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MATLAB Stiff Problems In this livescript, you will learn how To solve a common class of problems called stiff problems . Consider a linear oscillator that is governed by the following second order differential equation. \frac{d^{2}x}{dt^{2}}+2001\frac{dx}{dt}+2000x=0 with the initial conditions x(0)=1 and x'(0)=0 . (a) Show that this equation can be written as the following linear system of differential equations \frac{d}{dt}
x_{1} \cr
0 & 1 \cr
-2000 & -2001
x_{1} \cr
} (b) Verify that the solution is given by x_{1}(t)=x(t)=\frac{e^{-2000t}(-1+2000e^{1999t})}{1999}\\
x_{2}(t)=x'(t)=2000e^{-t}-\frac{2000 e^{-2000t}(-1+2000e^{1999t})}{1999} To get an idea what this looks like, the following piece of code plots these functions t1 = linspace(0,1,1e5);
x1 = @(t)(exp(-2000*t).*(-1+2000*exp(1999*t)))/1999;
x2 = @(t)(2000*exp(-t)-(2000*exp(-2000*t).*(-1+2000*exp(1999*t)))/(1999));
hold on
hold off
ylabel(‘x_{1},x_{2}’) Whereas, if we were to use the explicit Euler method with a step size of \Delta t= 0.01 to integrate the equation of motion f = @odefun;
tspan = [0,0.1];
dt = 0.01;
x0 = [1,0];

t = tspan(1):h:tspan(2);
x = zeros(length(t),2);
x(1,:) = x0;

for l = 1:length(t)-1
x(l+1,:) = x(l,:)+dt*f(t(l),x(l,:))’;
end Comparing with the exact solution plot(t,x(:,1),’x-‘)
hold on
hold off
legend(‘Explicit Euler’,’Exact’,’Location’,’northwest’)
xlim([0,0.1]) we can see that the solution obtained from the explicit Euler method diverges rapidly, which we call blow up. (c) Reduce the time step to h=0.005 and h=0.001 and see if the solution improves. Following the analysis conducted in Workshop 10, we can subtract the two differential equations and show that the error evolves as \frac{d^{2}e}{dt^{2}}+2001\frac{de}{dt}+2000e=0 with the initial conditions e(0.01)=\epsilon_{1} and e'(0.01)=\epsilon_{2} , where \epsilon_{1} and \epsilon_{2} are small perturbations to the initial conditions. We therefore have the following system of differential equations \frac{d}{dt}\{e\}=[A]\{e\} where \{e\}
e_{1} \cr
and [A]
0 & 1 \cr
-2000 & -2001
} Recall from Linear Algebra that a matrix [A] can be diagonalised using [\Lambda] = [S]^{-1}[A][S] where [\Lambda] is a diagonal matrix with the entries being given by the eigenvalues [\Lambda]
\lambda_{1} \cr
& \lambda_{2} \cr
& & \ddots
} and [S] is a transformation matrix where the columns are the eigenvectors. Note that this is provided the eigenvalues are distinct. Plugging this into the differential equation gives \frac{d}{dt}\{e\}=[S][\Lambda][S]^{-1}\{e\} Or equivalently \frac{d}{dt}[S]^{-1}\{e\}=[\Lambda][S]^{-1}\{e\} If we let \{z\}=[S]^{-1}\{e\} Then our differential equation becomes \frac{d}{dt}
z_{1} \cr
\lambda_{1} & 0 \cr
0 & \lambda_{2}
z_{1} \cr
} This essentially decouples the differential equations, which means to understand how the error evolves over time, it suffices to just look at the scalar equation \frac{dz}{dt}=\lambda z Using the results from lectures for the explicit Euler method, these perturbations will be damped out over time if the time step satisfies the inequality |1+\lambda \Delta t|\leq1 Since the eigenvalues of the linear oscillator are given by lambda = eig([0,1;-2000,-2001]) We can see these are quite large, which means that for a reasonable time step, the previous inequality won’t be satisfied. As the maximum time step for the explicit Euler method is given by \Delta t\leq\frac{2}{|\lambda|} the maximum time step will be given by max_dt = min(2./abs(lambda)) which is what we found before. Requiring that the step size remains small is one of the defining characteristics of stiff problems . Therefore, one way they can be defined is if all the eigenvalues are negative and the ratio of the largest eigenvalue in magnitude to the smallest eigenvalue in magnitude is large. So, to avoid these perturbations to the solution from blowing up, we can either reduce the step size, requiring longer computation times, or we can choose a method with a much larger region of absolute stability. Stability of the Implicit Euler Method Consider the implicit Euler method z_{n+1}=z_{n}+\Delta tf(t_{n+1},z_{n+1}) In lectures, it was shown that the stability region is given by |\sigma|=\Big| \frac{1}{1-\lambda \Delta t}\Big|\leq 1 (d) Show that the boundary is defined by the parametric equation \lambda \Delta t=1-e^{-i\theta} for 0\leq\theta\leq 2\pi . To plot the boundary, a piece of code is theta = linspace(0,2*pi,100);
s = exp(1i*theta);
lambdah = 1-1./s;
hold on
hold off
axis square (f) Convince yourselves that the inequality is satisfied if the eigenvalues lie outside the circle. Therefore, the region of absolute stability includes the entire left half of the complex plane. And if a numerical method has this property, we call it A-stable . So, using the Implicit Euler method to solve the ODE with a time step of h=0.01 A = [0,1; -2000,-2001];
tspan = [0,0.35];
h = 0.01;
x0 = [1,0];

