Analysis of Algorithms, I
CSOR W4231
Computer Science Department
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Columbia University Depth-first search, topological sorting
2 Applications of BFS
Testing bipartiteness
3 Depth-first search (DFS)
4 Applications of DFS Cycle detection
Topological sorting
2 Applications of BFS
Testing bipartiteness
3 Depth-first search (DFS)
4 Applications of DFS Cycle detection
Topological sorting
Review of the last lecture
Graphs (directed, undirected, weighted, unweighted) Notation: G=(V,E),|V|=n,|E|=m
Representing graphs 1. Adjacency matrix 2. Adjacency list
Trees, bipartite graphs, the degree theorem Linear graph algorithms
Breadth-first search (BFS)
LetT beaBFStree,letxandybenodesinT belongingto layers Li and Lj respectively, and let (x,y) be an edge in G. Then i and j differ by at most 1.
An algorithm for s-t connectivity: breadth-first search
Breadth-first search (BFS(G, s)): explore G starting from s outward in all possible directions, adding reachable nodes one layer at a time.
First add all nodes that are joined by an edge to s: these nodes form the first layer.
If G is unweighted, these are the nodes at distance 1 from s.
Then add all nodes that are joined by an edge to a node in the first layer: these nodes form the second layer.
If G is unweighted, these are the nodes at distance 2 from s.
And so on and so forth.
2 Applications of BFS
Testing bipartiteness
3 Depth-first search (DFS)
4 Applications of DFS Cycle detection
Topological sorting
Testing bipartiteness & graph 2-colorability
Testing bipartiteness
Output: yes if G is bipartite, no otherwise Equivalent problem (why?)
Output: yes if and only if we can color all the vertices in G using at most 2 colors –say red and white– so that no edge has two endpoints with the same color.
Why wouldn’t we be able to 2-color a graph?
Fact: If a graph contains an odd-length cycle, then it is not 2-colorable.
So a necessary condition for a graph to be 2-colorable is that it does not contain odd-length cycles.
Is this condition also sufficient, that is, if a graph does not contain odd-length cycles, then is it 2-colorable?
In other words, are odd cycles the only obstacle to bipartiteness?
Algorithm for 2-colorability
BFS provides a natural way to 2-color a graph G = (V, E):
Start BFS from any vertex; color it red.
Color white all nodes in the first layer L1 of the BFS tree. If there is an edge between two nodes in L1, output no and stop.
Otherwise, continue from layer L1, coloring red the vertices in even layers and white in odd layers.
If BFS terminates and all nodes in V have been explored (hence 2-colored), output yes.
Analyzing the algorithm
Upon termination of the algorithm
either we successfully 2-colored all vertices and output yes, that is, declared the graph bipartite;
or we stopped at some level because there was an edge between two vertices of that level and output no; in this case, we declared the graph non-bipartite.
This algorithm is efficient. Is it a correct algorithm for 2-colorability?
Showing correctness
To prove correctness, we must show the following statement. If our algorithm outputs
1. yes, then the 2-coloring it returns is a valid 2-coloring of G; 2. no, then indeed G cannot be 2-colored by any algorithm
(e.g., because it contains an odd-length cycle).
The next claim proves that this is indeed the case by examining the possible outputs of our algorithm. Note that the output depends solely on whether there is an edge in G between two nodes in the same BFS layer.
Correctness of algorithm for 2-colorability
Let G be a connected graph, and let L1, L2, … be the layers produced by BFS starting at node s. Then exactly one of the following is true.
1. There is no edge in G joining two nodes in the same BFS layer. Then G is bipartite and has no odd length cycles.
2. There is an edge in G joining two nodes in the same BFS layer. Then G contains an odd length cycle, hence is not bipartite.
Corollary 1.
A graph is bipartite if and only if it contains no odd length cycle.
Proof of Claim 2, part 1
1. Assume that no edge in G joins two nodes of the same layer of the BFS tree.
By Claim 1, all edges in G not belonging to the BFS tree are either edges between nodes in the same layer;
or edges between nodes in adjacent layers.
Our assumption implies that all edges of G not appearing in the BFS tree are between nodes in adjacent layers.
Since our coloring procedure gives such nodes different colors, the whole graph can be 2-colored, hence it is bipartite.
Proof of Claim 2, part 2
2. Assume that there is an edge (u, v) ∈ E between two nodes u and v on the same layer.
Obviously G is not 2-colorable by our algorithm: both endpoints of edge (u, v) are assigned the same color.
Our algorithm returns no, hence declares G non-bipartite.
Can we show existence of an odd-length cycle and prove that G indeed is not 2-colorable by any algorithm?
