CS计算机代考程序代写 compiler “””N-ary to binary constraint compiler.

“””N-ary to binary constraint compiler.

COMP3620/6320 Artificial Intelligence
The Australian National University
Authors: COMP-3620 team
Date: 2021

Student Details
Student Name: Peng Wang
Student Number: u6253304
Date: 06/05/2021
import argparse
import os
import sys
from typing import Dict, List, Set, Tuple

def process_command_line_arguments() -> argparse.Namespace:
“””Parse the command line arguments and return an object with attributes
containing the parsed arguments or their default values.

args : an argparse.Namespace object
This object will have two attributes:
– input: a string with the path of the input file specified via
the command line.
– output: a string with the path of the file where the binarised
CSP is to be found.

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

parser.add_argument(“-i”, “–input”, dest=”input”, metavar=”INPUT”,
type=str, help=”Input file with an n-ary CSP (MANDATORY)”)
parser.add_argument(“-o”, “–output”, dest=”output”, metavar=”OUTPUT”,
help=”File to write the binarised CSP (default: %(default)s)”)

args = parser.parse_args()
if args.input is None:
raise SystemExit(“Error: No input file was specified.”)

if not os.path.exists(args.input):
raise SystemExit(
“Error: Input file ‘{}’ does not exist”.format(args.input))

return args

def find_common(x, y):
“”” Finding the index of common subsequence of two strings

ans = []
for i in x:
if i in y:
t1 = x.find(i)
t2 = y.find(i)
ans.append((t1, t2))
return ans

def main():
args = process_command_line_arguments()
input_path = args.input
output_path = args.output
variables, constraints = parse_nary_file(input_path)

# *** YOUR CODE HERE ***
# print(variables)
# print(constraints)

vars1 = {}
constraints1 = {}
for constraint in constraints:
u = constraint[0]
new_var = “”
for i in u:
new_var += i
# for i in u:
# if var2var.get(i) is None:
# var2var[i] = [new_var]
# else:
# var2var[i].append(new_var)
new_domain = constraint[1]
vars1[new_var] = new_domain

vis = []
new_constraints = {}
for i, j in vars1.items():
for i1, j1 in vars1.items():
if i == i1 or (i, i1) in vis:
vis.append((i, i1))
vis.append((i1, i))
ind = find_common(i, i1)
# print(i, i1)
# print(j1)
new_constraints[(i, i1)] = []
vis1 = []

for k0 in j:
for k1 in j1:

isSuit = True
for k in ind:
if k0[k[0]] != k1[k[1]]:
isSuit = False
if isSuit:
new_constraints[(i, i1)].append((k0, k1))
if new_constraints[(i, i1)] == []:
print(“Unsatisfiable constraints”)

# print(new_constraints[(i, i1)])

with open(output_path, “w+”) as out_file:

for i, j in vars1.items():
out_file.write(“var “)
out_file.write(” :”)
for k in j:
kk = str(k)
kk = kk.replace(” “, “”)
out_file.write(” ” + kk)

for i, j in new_constraints.items():
out_file.write(“con ” + i[0] + ” ” + i[1])
for k in j:
# print(k)
k0 = str(k[0])
k0 = k0.replace(” “, “”)
k1 = str(k[1])
k1 = k1.replace(” “, “”)
out_file.write(” : ” + k0 + ” ” + k1)

# —————————————————————————–
# You might like to use the helper functions below. Feel free to modify these
# functions to suit your needs.
# —————————————————————————–

def parse_nary_file(file_name: str):
“””Parse an n-ary CSP file.

file_name : str
The path to the n-ary CSP file.

variables : Dict[str, Set[str]]
A dictionary mapping variable names to their domains. Each domain is
represented by a set of values.

constraints : List[Tuple[Tuple[str, …], List[Tuple[str, …]]]]
A list of constraints. Each constraint is a tuple with two elements:
1) The first element is the tuple of the variables involved in the
constraint, e.g. (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’).

2) The second element is the list of values those variables are
allowed to take, e.g. [(‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’), (‘0’, ‘1’, ‘1’)].

variables: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
constraints: List[Tuple[Tuple[str, …], List[Tuple[str, …]]]] = []

with open(file_name, “r”) as file:
for line in file:
if line.startswith(‘var’):
var_names, domain = line[3:].split(‘:’)
domain_set = set(domain.split())
for v in var_names.split():
variables[v] = domain_set

elif line.startswith(‘con’):
content = line[3:].split(‘:’)
vs = tuple(content[0].split())
values = [tuple(v.split()) for v in content[1:]]
constraints.append((vs, values))

return variables, constraints

if __name__ == ‘__main__’: