CS计算机代考程序代写 /**

* NonEmptyBinaryTree – this is a binary search tree that is either an inner node
* of the tree or a leaf node. Leaf nodes will have 2 empty nodes attached to
* the right and the left subtrees. Note that the insert and remove operation return
* the changed tree and they will generally modify existing trees.

package Lab3_Trees.task1;
public class NonEmptyBinaryTree > extends BinaryTree {

T data; // data of the root node of this tree
BinaryTree left, right; // left and right sub-trees

* Create a NonEmptyBinaryTree tree with root node.
* The tree will not have sub-trees.
* @param data the data of the root node.
public NonEmptyBinaryTree(T data) {
this.data = data;
left = new EmptyBinaryTree();
right = new EmptyBinaryTree();

* Create a NonEmptyBinaryTree with left and right sub-trees
* @param data key of the root node
* @param left sub-tree of the new NonEmptyBinaryTree tree
* @param right sub-tree of the new NonEmptyBinaryTree tree
public NonEmptyBinaryTree(T data, BinaryTree left, BinaryTree right) {
this.data = data;
this.left = left;
this.right = right;

* Insert a new node whose key is d into the existing tree.
* This function should return the binary tree with d inserted.
* If the tree has already a node with d, do not create a new node
* and return the original tree.
* Hint: You can implement insert function recursively.
* (Each subtree (left or right) is a tree which has insert function)
* @param d data of the new node
* @return BinaryTree
public BinaryTree insert(T d) {
// TODO: Add your implementation here
// ########## YOUR CODE STARTS HERE ##########
if (data == null){
return new NonEmptyBinaryTree(d);

if (data.compareTo(d) > 0){//插入比当前指向的数小的
if (left.isEmpty()){// 左子树为空,新建一个以d为root的左子树
left = new NonEmptyBinaryTree(d);
else {//左子树不为空,将left指针指向当前节点的左子树节点
left = left.insert(d);//插入必须插在空的叶子节点上
if (data.compareTo(d) < 0){//插入比当前指向的数大的 if (right.isEmpty()){//右子树为空,新建一个以d为root的右子树 right = new NonEmptyBinaryTree(d);
else {// 右子树不为空,将right指针指向当前节点的右子树节点
right = right.insert(d);

return this;
// return null; //you are allowed to change this return statement
// ########## YOUR CODE ENDS HERE ##########

* Returns the size of the tree (number of nodes)
public int size() {
return 1 + left.size() + right.size();

* Compute the height of {@code this} tree
public int height() {
return 1 + Math.max(left.height(), right.height());

* Preorder traversing
public String preOrderShow() {
if (left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty()) return data + “”;
else {
String leftStr = left.preOrderShow();
String rightStr = right.preOrderShow();
return data + (leftStr.isEmpty() ? leftStr : ” ” + leftStr) + (rightStr.isEmpty() ? rightStr : ” ” + rightStr);

* Remove node with data {@code d}
* This function should return the binary tree with d removed.
* If the tree doesn’t have a node with d, return the original tree.
* Hint: You can implement delete function recursively.
* (Each subtree (left or right) is a tree which has a delete function)
* @param d key of the node that should be removed
* @return BinaryTree The binary tree without d.
public BinaryTree delete(T d) {
// TODO: Add your implementation here
// ########## YOUR CODE STARTS HERE ##########
if(data == null){//树为空
return null;
if(data.compareTo(d) > 0){//要删的d小于当前data值,向左子树中找
left = left.delete(d);//left指向在左子树中删除d后的结果
else if(data.compareTo(d) < 0){//要删的d大于当前data值,向右子树中找 right = right.delete(d);//right指向在右子树中删除d后的结果 } else {//找到要删除的节点,即要删除的数d=当前data值 if (left.isEmpty()){//如果左子树为空,data指向其右子树 return right; } else if(right.isEmpty()){//如果右子树为空,data指向其做左子树 return left; } data = left.biggest(); // data指向左子树最大值 left = left.delete(data);//删除原左子树中的data } return this; // return null; //you are allowed to change this return statement // ########## YOUR CODE ENDS HERE ########## } /** * NonEmptyBinaryTree is by definition non-empty. It will return false always. */ @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return false; } /** * This function will find the biggest node in a tree. */ @Override public T biggest() { if (right.isEmpty()) return data; else return right.biggest(); } /** * This function will find the smallest node in a tree. */ @Override public T smallest() { if (left.isEmpty()) return data; else return left.smallest(); } /** * Helper functions for visualizing tree. */ @Override public String treeshow() { if (left.isEmpty() && right.isEmpty()) return " " + data + " "; String stl = left.treeshow(); String str = right.treeshow(); String stal[] = stl.split("\n"); String star[] = str.split("\n"); int lenl = stal[0].length(); int lenr = star[0].length(); StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(); String strdata = data + ""; res.append(repeat(" ", (lenl)) + strdata + repeat(" ", lenr ) + "\n"); int lcentre = (left.isEmpty() ? 0 : centre(stal[0])); int rcentre = (right.isEmpty() ? 0 :centre(star[0])); res.append(repeat(" ",lcentre) + "+" + repeat("-",lenl-lcentre-1) + "+" + repeat("-",rcentre-1+strdata.length()) + "+" + repeat(" ",lenr-rcentre -1) + "\n"); res.append(repeat(" ",lcentre) + (left.isEmpty()? " " : "|") + repeat(" ",lenl-lcentre-1) + repeat(" ",rcentre + strdata.length()) + (right.isEmpty()? " " : "|") + repeat(" ",lenr-rcentre-1) +"\n"); for(int i = 0;i