Modelling Complex Software Systems
Checking safety in FSP
Artem Polyvyanyy, Nic Geard Lecture Con.08
Semester 1, 2021
⃝c The University of Melbourne
Checking safety in FSP
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Interference and mutual exclusion
Back in Lecture Con.01 we studied two threads that were
incrementing the same variable.
The load-and-store semantics meant that one thread could read and increment the variable, and then the second thread could come in and read the old value before the first thread had written the new value back.
The FSP model on the next slide captures this.
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Interference and mutual exclusion
const N = 4
range T = 0..N 0
Indexed Initially VAR = VAR[0], process
Newindex VAR[u:T] = (read[u]->VAR[u] | write[v:T]->VAR[v]).
Counter Doesn’cthangestate upda I h.ir CTR = ( read[x:T] -> GivesVARG
( when (x
| when (x==N) end -> END
) otherwiseitcanbexecuteadnytime
Sowrite isalsoshared
)+{read[T],write[T]}. forcounter Extendalphabet todeshared
Allpossibleactions forceallactions
||SHAREDCOUNTER = ({a,b}:CTR || {a,b}::VAR).
Twocopies counter of
At the end of the CTR process, we see some new FSP syntax called an alphabet extension: +{read[T],write[T]}.
within’thatprocess variable
A ofshared singlecopy
Oneshanedwitha Process b
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FSP—Alphabet extensions
Recall that the alphabet of a process is the set of actions in which it
engages. The CTR process has the alphabet
{read[0], …, read[4], write[1], …, write[4]}.
Note that the action write[0] is not part of the alphabet because
the process never engages in it.
On its own, this is fine. But when we compose CTR with VAR, this means the action write[0] (from VAR) is free to execute at any time. Extending the alphabet of CTR prevents this problem.
Remove the alphabet extension from CTR and compare the difference between the old and new LTS for SHAREDCOUNTER. (Do it for N = 2.)
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Animating the Counter example
Below are two traces: one that finds the error (on the left), and one
that does not (on the right).
Finding the problem depends on luck.
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Checking the Counter example
If we use the LTSA safety check, we see this:
No deadlocks/errors Analysed in: 1ms
This is fine, but we want to know whether there is interference. One way to detect this is to find a trace such that both processes write
the same value. To do this, we extend the model:
INTERFERENCE = (a.write[v:T] -> b.write[v] -> ERROR).
= ({a,b}:CTR || {a,b}::VAR || INTERFERENCE).
InjectionofDeadlock state
The process ERROR is a pre-defined process that signals an error in
the model, and causes a deadlock.
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Checking the Counter example
So now the SHAREDCOUNTER process only allows traces in which a sequence a.write[v:T] -> b.write[v] does not occur. If it does occur, the process terminates in error.
If we use the safety check in LTSA to search for deadlocks, then by finding a deadlocked trace that executes ERROR, we will know that both processes have written the same variable. Running the extended model, we get the output:
Trace to property violation in INTERFERENCE: a.read.0
a.increment b.read.0 a.write.1 b.increment b.write.1
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Checking the Counter example
Trace to property violation in INTERFERENCE: a.read.0
a.increment b.read.0 a.write.1 b.increment b.write.1
This provides us with a trace that confirms that both processes are
writing the value 1, that is, we have interference.
Again, this is better than using the animator, because we know that
LTSA will search all possible states.
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we will always find such a trace—the model checking function of
Mutual exclusion
To prevent the interference, we need a solution similar to the solutions seen in earlier lectures for mutual exclusion. One advantage of working with FSP instead of Java is that we can disregard all irrelevant details.
First let us create a “lock” process, which allows synchronisation between the CTR processes:
Then we modify CTR so that it has to acquire a lock before executing the critical section, and release it afterwards.
LOCK = (acquire -> release -> LOCK).
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Mutual exclusion
CTR = (acquire -> read[x:T] ->
( when (x
-> release -> CTR | when (x==N) release -> END
) )+{read[T],write[T]}.
