Question 2 – Tokenizer, Parser [30 marks]
The theme of this question is developing a simple parser for LOGO programming language. LOGO controls the commands for movement and drawing of a pointer on the screen.
We consider a grid with 11 x 21 cells, where 11 is the number of rows and 21 is the number of columns. A pointer is represented by one of the following characters:
● “^”: The pointer is pointing to the upward direction
● “>”: The pointer is pointing to the right direction
● “<”: The pointer is pointing to the left direction
● “v”: The pointer is pointing to the downward direction
We can control the movement and drawing of the pointer by the following commands:
● LEFT: Turn the direction of the pointer by 90 degrees to the left
● RIGHT: Turn the direction of the pointer by 90 degrees to the right
● PENUP: Set the status of the pointer to be leaving no trail, when it moves
● PENDOWN: Set the status of the pointer to be leaving a trail, when it moves
● FORWARD(n): Move the pointer along the direction it is pointing by n cells
● BACK(n): Move the pointer in the reverse direction it is pointing by n cells
The language grammar of simplified LOGO is given by:
● Initial screen: (the pointer is always initially positioned with upward direction at the center
of the grid with PENUP status)
● Input:
● Output:
where an empty cell is represented by character “#”, a cell with the trail of the pointer is represented by character “.”, and the pointer is initially with PENUP status. Note that you do not need to consider cases where FORWARD(n) and BACK(n) can go beyond the boundary of the grid.
1) [2 marks] Setup and use git within the Q2 directory for revision control and make at least 3 commits.
2) [3 marks] Write a correct Makefile for building the program with 3 targets: “make”, “make clean”, and “make rundemo” , which will compile, delete the compiled class files and run “” respectively.
3) [10 Marks] Complete “next()”, “takeNext()” and “hasNext()” methods in “” to extract an expression into tokens.
4) [10 Marks] Complete “parse()“ method in “” to parse an input expression by computing the final position of the pointer and marking the pointer movement on the screen.
5) [5 Marks] Complete “trace( )” method in “” to return a string showing the trail of the pointer, its current position and direction.
For 2) – 5), you may only modify the required methods within Q2 directory. Do not modify anything else.
Question 3 – Binary Search Tree [20 marks]
Your Q3 directory contains code that implements a binary search tree with a set of string keys. The implementation has had the code for “find”, “insert”, and “printOddNodes” removed.
Consider a comparison of keys by alphabetical order. For example, “a” < “b”. “aaab” < “ab”. You only need to consider the lower-case alphabet.
You are required to complete the implementation replacing the missing code. Your answer must be placed in your Q3 directory.
1) [7 marks] Implement the “find” method.
2) [7 marks] Implement the “insert” method.
3) [6 marks] Implement the “printOddNodes” method to print the pre-order traversal of the
nodes that have an odd number of direct children.
You may only modify the required methods within Q3 directory. Do not modify anything else.
Question 4 - Testing [20 marks]
Your Q4 directory contains code that implements two useful utilities. A parseInt algorithm to convert a string to an integer is implemented in, and a method for replacing multiple newline characters by a single newline character is implemented in
1) [10 marks] Your first task for this question is to implement a minimum number of JUnit test cases for MyInteger.parseInt that is code complete. Write your test case(s) in the one test() method in Use assertEquals and assertThrows to check the correctness of the implementation.
Hint: This is the method signature of assertThrows:
2) [10 marks] Your second task for this question is to implement a minimum number of JUnit test cases for StringUtil.collapseNewlines that is branch complete. Write your test case(s) in the one test( ) method in U se assertEquals to check the correctness of the implementation.
Note that ALL test cases should be written in the one test() method in each of the two test classes. Any additional test methods created elsewhere in your answer will not be marked.