CSA vs. Conditional Signal Assignment
Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements are suitable for describing gate-level circuits.
Models for higher level abstraction are difficult to express with Concurrent Signal Assignment Statements.
Higher level abstraction models are required for multiplexors, decoders …
VHDL provides Conditional Signal Assignment statements for these situations.
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 1
4 to 1 – 8bit Multiplexor
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity mux4 is
Port (in0, in1, in2, in3: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); s0, s1: in std_logic;
z: out std_logic_vector (7 downto 0)); end mux4;
architecture behavioural of mux4 is
z <= in0 after 5ns when s0 = `0` and s1 = `0` else
in1 after 5ns when s0 = `0` and s1 = `1` else in2 after 5ns when s0 = `1` and s1 = `0` else in3 after 5ns when s0 = `1` and s1 = `1` else “00000000” after 5ns;
end behavioural;
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Conditional Signal Assignment
In the 4to1 – 8bit multiplexor example:
If S1 or S2 changes the concurrent assignment statement is executed.
All four conditions may be checked. The order is relevant.
The evaluation takes place in the order that they appear.
The first true condition determines the output.
The order should reflect the physical implementation.
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Waveform (4 to 1 – 8bit Multiplexor)
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 4
4 to 2 – Priority Encoder
library IEEE;
entity four_to_two_priority is
Port ( S0, S1, S2, S3 : in std_logic;
Z : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)); end four_to_two_priority;
architecture Behavioral of four_to_two_priority is begin
Z <= "00" after 5 ns when S0='1' else
"01" after 5 ns when S1='1' else "10" after 5 ns when S2='1' else "11" after 5 ns when S3='1' else "00" after 5 ns;
end Behavioral;
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 5
Conditional Signal Assignment
The order in the conditional signal assignment statement in the 4 to 2- Priority Encoder example is important.
Note in the example:
The last statement set the output to zero.
This is necessary because the select signals can have values other than ‘1’ and ‘0’.
This is the case because the select signals are declared as std_logic and std_logic_vector.
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Waveform (4 to 2 –Priority Encoder)
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 7
library IEEE;
entity four_to_two_priority is
Port ( S0, S1, S2, S3 : in std_logic;
Z : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0)); end four_to_two_priority;
architecture Behavioral of four_to_two_priority is begin
Z <= "00" after 5 ns when S0='1' else
"01" after 5 ns when S1='1' else unaffected when S2='1' else “11" after 5 ns when S3='1' else "00" after 5 ns;
end Behavioral;
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 8
Waveform (Unaffected)
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Signal Assignment Statement
Signal value is determined by the select expression
In this example we read from a register file with eight registers (reg0...reg7)
Read only register file with to read ports
%000 %001 %010 %011 %100 %101 %110 %111
$12345678 reg0 $ABCDEF00 reg1 $12345678 reg2 $ABCDEF00 reg3 $12345678 reg4 $ABCDEF00 reg5 $12345678 reg6 $ABCDEF00 reg7
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 10
SSA Statement Example
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity reg_file is
Port ( addr1, addr2 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); reg_out_1, reg_out_2 : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0));
end reg_file;
architecture Behavioral of reg_file is
signal reg0, reg2, reg4, reg6: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"12345678"; signal reg1, reg3, reg5, reg7: std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= x"abcdef00"; begin
with addr1 select
reg_out_1 <= reg0 after 5 ns when "000",
reg1 after 5 ns when "001", reg2 after 5 ns when "010", reg3 after 5 ns when "011", reg3 after 5 ns when others;
with addr2 (1 downto 0) select reg_out_2 <= reg0 after 5 ns when "00", reg1 after 5 ns when "01", reg2 after 5 ns when "10", reg3 after 5 ns when "11",
reg3 after 5 ns when others; end Behavioral;
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 11
Waveform (Select)
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 12
Selected Signal Assignment
Similar to case statement in conventional languages.
Choices are not evaluated in sequence. Only one must be true.
The statement must cover all possible combinations.
The others clause must be used in situation were not all possible combinations are covered by the select statement.
CSU22022, 4th HDL Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 13
reg3 after 5 ns when others; In the second select statement operates on a subset of the
address range (addr2 (1 downto 0) ).
The when others clause is still required because addr2 is
declared as std_logic_vector and can therefore take 9 values.
unaffected is may also be used in this type of statement.
with addr2 (1 downto 0) select reg_out_2 <= reg0 after 5 ns when "00", reg1 after 5 ns when "01", reg2 after 5 ns when "10", reg3 after 5 ns when "11",
reg3 after 5 ns when others; end Behavioral;
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