Visible structs and functions for graph construction and manipulation.
Skeleton written by Grady Fitzpatrick for COMP20007 Assignment 1 2021
/* Definition of a graph. */
struct graph;
enum problemPart;
struct solution;
/* A particular solution to a graph problem. */
struct solution {
int antennaTotal;
int cableTotal;
int mixedTotal;
/* Which part the program should find a solution for. */
#ifndef PART_ENUM
#define PART_ENUM
enum problemPart {
/* Creates an undirected graph with the given numVertices and no edges and
returns a pointer to it. NumEdges is the number of expected edges. */
struct graph *newGraph(int numVertices);
/* Adds an edge to the given graph. */
void addEdge(struct graph *g, int start, int end, int cost);
/* Find the total radio-based cost, total cabled cost if the part is PART_A, and
the mixed total cost if the part is PART_C. */
struct solution *graphSolve(struct graph *g, enum problemPart part,
int antennaCost, int numHouses);
/* Frees all memory used by graph. */
void freeGraph(struct graph *g);
/* Frees all data used by solution. */
void freeSolution(struct solution *solution);