Proof of correctness, part 2
Let u,v appear at layer Lj and edge (u,v) ∈ E.
Let z be the common ancestor at max depth of u and v in the BFS tree (z might be s). Suppose z appears at layer Li with
Consider the following path in G: from z to u follow edges of the BFS tree, then to v via edge (u, v) and back to z following edges of the BFS tree. This is a cycle starting and ending at z, consisting of (j − i) + 1 + (j − i) = 2(j − i) + 1 edges, hence of odd length.
2 Applications of BFS
Testing bipartiteness
3 Depth-first search (DFS)
4 Applications of DFS Cycle detection
Topological sorting
Finding your way in a maze
Depth-first search (DFS): starting from a vertex s, explore the graph as deeply as possible, then backtrack
1. Try the first edge out of s, towards some node v.
2. Continue from v until you reach a dead end, that is a node
whose neighbors have all been explored.
3. Backtrack to the first node with an unexplored neighbor and repeat 2.
Remark: DFS answers s-t connectivity
Linear-time algorithms that essentially can be used to perform the same tasks
DFS is more impulsive: when it discovers an unexplored node, it moves on to exploring it right away; BFS defers exploring until all nodes in the layer have been discovered.
DFS is naturally recursive and implemented using a stack. A stack is a LIFO (Last-In First-Out) data structure
implemented as a doubly linked list: insert (push)/extract (pop) the top element requires O(1) time.
An undirected graph G1
The DFS tree for the undirected graph G1
Dashed edges belong to the graph but not to the DFS tree. Ties are broken by considering nodes by increasing index.
A directed graph G
The DFS forest for the directed graph G
1 (1,8) 5 (9,14)
(2,5) 4 (6,7) 6 (10,13) (11,12)
Dashed edges belong to G but not to the trees in the DFS forest. (start,finish) intervals appear to the right of every node.
Pseudocode for DFS exploration of the entire graph
DFS(G = (V, E)) for u∈V do
explored[u] = 0 end for
for u∈V do
if explored[u] == 0 then Search(u) end if
Search(u) previsit(u)
explored[u] = 1 for (u, v) ∈ E do
if explored[v] == 0 then Search(v)
end if end for
Running time for DFS if previsit, postvisit take O(1) time?
Directed graphs: classification of edges
Graph edges that do not belong to the DFS tree(s) may be
1. forward: from a vertex to a descendant (other than a child)
2. back: from a vertex to an ancestor Examples: edges (3, 1), (7, 5) in G
3. cross: from right to left (no ancestral relation), that is
from tree to tree (example: edge (5, 4) in G)
between nodes in the same tree but on different branches
Undirected graphs: classification of edges
Cross and forward edges do not exist in undirected graphs.
In undirected graphs, DFS only yields back and tree edges.
Time intervals for vertices
Subroutines previsit(u), postvisit(u) may be used to maintain a notion of time:
In DFS(G), initialize a counter time to 0.
Increment the counter by 1 every time previsit(u),
postvisit(u) are accessed.
Store the times start(u) and finish(u) corresponding to the first and last time u was visited during DFS(G).
time = time + 1 start(u) = time
postvisit(u) time = time + 1
finish(u) = time
On the time intervals of vertices u, v
If we use an explicit stack, then
start(u) is the time when u is pushed in the stack
finish(u) is the time when u is popped from the stack (that is, all of its neighbors have been explored).
1. How do intervals [start(u),finish(u)], [start(v),finish(v)] relate?
2. What do the contents of the stack correspond to in the DFS tree (and the graph), if s was the first vertex pushed in the stack and v the last?
Identifying back edges using time
1. Intervals [start(u),finish(u)] and [start(v),finish(v)]
either contain each other (u is an ancestor of v or vice versa)
or they are disjoint.
2. If s was the first vertex pushed in the stack and v is the last, the vertices currently in the stack form an s-v path.
Claim 3 (Back edges).
Let (u,v) ∈ E. Edge (u,v) is a back edge in a DFS tree if and only if
start(v) < start(u) < finish(u) < finish(v).
Proof of Claim 3 (identifying back edges)
If (u, v) is a back edge, the claim follows.
Otherwise, v was pushed in the stack before u and is still in the stack when u is pushed into it. Then there is a v − u path in the DFS tree, so v is an ancestor of u and (u, v) is a back edge.
Identifying forward and cross edges
What conditions must the start and finish numbers satisfy if 1. (u, v) ∈ E is a forward edge in the DFS tree?
2. (u,v) ∈ E is a cross edge in the DFS tree?
