COMP20007 Design of Algorithms
Introduction and Welcome
Lars Kulik Lecture 1 Semester 1, 2021
Welcome to COMP20007
• Data structures, including stacks, queues, trees, priority queues and graphs.
• Algorithms for various problems, including sorting, searching, string manipulation, graph manipulation, and more.
• Algorithmic techniques, including including brute force, decrease-and-conquer, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming and greedy approaches.
• Analytical and empirical assessment of algorithms.
• Complexity classes.
Anany Levitin. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms Pearson, 2012.
Steven S Skiena. The Algorithm Design Manual Springer, 2008.
Staff; Learning Management System
Lecturer and subject coordinators: Daniel Beck and Lars Kulik
Tutors: Grady Fitzpatrick (head tutor), Albert Chen, Alex Ligthart-Smith, Anh Vo, Nuvi Anggaresti, Santa Maiti, Yong See Foo, TBD
Grady will have a weekly time for consultation, initially online due to the coronavirus. Exact time (and later venue if possible) to be announced.
Other support is provided by your classmates, for example via the LMS Discussion Board.
The LMS is our notice board, repository, and discussion forum.
Subject Delivery
We use lecture capture which is useful for revisiting points from a lecture or provide pre-recorded lectures. We also provide handouts in PDF format for every lecture.
Most of our workshops are on campus! We will also offer online workshops via Zoom. For details please visit the LMS.
All workshops start in Week 2.
The University keeps a webpage constantly up to date with the latest information regarding the coronavirus in relation to studying at our university:
You need to complete the CovidSAFE requirements prior to returning to campus: coronavirus/return-to-campus
You cannot attend on campus workshops or come to the university if you have not completed the COVIDSafe LMS module and followed the COVIDSafe checklist!
Time Commitment
For the 12 weeks of semester, expect
• 22 hours of lectures,
• 22 hours of workshops,
• 36 hours of reading and workshop preparation, • 48 hours on assignments.
That is roughly an average of 10-12 hours per week.
The commitment is well worth it: Knowledge of algorithms is essential for any computing professional, it expands your mind, improves complexion, and contains all the minerals and vitamins essential for developing boundless wisdom.
• Assignment 1, due around Week 5-6, worth 10%.
• Mid-semester take-home test in Week 5-6, worth 10%. • Assignment 2, due around 12, worth 20%.
• A 3-hour exam, worth 60%.
To pass the subject you must obtain at least
• 50% in assignments (total ≥ 15/30); and
• 50% in the mid-semester test and in the exam (total ≥ 35/70).
You need to catch up on any “assumed background knowledge” that you may not have:
• An understanding of sets and relations.
• A grasp of recursion and recurrence relations; a short tutorial
on the latter is in Levitin’s book, Appendix B.
• Knowledge of basic data structures, such as arrays, records, linked lists, sets and dictionaries.
• Knowledge of some programming language that has a concept of “pointer”.
How to Succeed
Understand the material, don’t just memorize it (apart, perhaps, from the formulas in Levitin’s Appendix A).
If you fall behind, try to catch up as fast as possible.
Don’t procrastinate. Start assignments before you are ready. Put in the necessary time.
Attempt the workshop questions every week, before you attend the tutorial, if at all possible.
How to Succeed
Support the learning of your fellow students and expect their support, in class and through the LMS discussion board.
Remember that we are all on the same “learning journey” and have the same goal.
Participate in the discussions on the subject’s LMS site and check regularly for announcements.
Over to You—A Maze Problem
A maze (or labyrinth) is contained in a 10 × 10 rectangle; rows and columns are numbered from 1 to 10.
It can be traversed along rows and columns: up, down, left, right. The starting point is (1,1), the goal point is (10,10).
These points are obstacles that you cannot travel through:
(3,2) (6,6) (2,8) (5,9) (8,4) (2,4) (6,3) (9,3) (1,9) (3,7) (4,2) (7,8) (2,2) (4,5) (5,6) (10,5) (6,2) (6,10) (7,5) (7,9) (8,1) (5,7) (4,4) (8,7) (9,2) (10,9) (2,6)
Find a path through the maze.
The Maze Problem …
What Is a Problem?
My ODE (Oxford Dictionary of English) says: “doubtful or difficult question or task.”
In computer science we use the term like that too, but there is a more technical concept of algorithmic problem.
We usually want to find a single generic solution to a bunch of similar questions.