t = tspan(1):h:tspan(2);
x3 = zeros(length(t),2);
x3(1,:) = x0;

for l = 1:length(t)-1
x3(l+1,:) = ((eye(size(A))-h*A)\(x3(l,:)’))’;
end If you wanted to solve these equations using MATLAB, the solvers that are optimised for stiff problems have an \texttt{s} after their names such as \texttt{ode15s} and \texttt{ode23s} . [ts,xs] = ode23s(@odefun,[0,1],[1,0]); Comparing the Implicit Euler method, \texttt{ode23s} , and the exact solution gives plot(t,x3,’x-‘)
hold on
hold off
legend(‘Implicit Euler x_{1}’,’Implicit Euler x_{2}’,’ode23s x_{1}’,’ode23s x_{2}’,’Exact x_{1}’,’Exact x_{2}’,’Location’,’east’)
xlim([0,0.2]) Note that while the implicit Euler method is stable, it isn’t accurate for small values of t
. So be careful not to confuse the two. To be clear, stability is about whether small errors/perturbations to the exact solution remain under control (or more precisely bounded) for a given step size. And accuracy is how well the outputs from the numerical method represents the exact solution. Nonlinear ODEs For nonlinear ODEs, the same analysis can be applied if we linearise the differential equation. Consider the general system of differential equations \frac{d}{dt}\{x\}=f(t,\{x\}) If we apply the same analysis as before, the error is governed by \frac{d}{dt}\{e\}=f(t,\{x_{a}\})-f(t,\{x\}) Expanding f(t,\{x_{a}\}) as a Taylor series about \{x\} gives f(t,\{x_{a}\})=f(t,\{x\})+[J](t,\{x\})\{e\}+\mathcal{O}(\{e\}^{2}) Hence, to first order we have \frac{d}{dt}\{e\}=[J](t,\{x\})\{e\} where [J] is the Jacobi matrix given by [J]
\frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial x_{N}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial f_{1}}{\partial x_{N}}\cr
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \cr
\frac{\partial f_{N}}{\partial x_{1}} & \cdots & \frac{\partial f_{N}}{\partial x_{N}}
} Be wary that the Jacobi matrix is time dependent, and that in theory a differential equation may have alternating stiff and nonstiff intervals. Therefore, you’ll have to look at the physics of the problem to gain further insights. Subfunctions function dxdt = odefun(t,x)
dxdt = [x(2);

manual code ready 0.4 true false 0 16 16 false false 1 17 17 false false 2 18 18 false false 3 19 19 false false 4 20 20 false false 5 21 21 false false 6 22 22 false false 7 23 23 false true 8 24 24 true false 9 27 27 false false 10 28 28 false false 11 29 29 false false 12 30 30 false false 13 32 32 false false 14 33 33 false false 15 34 34 false false 16 36 38 false false 17 40 40 false false 18 41 41 false false 19 42 42 false false 20 43 43 false false 21 44 44 false false 22 45 45 false false 23 46 46 false false 24 47 47 false true 25 48 48 true false 26 51 51 false true 27 51 51 true false 28 51 51 false false 29 51 51 false true 30 51 51 true true 31 79 79 true true 32 84 84 true false 33 101 101 false false 34 102 102 false false 35 103 103 false false 36 104 104 false false 37 105 105 false false 38 106 106 false false 39 107 107 false false 40 108 108 false false 41 109 109 false false 42 110 110 false false 43 111 111 false false 44 112 112 false true 45 113 113 true false 46 120 120 false false 47 121 121 false false 48 122 122 false false 49 123 123 false false 50 125 125 false false 51 126 126 false false 52 127 127 false true 53 129 131 true true 54 135 135 true false 55 138 138 false false 56 139 139 false false 57 140 140 false false 58 141 141 false false 59 142 142 false false 60 143 143 false false 61 144 144 false false 62 145 145 false false 63 146 146 false true 64 147 147 true false 65 166 166 false false 66 167 168 false true 67 169 169

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