CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm COMP20007 Design of Algorithms

COMP20007 Design of Algorithms
Graph Traversal
Lars Kulik Lecture 7 Semester 1, 2021

Breadth-First and Depth-First Traversal
There are two natural approaches to the traversal of a graph.
Suppose we have a graph and we want to explore all its nodes systematically. Suppose we start from node v and v has neighbouring nodes x, y and z.
In a breadth-first approach we, roughly, explore x, y and z before exploring any of their neighboring nodes.
In a depth-first approach, we may explore, say, x first, but then, before exploring y and z, we first explore one of x’s neighbours, then one of its neighbours, and so on.
(This is really hard to express in English—we do need pseudo-code!)

Depth-First Search
a c
Both graph traversal methods rely on marking nodes as they are visited—so that we can avoid revisiting nodes.
Depth-first search is based on backtracking.
Neighbouring nodes are considered in, say, alphabetical order.
For the example graph, nodes are visited in the order a,b,d,e,c,f ,g.
d b
f eg

Depth-First Search: The Traversal Stack
ac d
DFS corresponds to using a stack discipline for keeping track of where we are in the overall process.
f e g
Here is how the “where-we-came-from” stack develops for the example:
e ddd
bbbbb c g aaaaaaaaa fff −−−−−−−−−−−−−

Depth-First Search: The Traversal Stack
f eg
Levitin uses a more compact notation for the stack’s history. Here is how the stack develops, in Levitin’s notation:
b2,3 c5,4 g7,6 a1,5 f6,7
The first subscripts give the order in which nodes are pushed, the second the order in which they are popped off the stack.
d b

Depth-First Search: The Depth-First Search Forest
ac d
Another useful tool for depicting a DF traversal is the DFS tree (for a connected graph).
More generally, we get a DFS forest: a
tree edge → b
back edge → d e
f e g
f cg

Depth-First Search: The Algorithm
function DFS(⟨V , E ⟩)
mark each node in V with 0 count ← 0
for each v in V do
if v is marked 0 then DfsExplore(v )
function DfsExplore(v) count ← count + 1 mark v with count
for each edge (v,w) do
if w is marked with 0 then DfsExplore(w )
⊲ w is v’s neighbour
This works both for directed and undirected graphs. 7

Depth-First Search: The Algorithm
The “marking” of nodes is usually done by maintaining a separate array, mark, indexed by V .
For example, when we wrote “mark v with count”, that would be implemented as “mark[v] := count”.
How to find the nodes adjacent to v depends on the graph representation used.
Using an adjacency matrix adj, we need to consider adj[v,w] for each w in V . Here the complexity of graph traversal is Θ(|V |2).
Using adjacency lists, for each v , we traverse the list adj[v].
In this case, the complexity of traversal is Θ(|V | + |E |). Why? ✎

Applications of Depth-First Search
It is easy to adapt the DFS algorithm so that it can decide whether a graph is connected.
How? ✎

Applications of Depth-First Search
It is easy to adapt the DFS algorithm so that it can decide whether a graph is connected.
How? ✎ It is also easy to adapt it so that it can decide whether a graph has
a cycle.
How? ✎

Applications of Depth-First Search
It is easy to adapt the DFS algorithm so that it can decide whether a graph is connected.
How? ✎ It is also easy to adapt it so that it can decide whether a graph has
a cycle.
How? ✎
In terms of DFS forests, how can we tell if we have traversed a dag?

Breadth-First Search
Breadth-first search proceeds in a concentric manner, visiting all nodes that are one step away from the start node, then all those that are two steps
f away (except those that were already visited), and so on.
Again, neighbouring nodes are considered in, say, alphabetical order.
For the example graph, nodes are visited in the order a,b,c,d,e,f ,g.

Depth-First Search vs Breadth-First
Typical depth-first search: Typical breadth-first search: aa
•••••••••• ••••••
•• •• •• ••
••• ••• ••••• •••••

Breadth-First Search: The Traversal Queue
BFS uses a queue discipline for keeping track of pending tasks.
How the queue develops for the example:
a1 df b2
c3 d4 e5 c3 d4 e5
d4 e5 f6 e5 f6
The subscript again is Levitin’s; it gives the order in which nodes are processed. 12

The Breadth-First Search Forest
Here is the BFS tree for the example: aca
tree edge →
f bcde
d begրf
cross edge
In general, we may get a BFS forest.

Breadth-First Search: The Algorithm
function BFS(⟨V , E ⟩)
mark each node in V with 0 count ← 0, init(queue)
for each v in V do
if v is marked 0 then
count ← count + 1
mark v with count inject(queue,v)
while queue is non-empty do
⊲ create an empty queue
u ← eject(queue)
for each edge (u,w) adjacent to u do
if w is marked with 0 then count ← count + 1 mark w with count inject(queue,w)
⊲ enqueues w
⊲ queue containing just v ⊲ dequeues u

Breadth-First Search: The Algorithm
BFS has the same complexity as DFS.
Again, the same algorithm works for directed graphs as well. Certain problems are most easily solved by adapting BFS.
For example, given a graph and two nodes, a and b in the graph, how would you find the fewest number of edges between two given vertices a and b?


Topological Sorting
We mentioned scheduling problems and their representation by directed graphs.
Assume a directed edge from a to b means that task a must be completed before b can be started.
Then the graph has to be a dag.
Assume the tasks are carried out by a single person, unable to multi-task.
Then we should try to linearize the graph, that is, order the nodes in a sequence v1,v2,…,vn such that for each edge (vi,vj) ∈ E, we have i < j. 16 Topological Sorting: Example There are four different ways to linearize the following graph. ace bdf Here is one: badcef 17 Topological Sorting Algorithm 1 We can solve the top-sort problem with depth-first search: 1. Perform DFS and note the order in which nodes are popped off the stack. 2. List the nodes in the reverse of that order. This works because of the stack discipline. If (u,v) is an edge then it is possible (for some way of deciding ties) to arrive at a DFS stack with u sitting below v. Taking the “reverse popping order” ensures that u is listed before v. 18 Topological Sorting Example Again Using the DFS method and resolving ties by using alphabetical order, the graph gives rise to the traversal stack shown on the right (the popping order shown in red): ace bdf e3,1 f4,2 c2,3 d6,5 a1,4 b5,6 Taking the nodes in reverse popping order yields b, d, a, c, f , e. 19 Topological Sorting Algorithm 2 An alternative method would be to repeatedly select a random source in the graph (that is, a node with no incoming edges), list it, and remove it from the graph. This is a very natural approach, but it has the drawback that we repeatedly need to scan the graph for a source. However, it exemplifies the general principle of decrease-and-conquer. 20