When we use fixed size Register for arithmetic operands there is the hazard at each micro-ops of overflow.
If Register R stores an n-bit 2’s compliment number, then:
-2n-1 R 2n-1-1
Note the asymmetry, so even negation can cause overflow,
R -2n-1 then R -R OVERFLOW CSU22022, 3rd Lecture, Dr. M. Manzke, Page: 1
Carry and Overflow
We can detect overflow for all the previous operations simply by recording the status bits C = Carry and V = Overflow (see section 3.10 I Mano and Kime).
K1:CCn,VCn Cn-1
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This then is the basis for the adder-subtractor on the next page which uses control input X to select addition and X for subtraction.
X.K1: R1 R1 + R2 X.K1: R1 R1 + R2 +1
K1:CCn,VCn Cn-1
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Add & Subtract Micro operation
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Symbolic micro-op
Logic Micro-operations
The aim here is to provide an effective set of bit-wise functions. A typical basic set follows:
R0R1 R0R1 R2 R0R1 R2 R0 R1 R2
Logical bitwise NOT (1’s compliment) Logical bitwise AND (clears bits) Logical bitwise OR (sets bits)
Logical bitwise XOR (complements bits)
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George Bode Prof. Of mathematics in UCC introduced the notation ‘’ and ‘’ in 1854, and they are used in Register Transfer (RT) notation if it is necessary to distinguish addition from logical OR. For example:
K1 + K2 : R1R2+R3, R4R5 R6 Logical OR Logical OR
addition The OR micro-ops will always use .
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The minimal set is:
Shift Micro-operations
These provide lateral bitwise shift which are essential for many basic arithmetic algorithms e.g. multiplication division , square root…
R sr R RiRi+1 i=0, n-2, Rn-10 R sl R RiRi-1 i=1, n-1, R00
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Logical Shifts
These are logical shifts and from them you can develop variants which handle the end bits differently, e.g. arithmetic shift, rotates…
Please see table 9-5 in Mano and Kime.
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Transfer Micro-operations
Providing choice of path
Two approaches are used: Multiplexer-based transfer for speed
Bus-based transfers for flexibility and economy
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Transfer with Multiplexer
The if-then else control structure, when applied to identity micro-ops, results in the destination register requiring selective access to two different source registers.
If (K1=1) then R0R1
else if (K2=1) then R0R2
K1: R0R1,K1K2:R0R2
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Two Sources – One Destination
To route two sources to one destination we can use a 2:1 MUX with control input S, data input D0 D1, and R0 must have a load control LOADR0.
From the RT description we deduce the following functions for these control inputs.
LOADR0 = K1+ K1K2 = K1+ K2 S = K1 D1 = R1 D0 = R2
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From this we derive the circuit schematic, assuming 4- bit Registers.
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Multiplexer Detail
Note changes in K1 only affect the MUX – R0 path, so transients are short, allowing fast operation.
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