Identifying forward and cross edges
What conditions must the start and finish numbers satisfy if 1. (u, v) ∈ E is a forward edge in the DFS tree?
2. (u,v) ∈ E is a cross edge in the DFS tree?
1. If edge (u, v) ∈ E is a forward edge, then
start(u) < start(v) < finish(v) < finish(u).
2. If edge (u,v) ∈ E is a cross edge, then
start(v) < finish(v) < start(u) < finish(u).
2 Applications of BFS
Testing bipartiteness
3 Depth-first search (DFS)
4 Applications of DFS Cycle detection
Topological sorting
Application I: Cycle detection
G = (V, E) has a cycle if and only if DFS(G) yields a back edge. Proof.
If (u, v) is a back edge, together with the path on the DFS tree from v to u, it forms a cycle.
Conversely, suppose G has a cycle. Let v be the first vertex from the cycle discovered by DFS(G). Let (u, v) be the preceding edge in the cycle. Since there is a path from v to every vertex in the cycle, all vertices in the cycle are now discovered and fully explored before v is popped from the stack. Hence the interval of u is contained in the interval of v. By Claim 1, (u, v) is a back edge.
Application II: Topological sorting in DAGs
An undirected acyclic graph has an extremely simple structure: it is a tree, hence a sparse graph (O(n) edges).
A directed acyclic graph (DAG) may be dense (Ω(n2) edges): e.g., V = {1,...,n}, E = {(i,j) if i < j }.
Topological sorting: motivation
a set of tasks {1,2,...,n} that need to be performed
a set of dependencies, each of the form (i,j), indicating
that task i must be performed before task j.
Output: a valid order in which the tasks may be performed, so
that all dependencies are respected.
Example: tasks are courses and certain courses must be taken before others.
How can we model this problem using a graph? What kind of graph must arise and why?
Topological ordering: definition
Definition 2.
A topological ordering of G is an ordering of its nodes as 1,2,...,n such that for every edge (i,j), we have i < j.
All edges point forward in the topological ordering.
It provides an order in which all tasks can be safely performed: when we try to perform task j, all tasks required to precede it have already been done.
Example of DAG and its topological sorting
A DAG (top left), its topological sort (top right) and a drawing emphasizing the topological sort (bottom).
Topological sorting in DAGs
If G has a topological ordering, then G is a DAG. Proof: By contradiction (exercise).
A visual proof is provided by the linearized graph of the previous slide: vertices appear in increasing order, edges go from left to right, hence no cycles.
Is the converse true: does every DAG have a topological ordering? And how can we find it?
Structural properties of DAGs
In a DAG, can every vertex have an outgoing edge?
an incoming edge?
Definition 3 (source and sink).
A source is a node with no incoming edges. A sink is a node with no outgoing edges.
Every DAG has at least one source and at least one sink.
How can we use Fact 4 to find a topological order?
The node that we label first in the topological sorting must have no incoming edges. Fact 4 guarantees that such a node exists.
Let G′ be the graph after a source node and its adjacent edges have been removed. Then G′ is a DAG.
Proof: removing edges from G cannot yield a cycle!
This gives rise to a recursive algorithm for finding the topological order of a DAG. Its correctness can be shown by induction (use Facts 4, 5 to show induction step).
Algorithm for topological sorting
1. Find a source vertex s and order it first.
2. Delete s and its adjacent edges from G; let G′ be the new graph.
3. TopologicalOrder(G′)
4. Append the order found after s.
Running time: O(n2). Can be improved to O(n + m).
Topological sorting via DFS
Let G = (V,E) be a DAG.
Run DFS(G); compute finish times.
Process the tasks in decreasing order of finish times.
Running time: O(m + n)
Intuition behind this algorithm
The task v with the largest finish has no incoming edges (if it had an incoming edge from some other task u, then u would have the largest finish). Hence v does not depend on any other task and it is safe to perform it first.
The same reasoning shows that the task w with the second largest finish has no incoming edges from any other task except (maybe) task v. Hence it is safe to perform w second.
And so on and so forth.
Formal proof of correctness
By Claim 4 there are no back edges in the DFS forest of a DAG. Thus every edge (u, v) ∈ E is either
1. forward/tree: start(u) < start(v) < finish(v) < finish(u)
2. or cross edge: finish(v) < start(u) < finish(u)
Proof of correctness (cont’d)
Hence for every (u,v) ∈ E, finish(v) < finish(u).
Consider a task v. All tasks u upon which v depends, that is, all tasks u such that there is an edge (u, v) ∈ E, satisfy finish(v) < finish(u).
Since we are processing tasks in decreasing order of finish times, all tasks u upon which v depends have already been processed before we start processing v.
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