Efficiency Readings: None
The primary goal of this section is to be able to analyze the efficiency of an algorithm.
CS 136 Winter 2022 08: Efficiency 1
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An algorithm is step-by-step description of how to solve a “problem”.
Algorithms are not restricted to computing. For example, every day you might use an algorithm to select which clothes to wear.
For most of this course, the “problems” are function descriptions (interfaces) and we work with implementations of algorithms that solve those problems.
The word algorithm is named after Muh.ammad ibn Mu ̄sa ̄ al-Khwa ̄rizm ̄ı(≈800A.D.).
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There are many objective and subjective methods for comparing algorithms:
• How easy is it to understand?
• How easy is it to implement?
• How accurate is it?
• How robust is it? (Can it handle errors well?)
• How adaptable is it? (Can it be used to solve similar problems?) • How fast (efficient) is it?
In this course, we use efficiency to objectively compare algorithms. CS 136 Winter 2022 08: Efficiency 3
The most common measure of efficiency is time efficiency, or how long it takes an algorithm to solve a problem. Unless we specify otherwise, we always mean time efficiency.
Another efficiency measure is space efficiency, or how much space (memory) an algorithm requires to solve a problem. Power efficiency (power consumption) is also becoming an important measure.
The efficiency of an algorithm may depend on its implementation. To avoid any confusion, we always measure the efficiency of a
specific implementation of an algorithm.
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Running time
To quantify efficiency, we are interested in measuring the running time of an algorithm.
What unit of measure should we use? Seconds?
“My algorithm can sort one billion integers in 9.037 seconds”.
• What year did you make this statement?
• What machine & model did you use? (With how much RAM?) • What computer language & operating system did you use?
• Was that the actual CPU time, or the total time elapsed?
• How accurate is the time measurement? Is the 0.037 relevant?
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Measuring running times in seconds can be problematic. What are the alternatives?
Typically, we measure the number of elementary operations required to solve the problem.
• In C, we can count the number of operations, or in other words, the number of operators executed.
• In Racket, we can count the total number of (substitution) steps required, although that can be deceiving for built-in functions†.
† We revisit the issue of built-in functions later.
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You are not expected to count the exact number of operations.
We only count operations in these notes for illustrative purposes. We introduce some simplification shortcuts soon.
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What is the number of operations executed for this implementation?
int sum_array(const int a[], int len) {
int sum = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < len) {
sum = sum + a[i];
i = i + 1; }
return sum; }
The running time depends on the length of the array.
If there are n items in the array, it requires 7n + 3 operations.
We are always interested in the running time with respect to the size of the data.
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Traditionally, the variable n is used to represent the size (or length) of the data. m and k are also popular when there is more than one parameter.
Often, n is obvious from the context, but if there is any ambiguity clearly state what n represents.
For example, with lists of strings, n may represent the number of strings in the list, or it may represent the length of all of the strings in the list.
The running Time of an implementation is a function of n and is written as T (n).
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There may also be another attribute of the data that is also important.
For example, with trees, we use n to represent the number of nodes in the tree and h to represent the height of the tree.
In advanced algorithm analysis, n may represent the number of bits required to represent the data, or the length of the string necessary to describe the data.
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Algorithm Comparison
Problem: Write a function to determine if an array of positive
integers contains at least e even numbers and o odd numbers.
// check_array(a, len, e, o) determines if array a
// contains at least e even numbers and
// at least o odd numbers
// requires: len > 0
// elements of a > 0
// e, o >= 0
Homer and Bart are debating the best algorithm (strategy) for implementing check_array.
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Bart just wants to count the total number of odd numbers in the entire array.
bool bart(const int a[], int len, int e, int o) { int odd_count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i = i + 1) {
odd_count = odd_count + (a[i] % 2);
return (odd_count >= o) && (len – odd_count >= e);
If there are n elements in the array, T (n) = 8n + 7.
Remember, you are not expected to calculate this precisely.
