CS代考 import shutil, os, json

import shutil, os, json
import util
import notebook_convert as nbconv

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

class tester:
“”” This class is responsible for testing submissions and writing to a log location
with various, language-specific forms of output.

def __init__(self, manager):
“”” Initialization function, does a lot of setup but nothing actually gets done yet
self.name = “tester”
self.test_funcs = {
“c”: self.test_c,
“java”: self.test_java,
“python”: self.test_python,
“jupyter”: self.test_jupyter
self.manager = manager
self.abs_path = self.manager.abs_path

def define_abs_paths(self):
“”” Helper to set class variables
self.workspace_path = “/home/codio/workspace”
self.guides_path = “{}/.guides”.format(self.workspace_path)
self.submission_path = “{}/submit”.format(self.workspace_path)
self.is_secure = False if ‘{}/test/’.format(self.guides_path) in self.abs_path else True
self.current_root = “{}/{}”.format(self.guides_path, “secure” if self.is_secure else “test”)
self.manager.log(“Current Root: {}\tIs Secure: {}”.format(self.current_root, self.is_secure), raising_class=self)

def test_submission(self):
“”” This determines which test function should be used based on the language being tested. This is
the function that should be called to actually perform testing
for lang in self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘assignment_types’]:
self.manager.log(“Testing {}”.format(lang), raising_class=self)
# Grab the appropriate language-specific function, then execute
fn = self.test_funcs[lang]
fn(“{}/execution-environment/{}”.format(self.current_root, lang))
except Exception as e:
msg = “Ran into an error while testing {}”.format(lang)
self.manager.log(msg, e, self)

def test_c(self, test_env_path):
”’ This method will clear out the testing environment, copy in the test cases along with the submission,
then execute the tests using the Aceunit framework
# Clear test location for compilation
util.clear_out_dir(test_env_path, exclude=[‘src’, ‘tests’, ‘Makefile’])

# Copy in the appropriate files (extra credit agnostic)
dont_copy = []
dont_copy += self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘ignore_files’]
dont_copy += [‘java’, ‘class’, ‘py’, ‘ipynb’, ‘Makefile’]
util.copy_files_from_dir(self.submission_path, ‘{}/src’.format(test_env_path), exclude_types=dont_copy)
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/test-cases/c’.format(self.current_root), ‘{}/tests’.format(test_env_path),
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/test-cases/c’.format(self.current_root), test_env_path, include_types=[‘Makefile’])

# If there are extra credit implementations, parse through the test cases
ec_implementations = self.check_files_for_ec_funcs(self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’])
if len(ec_implementations) > 0:

files_present, _ = util.get_dir_contents(test_env_path)
os.system(‘make test 2>&1 | tee -a {}/log_c.txt’.format(self.manager.log_path))
os.system(‘mv results_c.xml {}/test_results_c.xml’.format(self.manager.log_path))

def test_java(self, test_env_path):
”’ This method will perform actions needed to clear the testing library (test location),
copy in all test cases, copy in the submission, then execute the test cases for java
conf_json = json.loads(self.manager.config_contents)

# Clear test location

# Copy in the appropriate files (submissions, tests, libraries)
dont_copy = []
dont_copy += self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘ignore_files’]
dont_copy += [‘py’, ‘class’, ‘ipynb’]
util.copy_files_from_dir(self.submission_path, test_env_path, exclude_types=dont_copy, keep_structure=True)

# Make sure that the tests are copied to the proper directory
path_modifier = ”
if ‘package_location’ in conf_json.keys():
if conf_json[‘package_location’] != “”:
path_modifier = conf_json[‘package_location’]
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/test-cases/java’.format(self.current_root), ‘{}/{}’.format(test_env_path, path_modifier))
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/libs’.format(self.workspace_path), test_env_path)

# Determine relevant jar files
files_present, _ = util.get_dir_contents(test_env_path)
jar_files = ”
for file in files_present:
if util.get_file_ext(file) == ‘jar’:
jar_files += file

# Check for the config.json overrides; set the compile and run commands
compile_cmd = “”
if ‘compile_override’ in conf_json.keys():
if conf_json[‘compile_override’] != “”:
compile_cmd = conf_json[‘compile_override’]
if compile_cmd == “”:
compile_cmd = ‘javac -cp {}:{} {}/*.java’.format(test_env_path, jar_files, test_env_path)
self.manager.log(“Compile command is: {}”.format(compile_cmd), raising_class=self)
run_cmd = “””java -jar junit-platform-console-standalone-1.3.2.jar \
–disable-ansi-colors \
–classpath=”{}:{}:bin” \
–reports-dir=”{}” \
–scan-class-path 2>&1 | tee -a {}/results_java.txt”””.format(test_env_path,

# Compile the submission, then run it
print(‘ > Attempting to compile submission’)
res = os.system(compile_cmd)
if res != 0:
print(” > ERROR: Could not compile submission”)
print(” > Successfully compiled”)
print(“\n > Running test cases”)
res = os.system(run_cmd)

def test_python(self, test_env_path):
”’ This method will perform actions needed to clear the testing library (test location),
copy in all test cases, copy in the submission, then execute the test cases for python

# Clear test location

# Copy in the appropriate files
dont_copy = []
dont_copy += self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘ignore_files’]
dont_copy += [‘java’, ‘class’, ‘ipynb’]
util.copy_files_from_dir(self.submission_path, test_env_path, exclude_types=dont_copy)
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/test-cases/python’.format(self.current_root), test_env_path)