For example, the “maze problem” is to come up with a mechanical solution to any particular maze.
So to us, a “problem” usually has many instances, sometimes infinitely many.
Algorithmic Problems
So a problem in computer science typically means a family of instances of a general problem.
An algorithm for the problem has to work for all possible instances (input).
Example: The sorting problem—an instance is a sequence of items. Example: The graph colouring problem—an instance is a graph.
Example: Equation solving problems—an instance is a set of, say, linear equations.
What Is an Algorithm?
My ODE says: “process or rules for (esp. machine) calculation etc.”
A finite sequence of instructions
• No ambiguity, and each step precisely defined
• Should work for all (well-formed) input
• Should finish in a finite (reasonable) amount of time
The (single) description of a process that will transform arbitrary input to the correct output—even when there are infinitely many possible inputs.
What Is an Algorithm?
Not long ago, “algorithm” was synonymous with “numeric algorithm”.
Mathematicians had found many clever algorithms for all sorts of numeric problems.
The following algorithm for calculating the greatest common divisor of positive integers m and n is known as “Euclid’s Algorithm”.
To find gcd(m,n):
Step 1: Step 2: Step3:
If n = 0, return the value of m as the answer and stop. Divide m by n and assign the value of the remainder to r. Assignthevalueofntom,andthevalueofr ton;
go to Step 1.
Non-Numeric Algorithms
350 years ago, Thomas Hobbes, in discussing the possibility of automated reasoning, wrote:
“We must not think that computations, that is, ratiocina- tion, has place only in numbers.”
Today, numeric algorithms are just a small part of the syllabus in an algorithms course.
The kind of computation that Hobbes was really after was mechanised reasoning, that is, algorithms for logical formalisms, for example, to decide “does this formula follow from that?”
In 2012 we celebrated Alan M. Turing’s 100th birthday.
At the time of Turing’s birth, a “computer” was a human employed to do tedious numerical calculations.
Legacy: “Turing machine”, the “Church-Turing thesis”, “Turing reduction”, the “Turing test”, the “Turing award”
One of Turing’s great accomplishments was to put the concept of an algorithm on a firm foundation and to establish that certain important problems do not have algorithmic solutions.
Abstract Complexity
In a course like this, we are only interested in problems that do have algorithmic solutions.
However, amongst those, there are many that provably do not have efficient solutions.
Towards the end of this subject we discuss complexity theory briefly—this theory is concerned with the inherent “hardness” of problems.
Why Study Algorithms?
Computer science is increasingly an enabler for other disciplines, providing useful tools for these.
Algorithmic thinking is relevant in the life sciences, in engineering, in linguistics, in chemistry, etc.
Today computers allow us to solve problems whose size and complexity is vastly greater than what could be done a century ago.
The use of computers has changed the focus of algorithmic study completely, because algorithms that work well for a human (small scale) usually do not work well for a computer (big scale).
Why Study Algorithms and Their Complexity?
To collect a number of useful problem solving tools.
To learn, from examples, strategies for solving computational problems.
To be able to write robust programs whose behaviour we can reason about.
To develop analytical skills.
To learn about the inherent difficulty of some types of problems.
Problem Solving Steps
• Understand the problem
• Decide on the computational means (sequential/parallel,
• Decide on method to use (algorithm design technique or
strategy, use of randomization)
• Design the necessary data structures and algorithm
• Check for correctness, trace example input
• Evaluate analytically (time, space, worst case, average case)
• Code it
• Evaluate empirically
What we will study
Algorithm analysis
Important algorithms for various problems, primarily
• Sorting
• Searching
• String processing • Graph algorithms
Approaches to algorithm design
• Brute force
• Decrease and conquer • Divide and conquer
• Transform and conquer
Study Tips
Before the lecture, as a minimum make sure you have read the introductory section of the relevant chapter.
Always read (and work) with paper and pencil ready; run algorithms by hand.
Always have a go at the tutorial exercises; this subject is very much about learning-by-doing.
After the lecture, reread and consolidate your notes.
Identify areas not understood and use the LMS Discussion Forum. Rewrite your notes if that helps.
Things to Do in the First Two Weeks
Read the text, read Chapter 1, and skim Chapter 2.
Make sure you have a unimelb account.
Visit the COMP20007 LMS pages and check any announcements.
Use the LMS Discussion Board; for example, if you are interested in forming a study group with like-minded people, the Discussion Board is a useful place to say so.