Finally, we use the lock:
= ({a,b}:CTR || {a,b}::(LOCK||VAR)).
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Mutual exclusion
If we run a safety check on this example, we get no deadlocks. However, we still need to test for interference.
If we add the INTERFERENCE process again, we get the following:
This is good, in that it failed to find a trace for interference. But it does not mean there is no such trace. LTSA just found some other
trace first, which is deadlocked (since INTERFERENCE happened to expect a to write before b).
Trace to DEADLOCK: b.acquire
b.increment Sinceme E processes ininterference
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Mutual exclusion
If we analyse the LTS (which is too large for these slides), we see
that the reason we reach a deadlock because LTSA cannot generate D
an LTS that contains a trace in which both processes write the same value.
This means that our system is free from interference.
We could try to make INTERFERENCE far more sophisticated so that El
it always reports no deadlocks when a trace does not occur. However, as it turns out, it is not necessary to go to that trouble.
DontheFdto dothis
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Checking safety and liveness properties
We will be looking at how to check properties of FSP models using LTSA. The basic methodology is that the user describes some concurrent processes using FSP, and then describes a property of that
model. A property is some attribute of a model that is true for every
possible trace/execution of that model.
In concurrent systems, there are two categories of property that are of interest:
Safety properties: A safety property asserts that nothing “bad” happens during execution. A deadlock is an example of this.
Liveness properties: A liveness property asserts that some “good” eventually happens. For example, that all processes trying to access a critical section eventually do get access.
Specifysomethingshouldhappen SWEN90004 (2021) Checking safety in FSP
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Safety and liveness properties
In sequential systems, the most common safety property is that the system satisfies some assertion each time a given program point is
In concurrent systems, we have seen that additional important safety properties are absence of deadlock and interference.
Concurrent systems are often designed to be non-terminating, and liveness properties are most commonly related to resource access.
The most common liveness property for a sequential system is that the system terminates.
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Error states in FSP and LTS
Earlier we used the special pre-defined process ERROR. This process
signals termination in an error state, that is, a state that we should
never want to move into. Here is a simple process that ends in error:
AN_ERROR = (start -> do_something -> ERROR).
The LTS for this is:
Note the state labelled -1. This is a special state ID that indicates the ERROR process. It has no outgoing transitions.
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Error states in FSP and LTS
If we run the LTSA safety check, we get the following violation:
Trace to property violation in AN_ERROR: start
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Modelling with error states
The ERROR process is used in FSP models to indicate erroneous behaviour. This way we can explicitly identify erroneous actions for the people who will implement the model.
Consider this example of an actuator responding to commands. It must respond to a command before receiving the next command:
ACTUATOR = (command -> ACT),
ACT = (respond -> ACTUATOR | command -> ERROR).
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Modelling with error states
Running the LTSA safety check on this results in a violation:
But the downside to this approach is also clear.
We have a trace that shows a property violation, despite the fact the model arguably behaves as intended.
Trace to property violation in ACTUATOR: command
In particular, if we had a deadlock elsewhere in the system, that might not be detected, because LTSA shows only the first deadlock it encounters.
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Safety properties
When modelling complex systems, it is better practice to consider only the desired system behaviour, rather than also try to enumerate all possible undesirable behaviours. So, given a model, specify some desirable properties and check that the model maintains them.
In many formalisms, safety properties are used for this purpose. In FSP, a safety property is just a process, but to identify it clearly as a safety property, FSP uses the property keyword:
= (command -> respond -> SAFE_ACTUATOR).
A sequenceofaction thatmustbetrue
This property says that, whenever a command action is observed, a
respond action should occur before another command action occurs. SWEN90004 (2021) Checking safety in FSP 19 / 33
Safety properties and error states
The LTS for the SAFE ACTUATOR property is this:
Leadto error state Makethe LTS completed
Note that the error states are automatically generated. This LTS
describes a process that goes to an error state whenever an action occurs out of sequence. For example, two command actions occurring in a row is an error.