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Homer is lazy, and he doesn’t want to check all of the elements in the array if he doesn’t have to.
bool homer(const int a[], int len, int e, int o) {
// only loop while it’s still possible
while (len > 0 && e + o <= len) {
if(a[len-1]%2==0){ //evencase: if (e > 0) {
e = e – 1;
} else if (o > 0) {
o = o – 1; }
if (e == 0 && o == 0) {
return true;
len = len – 1; }
return false;
// only decrement e if e > 0
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The problem with analyzing Homer’s code is that it depends not just on the length of the array, but on the contents of the array and the parameters e and o.
int a[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
// these are fast:
bool fast1 = homer(a, 10, 0, 11);
bool fast2 = homer(a, 10, 1, 0);
// these are slower:
bool slow1 = homer(a, 10, 5, 5);
bool slow2 = homer(a, 10, 6, 4);
CS 136 Winter 2022 08: Efficiency
For Homer’s code, the best case is when it can return immediately, and the worst case is when all of the array elements are visited.
For Bart’s code, the best case is the same as the worst case.
homer T (n) = 4
T (n) = 17n + 1
bart T(n) = 8n + 7
Which implementation is more efficient?
Is it more “fair” to compare against the best case or the worst case? CS 136 Winter 2022 08: Efficiency 15
(best case) (worst case)
(all cases)
Worst case running time
Typically, we want to be conservative (pessimistic) and use the worst case.
Unless otherwise specified, the running time of an algorithm is the worst case running time.
Comparing the worst case, Bart’s implementation (8n + 7) is more efficient than Homer’s (17n + 1).
We may also be interested in the average case running time, but that analysis is typically much more complicated.
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Big O notation
In practice, we are not concerned with the difference between the running times (8n + 7) and (17n + 1).
We are interested in the order of a running time. The order is the “dominant” term in the running time without any constant coefficients.
The dominant term in both (8n + 7) and (17n + 1) is n, and so they are both “order n”.
To represent orders, we use Big O notation. Instead of “order n”, we use O(n).
We define Big O notation more formally later.
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The “dominant” term is the term that grows the largest when n is very large (n → ∞). The order is also known as the “growth rate”.
In this course, we encounter only a few orders (arranged from smallest to largest):
O(1) O(logn) O(n) O(nlogn) O(n2) O(n3) O(2n) example: orders
• 2016 = O(1)
• 100000 + n = O(n)
• 999n + 0.01n2 = O(n2) • n(n+1)(2n+1) = O(n3)
• n3 +2n =O(2n)
• n+nlogn=O(nlogn)
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When comparing algorithms, the most efficient algorithm is the one with the lowest order.
For example, an O(n log n) algorithm is more efficient than an O(n2) algorithm.
If two algorithms have the same order, they are considered equivalent.
Both Homer’s and Bart’s implementations are O(n), so they are equivalent.
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Big O arithmetic
When adding two orders, the result is the largest of the two orders. • O(log n) + O(n) = O(n)
• O(1) + O(1) = O(1)
When multiplying two orders, the result is the product of the two orders.
• O(logn)×O(n)=O(nlogn) • O(1) × O(n) = O(n)
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There is no “universally accepted” Big O notation.
In many textbooks, and in this introductory course, the notation
T(n) = 1+2n+3n2 = O(1)+O(n)+O(n2) = O(n2) is acceptable.
In other textbooks, and in other courses, this notation may be too informal.
In CS 240 and CS 341 you will study orders and Big O notation much more rigourously.
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Algorithm analysis
An important skill in Computer Science is the ability to analyze a function and determine the order of the running time.
In this course, our goal is to give you experience and work toward building your intuition:
int sum_array(const int a[], int len) {
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
sum += a[i]; }
return sum; }
“Clearly, each element is visited once, so the running time of sum_array is O(n)”.
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Contract update
Include the time (efficiency) of each function that is not O(1) or is O(1) and not obviously O(1).
If there is any ambiguity as to how n is measured, specify it. // int f(int a[], int a_len, int b[], int b_len) ...
// time: O(n^2 + m) where n is a_len and m is b_len
For a function with a single array, it is obvious:
// sum_array(const int a[], int len) sums the elements
// of array a
// time: O(n)
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Analyzing simple functions
First, consider simple functions (without recursion or iteration).
int max(int a, int b) {
if (a > b) return a;
If no other functions are called, there must be a fixed number of operators. Each operator is O(1), so the running time is:
[fixed # of times]
O(1) + O(1) + · · · + O(1) = O(1)
If a simple function calls other functions, its running time depends on
those functions.
