程序代写 // File name: DNA_Strand.h

// File name: DNA_Strand.h

#ifndef DNA_STRAND_H
#define DNA_STRAND_H

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder


//Default size of dynamic DNA Array
const size_t DEFAULT_DNA_SIZE = 50;

class DNA_Strand {

// Returns true if index is within range of the current DNA_Strand
// else returns false.
bool inRange(size_t index) const;

// Size of the dynamically allocated array
size_t maxDNA;

// Current size of the DNA_Strand; i.e., how many elements of the array are
// currently being used (since this is a partially-filled array)
size_t mySize;

// DNA_Strand’s storage buffer. May only be partially filled.
char *myDNA;

// Create an empty DNA_Strand with an array of the default size.
DNA_Strand(); // deafult ctor

// Dynamically create an empty DNA_Strand of a given array size.
DNA_Strand(size_t size); // alt ctor

// Create an initialized DNA_Strand.
// A dynamic array the size of ipStr will be created, and then initialized
// with the characters in ipStr
DNA_Strand(const std::string &ipStr); // ctor that takes a string

// The copy constructor.
DNA_Strand(const DNA_Strand &s);

// Destructor
// Clean up the DNA_Strand (e.g., delete dynamically allocated memory).

// Assignment operator performs an assignment by making a copy of
// the contents of parameter
const DNA_Strand & operator=(const DNA_Strand &rhs);

//Returns string equivalent of the DNA
std::string toString() const;

// Set an item in the DNA_Strand at location index. Throws
// if index is out of range, i.e., larger than or
// equal to the current size of the DNA_Strand.
// Uses zero-based indexing.
void set(char new_item, size_t index);

// Get an item in the DNA_Strand at location index. Throws
// if index is out of range, i.e., larger than or
// equal to the current size of the DNA_Strand.
// Uses zero-based indexing.
char get(size_t index) const;

// Returns the current size of the DNA.
size_t size() const;

// Returns the size of the array, which is also the max size of a strand we
// can represent
size_t maxSize() const;

// Compare this DNA_Strand with s for equality. Returns true if the
// size()’s of the two DNA_Strands are equal and all the elements from 0
// .. size()-1 are equal, else false.
bool isEqual(const DNA_Strand &s) const;

// Look for target in current DNA strand and return index.
// Return -1 if not found.
int search(const std::string &target) const;

// search with start position specified
// Look for target in current DNA strand and return index.
// Return -1 if not found. If pos is past end of strand, return -1.
int search(size_t pos, const std::string &target) const;

// Removes from current DNA strand the sequence between the end of the
// first occurrence of passed target sequence (e.g. “TTG”), through the end
// of the second occurence of the target sequence.
// pre: Array e.g. ACTTGACCTTGA and target e.g. “TTG”
// post: ACTTGA (ACCTTG removed)
void cleave(const std::string &target);

// cleave with start position specified
// cleave starting from an index, returns the index after the cleaved DNA
// or -1 if no cleaving was performed
// pre: Array e.g. ACTTGACCTTGA and target e.g. “TTG”, pos = 1
// post: ACTTGA (ACCTTG removed) and return value = 5
int cleave(size_t pos, const std::string &target);

// cleaveAll
// Removes from current DNA strand the sequence between pairs of target
// sequence, i.e. from the end 1 through the end of 2, from the end of 3
// through the end of 4, etc, but NOT from the end of 2 through the end 3,
// or from the end of 4 through the end of 5.
// (Make sure that you understand the specification)
// pre: Array e.g. ACTTGATTGGGTTGCTTGCC and target e.g. “TTG”
// post: ACTTGGGTTGCC (ATTG and CTTG removed)
void cleaveAll(const std::string &target);

// countEnzyme
// Counts the number of occurences of a single character target sequence
// in the DNA strand.
size_t countEnzyme(char target) const;

// countEnzyme — overloaded
// string parameter version
// Counts non-overlapping instances of the target
// Eg, the target “AAA” appears 3 non-overlapping times in the
size_t countEnzyme(const std::string &target) const;

// This method will allow us to increase the size of the dynamically
// allocated array by allocating a new array of the desired size, copying
// the data from the old array to the new array, and then releasing the old
// array. If the newSize is less than or equal to the current size, then no
// actions are taken.
void grow(size_t newSize);

// append (accepting a string parameter)
// Append the characters of the parameter to the end of the current DNA,
// growing the array if necessary.
// Example: if myDNA contained ACTTGA and “ACCTG” was received as a
// parameter, then afterward myDNA will contain ACTTGAACCTG
void append(const std::string &rhs);

// append (accepting a DNA_Strand parameter)
// Append the characters of the parameter to the end of the current DNA,
// growing the array if necessary.
// Example: if myDNA contained ACTTGA and ACCTG was received as a parameter,
// then afterward myDNA will contain ACTTGAACCTG
void append(const DNA_Strand &rhs);

// splice (accepts 2 Strings representing sequences)
// finds first pair of targets in current DNA strand and replaces
// the sequence between the end of the first target through the end of the
// second with the insertSequence, growing the array if necessary.
// If two instances of the target are not found, then no changes are made.
// Example: if myDNA contained AGTTGA, then splice(“G”,”CCCCC”) would change
// the strand to be AGCCCCCA.
// See project spec for note on efficiency.
void splice(const std::string &target, const std::string &insertSequence);

// instead of starting from the beginning of the strand, this version
// starts from a given index, and returns the position *after* the splice,
// returns -1 if no changes are made.
// Example: if myDNA contained AGTTGA, then splice(1,”G”,”CCCCC”) would
// change the strand to be AGCCCCCA and return index 7.
int splice(size_t pos, const std::string &target, const std::string &insertSequence);

#endif /* ifndef */

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com