# Execute test cases
os.system(‘python3 {}/runner.py 2>&1 | tee -a {}/results_python.txt’.format(test_env_path, self.manager.log_path))

def test_jupyter(self, test_env_path):
”’ This method will perform actions needed to clear the testing library (test location),
copy in all test cases, copy in the submission, then execute the test cases for Jupyter NB

# Clear test location, get submission files to see which need to be converted
# using runipy

# Copy in the appropriate files
dont_copy = []
dont_copy += self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘ignore_files’]
dont_copy += [‘java’, ‘class’, ‘py’]
util.copy_files_from_dir(self.submission_path, test_env_path, exclude_types=dont_copy)
util.copy_files_from_dir(‘{}/test-cases/jupyter’.format(self.current_root), test_env_path)

files_present, _ = util.get_dir_contents(test_env_path)

# Execute each file using runipy, then parse to a .py file for actual testing
# also copy in all additional files
for file in files_present:
infile = ‘{}/{}’.format(test_env_path, file)

if file[-6:] == ‘.ipynb’:
outfile = ‘{}/{}.py’.format(test_env_path, file.split(‘.’)[0])
os.system(‘/home/codio/.local/bin/runipy -o -q {}’.format(infile))
self.manager.log(“About to convert notebook {}”.format(infile), raising_class=self)
nbconv.convert_notebook(infile, outfile, self.manager.log_path)
self.manager.log(“Successfully converted {}”.format(infile), raising_class=self)
except Exception as e:
self.manager.log(“Error converting {}”.format(infile), e, raising_class=self)

# Execute test cases
os.system(‘python3 {}/runner.py 2>&1 | tee -a {}/results_jupyter.txt’.format(test_env_path, self.manager.log_path))

def check_files_for_ec_funcs(self, asg_overview):
”’ This function will check whether the student attempted any of the extra credit
implementations. It will then return a dictionary with those that were attempted
ec_func_files = asg_overview[‘extra_credit_functions’]
implementations = {}
for file in ec_func_files:
self.manager.log(“Looking in {} for extra credit functions”.format(file), raising_class=self)
submission_file = open(‘{}/{}’.format(self.submission_path, file), ‘r’)
contents = submission_file.read()
ec_funcs = ec_func_files[file] # Student function names in student submission file

for ec_func in ec_funcs:
self.manager.log(‘Searching for function {}’.format(ec_func), raising_class=self)
if ec_func not in contents:
self.manager.log(‘Not found’, raising_class=self)
self.manager.log(‘Found’, raising_class=self)
if file not in implementations:
implementations[file] = ec_func_files[file]
except IOError as e:
self.manager.log(“Unable to open file: {}”.format(file), raising_class=self)
return implementations

def parse_ec_tests(path_to_excec_env, ec_funcs_included):
”’ This function will go through the extra credit tests and uncomment them
based on specified regular expression below. It currently is only implemented
for C language.
regex = [‘BEGIN_EC_TEST_’, ‘END_EC_TEST_’]

ec_files_and_funcs = {}
for student_file in ec_funcs_included:
for student_func in ec_funcs_included[student_file]:
ec_file = ec_funcs_included[student_file][student_func]
for key in ec_file:
if key not in ec_files_and_funcs:
ec_files_and_funcs[key] = [ec_file[key]]

# In each test case file that’s included, look for the regex indicating the
# start and end of a conditional test case.
for file in ec_files_and_funcs:
parsed_file = []
ec_file = open(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_excec_env, file), ‘r’).read().split(‘\n’)
for line in ec_file:
skip = False
for expression in regex:
if expression in line:
split_line = line.replace(‘/*’, ”).replace(‘*/’, ”).strip().split(expression)
test_name = split_line[1]
# If it’s a test case regex, we’re deleting the comment, so set skip flag to be true
if test_name in ec_files_and_funcs[file]:
skip = True
# Base case, add the line as is

# Overwrite existing file if there are changes
if len(parsed_file) != len(ec_file):
write_to = open(‘{}/{}’.format(path_to_excec_env, file), ‘w+’)

def check_files_for_required_funcs(self):
“”” This function will confirm that all required functions are present
for student submission, then return the number of missing (if any)
missing = 0
required_funcs_files = self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘required_functions’]
for file in required_funcs_files:
self.manager.log(“Looking in {} for required functions”.format(file), raising_class=self)
fd = open(‘{}/{}’.format(self.submission_path, file), ‘r’)
contents = fd.read()
req_funcs = required_funcs_files[file]
for req_func in req_funcs:
self.manager.log(‘Searching for function {}’.format(req_func), raising_class=self)
if req_func not in contents:
self.manager.log(“Not Found”.format(file), raising_class=self)
missing += 1
self.manager.log(“Found”.format(file), raising_class=self)
except IOError as e:
self.manager.log(“Error checking files for required functions”, e, self)
return missing

def check_for_required_files(self):
“”” This function will confirm that all required files are present
for student submission, then return the number of missing (if any)
required_files = self.manager.assignment_manifest_contents[‘assignment_overview’][‘required_files’]
files_present = []
self.manager.log(“Determining present files”, raising_class=self)
for (_, _, filenames) in os.walk(‘{}’.format(self.submission_path)):
missing = 0
for req_file in required_files:
self.manager.log(‘Searching for {}’.format(req_file), raising_class=self)
if req_file not in files_present:
self.manager.log(“Not found”, raising_class=self)
missing += 1
self.manager.log(“Found”, raising_class=self)
return missing

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com