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Iterative analysis
Iterative analysis uses summations.
for (i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
T(n)= O(1)=O(1)+···+O(1)=n×O(1)=O(n)
Because we are primarily interested in orders,
n−1 10n n/2 n
O(x), O(x), or O(x) are equivalent∗ to O(x) i=0 i=1 i=1 i=1
∗ unless x is exponential (e.g., O(2i)). CS 136 Winter 2022 08: Efficiency
Procedure for iteration
1. Work from the innermost loop to the outermost
2. Determine the number of iterations in the loop (in the worst case)
in relation to the size of the data (n) or an outer loop counter 3. Determine the running time per iteration
4. Write the summation(s) and simplify the expression
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
sum += i; }
O(1) = O(n) i=1
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Common summations
O(1) = O(log n) i=1
O(1) = O(n) i=1
O(n) = O(n2) i=1
O(i) = O(n2) i=1
O(i2) = O(n3) i=1
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The summation index should reflect the number of iterations in relation to the size of the data and does not necessarily reflect the actual loop counter values.
k = n; // n is size of the data while (k > 0) {
k -= 10; }
There are n/10 iterations. Because we are only interested in the order , n/10 and n are equivalent.
O(1)= O(1)=O(n)
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When the loop counter changes geometrically, the number of iterations is often logarithmic.
k = n; // n is size of the data while (k > 0) {
k /= 10; }
There are log10 n iterations. log n
O(1) = O(log n) i=1
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When working with nested loops, evaluate the innermost loop first.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
for (j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
Inner loop: O(1) = O(i)
Outerloop: (O(1)+O(i))=O(n2) i=0
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Recurrence relations
To determine the running time of a recursive function we must determine the recurrence relation. For example,
T (n) = O(n) + T (n − 1)
We can then look up the recurrence relation in a table to determine the closed-form (non-recursive) running time.
T(n) = O(n) + T(n − 1) = O(n2)
In later courses, you derive the closed-form solutions and prove
their correctness.
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The recurrence relations we encounter in this course are:
T(n) = O(1) + T(n − k1) T(n) = O(n) + T(n − k1) T(n) = O(n2) + T(n − k1) T(n)=O(1)+T(n )
= O(log n) = O(n) =O(nlogn) = O(2n)
k2 T(n)=O(1)+k2 ·T(n )
k2 T(n)=O(n)+k2 ·T(n )
T(n) = O(1) + T(n − k1) + T(n − k1′ )
wherek1,k1′ ≥1andk2 >1
This table will be provided on exams.
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Procedure for recursive functions
1. Identify the order of the function excluding any recursion 2. Determine the size of the data for the next recursive call(s) 3. Write the full recurrence relation (combine step 1 & 2)
4. Look up the closed-form solution in a table
int sum_first(int n) {
if (n == 0) return 0;
return n + sum_first(n – 1);
1. All non-recursive operations: O(1) +, -, == 2. size of the recursion: n − 1
3. T(n)=O(1)+T(n−1)(combine1&2) 4. T (n) = O(n) (table lookup)
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Revisiting sorting algorithms
No introduction to efficiency is complete without a discussion of sorting algorithms.
For simplicity, we only consider sorting numbers.
When sorting strings or large data structures, include the time to
compare each element.
When analyzing sorting algorithms, one measure of running time is the number of comparisons.
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Selection sort
Recall our C implementation of selection sort:
void selection_sort(int a[], int len) { int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; ++i) {
for (int j = i + 1; j < len; ++j) {
if (a[j] < a[pos]) {
swap(&a[i], &a[pos]); // see Section 05
T(n) = O(1) = O(n2) i=1 j=i
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Insertion sort
The analysis for the worst case of insertion sort is also O(n2).
void insertion_sort(int a[], int len) {
for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) {
for (int j = i; j > 0 && a[j – 1] > a[j]; –j) { swap(&a[j], &a[j – 1]);
T(n) = O(1) = O(n2) i=1 j=1
However, in the best case, the array is already sorted, and the inner loop terminates immediately. This best case running time is O(n).
