (State trn cap bnds brd hist) = case cap of
None -> State trn (Captor to [from]) bnds brd hist
Captor from’ past -> State trn
(if from == from’ then Captor to (from:past) else None)
bnds brd hist
clearCaptor :: GameState -> GameState
clearCaptor (State trn _ bnds brd hist) = State trn None bnds brd hist
— | Given positive integers n, m, give an initial state with dimensions
— with 2n+1 columns and 2m+1 rows
initialState :: (Int, Int) -> GameState
initialState (w,h) = State (Turn Player1) None (2*w+1,2*h+1) blocks []
blocks = darks ++ centre:lights
darks = replicate h (replicate (2*w+1) (Piece Player2))
lights = replicate h (replicate (2*w+1) (Piece Player1))
centre = leftCentre ++ Empty:rightCentre
(leftCentre, rightCentre) = (splitAt w . concat . replicate w)
[Piece Player2, Piece Player1]
otherPlayer :: Player -> Player
otherPlayer p = case p of
Player1 -> Player2
Player2 -> Player1
— | Apply integer operations between Locations.
operate :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> Location -> Location -> Location
operate op (Location x y) (Location x’ y’) = Location (x `op` x’) (y `op` y’)
— | Is the ‘Location’ on our board?
onBoard :: GameState -> Location -> Bool
onBoard state (Location x y) = x >= 0 && x < w && y >= 0 && y < h
where (w, h) = bounds state
-- | Given a GameState and a Location, 'get' the Square at that location
-- if the Location is valid for that GameState.
get :: GameState -> Location -> Maybe Square
get state (Location x y)
| onBoard state (Location x y) = Just (board state !! y !! x)
| otherwise = Nothing
— | Given a Location and a function that adjusts a square,
— adjust a GameState to change the square at that location as
— specified.
adjustSquareAt :: Location -> (Square -> Square) -> GameState -> GameState
adjustSquareAt x y) adjust state = case get state loc of
Nothing -> state
Just square -> state’
state’ = setBoard newBoard state
newBoard = beforeRows ++ changedRow:afterRows
changedRow = beforeSquares ++ adjust square:afterSquares
(beforeSquares, _:afterSquares) = splitAt x changingRow
(beforeRows, changingRow:afterRows) = splitAt y (board state)
setSquare :: Location -> Square -> GameState -> GameState
setSquare loc s = adjustSquareAt loc (const s)
clearSquare :: Location -> GameState -> GameState
clearSquare loc = setSquare loc Empty
— | The Location in front of a piece in (or against) its direction
— of movement is often important.
— Given a two Locations, return the next Location in sequence
continue :: Location -> Location -> Location
continue from through = operate (+) through delta
where delta = operate (-) through from
— | filter neighbourhood of a given location with this predicate
— to get the half of the neighbours that are either right of or
— directly below the given point.
half :: Location -> Location -> Bool
half (Location x y) (Location x’ y’) = x < x' || (x == x' && y > y’)
— | Given a GameState and a Location, return all the Locations
— adjacent to that Location in the given GameState
neighbourhood :: GameState -> Location -> [Location]
neighbourhood state loc = filter (onBoard state) (map (operate (+) loc) neighbours)
| oddParity loc = filter oddParity directions
| otherwise = directions
directions = [ Location (-1) 1 , Location 0 1 , Location 1 1
, Location (-1) 0 , Location 1 0
, Location (-1) (-1), Location 0 (-1), Location 1 (-1)
oddParity (Location a b) = odd (a + b)
— | Given a type of Square and a GameState, return the Locations of each
— of those squares in the given gameState.
locationsOf :: Square -> GameState -> [Location]
locationsOf square state = snd (foldl’ go (Location 0 0, []) (concat (board state)))
go (location, matches) square’ = (next location
, if square == square’ then location:matches else matches)
| onBoard state loc’ = loc’
| otherwise = operate (+) loc’ (Location (-w) 1)
where loc’ = operate (+) (Location 1 0) loc
(w, _) = bounds state
— | Fanorona has two main move types.
— A Paika is a single move from one location to another, it is only
— available if no capturing moves are possible.
— Otherwise, a player may capture by Approaching **OR**
— by Withdrawing from an opponent’s piece, but not both.
— If it is possible to capture multiple times in succession,
— a player may do so, but captures in a sequence after the first are not
— compulsory.
data Move = Move MoveType Location Location
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Show)
data MoveType = Paika | Approach | Withdrawal
deriving (Eq, Generic, NFData, Show)
moveFrom :: Move -> Maybe Location
moveFrom (Move _ from _) = Just from
moveFrom Pass = Nothing
moveTo :: Move -> Maybe Location
moveTo (Move _ _ to) = Just to
moveTo Pass = Nothing
— | Only apply a move if it is valid.
applyMove :: Course -> Move -> GameState -> Maybe GameState
applyMove course move state
| validateMove course state move = fmap (nextTurn move) (makeMove move state)
| otherwise = Nothing
— | Check whether a Move is legal in a given GameState.
validateMove :: Course -> GameState -> Move -> Bool
validateMove COMP1100 _ Pass = False
validateMove COMP1130 (State _ (Captor _ _) _ _ _) Pass = True
validateMove _ state move = move `elem` legalMoves state
— | Given a Move and a GameState, make that move in the GameState.