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Safety properties and error states
The LTSA compiler generates the LTS as if SAFE ACTUATOR is a
normal FSP process, and then, for every state in the LTS, it adds an
already outgoing actions. These new outgoing actions go to the error state. As a result, the LTS is complete: all actions can occur from all states. Invalid actions go to the error state. Therefore, every possible combination of actions are permitted.
To maintain this transparency, safety properties must be deterministic processes. That is, they must not contain non-deterministic choices.
outgoing action for all actions in the process’s alphabet that are not
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Using safety properties: Example 1
We modify the earlier ACTUATOR process to remove the error state, but leave in the error that was made (two command actions in row).
Then we compose this with the SAFE ACTUATOR property:
ACTUATOR = (command -> ACT),
ACT = (respond -> ACTUATOR | command -> ACTUATOR).
= (command -> respond -> SAFE_ACTUATOR).
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Using safety properties: Example 1
Consider the LTSs generated for these:
P Detected Automatically
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Using safety properties
An LTS generated from a property process allows every possible
combination of actions in a process’s alphabet. As a result,
composing a property process with a normal process, as we have
done with ACTUATOR and SAFE ACTUATOR, means that we do not
affect the normal behaviour of the original process: all previous
behaviour that violates the safety property occurs, the result in the composite process will be the error state.
In our example, the property process SAFE ACTUATOR accepts any action from any state (except the error state). However,
CHECK ACTUATOR does not accept the sequence respond -> respond, because, when SAFE ACTUATOR is composed with ACTUATOR, respond is a shared action. As the composite cannot synchronise these, there is no error trace respond -> respond.
transitions remain because all shared actions can be synchronised. If
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Using safety properties
Note that the sequence command -> command is permitted by CHECK ACTUATOR, because both simple processes allow it. However, because the safety property does not specify it as valid behaviour, this sequence ends at the error state. Using the safety check in LTS, we get:
Trace to property violation in SAFE_ACTUATOR: command
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Example 2: A safety property for interference
Earlier we used LTSA to find a case of interference.
In that example, when we had an interference-free model, that was difficult to verify because the INTERFERENCE process, when composed with the SHAREDCOUNTER process, led to the following deadlock:
Using a safety property avoids this pitfall, because a safety property’s LTS is complete.
Trace to DEADLOCK: b.acquire
b.read.0 b.increment
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Example 2: A safety property for interference
The safety property for interference is that each value is written only once. To capture this, let us use a stronger safety property: when a value v is written, the next value written is v+1:
Recall that {a,b}.write means that either a or b can engage in the write action. Hence this safety property is agnostic about who writes the value, as long as the next value is one more. The guard when (v
property NO_INTERFERENCE = ({a,b}.write[v:T] ->
( when (v
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Example 3: A safety property for mutual exclusion
A model of M loops is:
Here the M loops are composed with a binary semaphore.
That is, SEMAPHORE(1) will block after one down action because
there is only one resource: the critical section.
= ( p[1..M]:LOOP
|| {p[1..M]}::mutex:SEMAPHORE(1) ).
Control CriticaSl ection
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Example 3: A safety property for mutual exclusion
The safety property for mutual exclusion is straightforward: when a process enters the critical section, the same process must exit the critical section before another can enter:
If we check this using LTSA, we find that there are no violations of the safety property.
property MUTEX
= (p[i:1..M].enter -> p[i].exit -> MUTEX).
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Example 3: A safety property for mutual exclusion
In contrast, consider a case where we did not use a binary semaphore, but instead used the process SEMAPHORE(2). This will allow two processes in the critical section at a time.
Model checking this using LTSA reveals the violation:
This is as we would want: it demonstrates that it is possible that two processes enter the critical section at the same time.
Trace to property violation in MUTEX: p.1.mutex.down
p.1.enter p.2.mutex.down p.2.enter
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Model a restaurant stakeholders
If don’thavethis 1
Good Implementation No composed process
then defaultcomposeisthesameasthat
Caneat beforehavingfood
Canreceive foodbefore
L AwithhavingtoomuchgiveOrder
failed to handle multiplecustomers