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Quick sort
In our C implementation of quick sort, we:
1. select the first element of the array as our “pivot”. O(1)
2. move all elements that are larger than the pivot to the back of
the array. O(n).
3. move (“swap”) the pivot into the correct position. O(1).
4. recursively sort the “smaller than” sub-array and the “larger than” sub-array. T (?)
The analysis of step 4 is a little trickier.
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When the pivot is in “the middle” it splits the sublists equally, so
T (n) = O(n) + 2T (n/2) = O(n log n)
But that is the best case. In the worst case, the “pivot” is the smallest (or largest element), so one of the sublists is empty and the other is of size (n − 1).
T(n) = O(n) + T(n − 1) = O(n2)
Despite its worst case behaviour, quick sort is still popular and in widespread use. The average case behaviour is quite good and there are straightforward methods that can be used to improve the selection of the pivot.
It is part of the C standard library (see Section 12).
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Sorting summary
Algorithm selection sort
O(n2) O(n)
O(n log n)
From this table, it might appear that insertion sort is the best choice.
worst case
insertion sort quick sort
O(n2) O(n2) O(n2)
However, as mentioned with quick sort, the “typical” or “average” case for quick sort is much better than insertion sort.
In Section 10, we will see merge sort, which is O(n log n) in the worst case.
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Binary search
In Section 07, we implemented binary search on a sorted array.
int find_sorted(int item, const int a[], int len) {
while (low <= high) {
mid = (low + high) / 2;
if (a[mid] < item) {
low = mid + 1;
high = mid - 1;
In each iteration, the size of the search range (n = high-low) was halved, so the running time is:
T(n) = O(1) = O(logn)
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Algorithm Design
In this introductory course, the algorithms we develop are mostly straightforward.
To provide some insight into algorithm design, we introduce a problem that is simple to describe, but hard to solve efficiently.
We present four different algorithms to solve this problem, each with a different running time.
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The maximum subarray problem
Problem: Given an array of integers, find the maximum sum of any
contiguous sequence (subarray) of elements. For example, for the following array:
the maximum sum is 187:
This problem has many applications, including pattern recognition in artificial intelligence.
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Solution A: O(n3)
// for every start position i and ending position j
// loop between them (k) summing elements
int max_subarray(const int a[], int len) {
int maxsofar = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
for (j = i; j < len; ++j) {
for (k = i; k <= j; ++k) {
sum += a[k]; }
maxsofar = max(maxsofar, sum);
return maxsofar;
T(n) = O(1) = O(n3) i=1 j=i k=i
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Solution B: O(n2)
// for every start position i,
// check if the sum from i...j is the max
int max_subarray(const int a[], int len) {
int maxsofar = 0;
int sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
for (j = i; j < len; ++j) {
sum += a[j];
maxsofar = max(maxsofar, sum);
return maxsofar;
T(n) = O(1) = O(n2) i=1 j=i
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Solution C: O(n log n)
We only describe this recursive divide and conquer approach.
1. Find the midpoint position m. O(1)
2. Find (a) the maximum subarray from (0...m-1), and
(b) the maximum subarray from (m+1...len-1). 2T (n/2)
3. Find (c) the maximum subarray that includes m. O(n)
4. Find the maximum of (a), (b) and (c). O(1)
T (n) = O(n) + 2T (n/2) = O(n log n)
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Solution D: O(n)
// for each position i, keep track of
// the maximum subarray ending at i
int max_subarray(const int a[], int len) {
int maxsofar = 0;
int maxendhere = 0;
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
maxendhere = max(maxendhere + a[i], 0);
maxsofar = max(maxsofar, maxendhere);
return maxsofar;
In this introductory course, you are not expected to be able to come up with this solution yourself.
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Big O revisited
We now revisit Big O notation and define it more formally.
O(g(n)) is the set of all functions whose “order” is less than or equal to g(n).
n2 ∈ O(n100) n3 ∈ O(2n)
While you can say that n2 is in the set O(n100), it’s not very useful information.
In this course, we always want the most appropriate order, or in other words, the smallest correct order.
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Big O describes the asymptotic behaviour of a function.
This is different than describing the worst case behaviour of an
Many confuse these two topics but they are completely sep
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