— Note that this function does not check the validity of the input Move
— with respect to the input GameState, nor does it update the turn.
makeMove :: Move -> GameState -> Maybe GameState
makeMove move state = case turn state of
Turn player -> case move of
Pass -> Just state
Move moveType from to -> Just . setCaptor . eat .
setSquare to (Piece player) .
clearSquare from $ state
eat = case moveType of
Paika -> id
Withdrawal -> clearAlong from (continue to from)
Approach -> clearAlong to (continue from to)
setCaptor = case moveType of
Paika -> id
_ -> adjustCaptor from to
_ -> Nothing
— clear all the consecutive opponent pieces along the attacked line.
clearAlong from to = clearSquare to .
— compose the function that clears a single square with the one
— that clears the subsequent squares, if applicable.
if get state to == get state next then clearAlong to next else id
where next = continue from to
— | Set the next turn in the game state:
— 1. If the current board exists in our history, or there
— are too many boards in our history, it’s a draw.
— 2. If the other player can move, it is their turn.
— 3. If the other player cannot, the game is over; the current player wins.
nextTurn :: Move -> GameState -> GameState
nextTurn move state = adjustHistory (case history state of
| board state `elem` boards || length boards > 20 ->
setTurn (GameOver Draw) state
| otherwise -> case (legalMoves’, turn state) of
([], Turn player) -> setTurn (GameOver (Winner player)) state
([Pass], _) -> nextTurn Pass state
_ -> state’)
legalMoves’ = case captor state’ of
None -> legalMoves state’
_ -> Pass : legalMoves state’
state’ = case (captor state, move) of
(None, _) -> adjustTurn next state
(_, Pass) -> adjustTurn next state
_ -> state
adjustHistory = case move of
Pass -> id
Move Paika _ _ -> updateHistory
_ -> clearHistory
next trn = case trn of
Turn p -> Turn (otherPlayer p)
GameOver _ -> trn
— | Given a GameState, what moves are possible?
— This list will be empty only if the game is over,
— OR if there is an active captor that can make no
— legal captures. Note that `Pass` moves are never
— included.
legalMoves :: GameState -> [Move]
legalMoves state = case turn state of
GameOver _ -> []
Turn player -> case (captures state, captor state) of
([], None) -> concatMap (\from ->
map (Move Paika from)
(filter ((Just Empty ==) . get state) (neighbourhood state from)))
(locationsOf (Piece player) state)
([], _) -> []
(captureMoves, _) -> captureMoves
— | Given a GameState, what capturing moves are possible?
captures :: GameState -> [Move]
captures state = case turn state of
GameOver _ -> []
Turn player -> approaches ++ withdrawals
approaches = concatMap (moves Approach) (locationsOf Empty state)
withdrawals = concatMap (moves Withdrawal) (locationsOf (Piece player) state)
moves :: MoveType -> Location -> [Move]
moves mt = filter checkCaptor .
mapMaybe (extractCapture mt) .
— Each capturing move is defined by a trio of adjacent
— pieces, centred on an empty square for an approach, or a
— piece of the moving player for a withdrawal.
trios :: Location -> [[Location]]
trios loc =
map (\loc’ -> [continue loc’ loc, loc, loc’]) $ — get the trios
(filter (half loc) . neighbourhood state) loc — get only half the neighbourhood
— filter for allowable moves given whether the current move is in a capturing string.
checkCaptor :: Move -> Bool
checkCaptor Pass = captor state /= None
checkCaptor (Move Paika _ _) = captor state == None
checkCaptor (Move _ from to) = case captor state of
Captor current (left:past) -> to `notElem` (left:past)
&& from == current
&& continue left current /= to
— Given a trio of locations and a MoveType,
— assuming the locations are adjacent
— and centred on an empty square (for an approach)
— or a friendly square (for a withdrawal)
— return the move that would result in a capture
— if such a move exists.
extractCapture :: MoveType -> [Location] -> Maybe Move
extractCapture Paika _ = Nothing
extractCapture mt locs = eaten *> liftM2 (Move mt) from to
— The above line is essentially the same as `Move mt from to`,
— except using Maybe types so that the output will be
— Nothing if any one of `eaten`, `from`, or `to`
— is `Nothing`
from = find ((Just (Piece player) ==) . get state) locs
to = find ((Just Empty ==) . get state) locs
eaten = find
((Just (Piece (otherPlayer player)) ==) . get state) locs
— | Give a simple score of the GameState. This is only used
— in the UI, but is included in this file so that it can be accessed
— in AI.hs if you wish to use it.
countPieces :: GameState -> (Int, Int)
countPieces st = foldl’ count (0, 0) (concat (board st))
count :: (Int, Int) -> Square -> (Int, Int)
count (p1,p2) sq = case sq of
Piece Player1 -> (p1 + 1, p2)
Piece Player2 -> (p1, p2 + 1)
_ -> (p1, p2)
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