CS计算机代考程序代写 3D Object Representation

3D Object Representation


Lighting and Rasterization –
Creating Shadows


Intended Learning Outcomes

 Apply fast techniques to generate realistic shadow on
the ground plane and its programming implementation

 Extend ray casting technique for general shadow

 Apply shadow mapping for general shadow creation


Creating Shadow on Plane
 Works only when projecting objects onto a plane and point

light source

 Idea : Given a point light source s and a plane P,

1. Render the objects normally.
2. Use a coordinate system transformation that transforms s to

the PRP and P to the image plane.
3. Set the object colour to the shadow colour
4. Perspective project the objects onto the image plane, creating

5. Use the inverse coordinate system transformation to

transform the shadows to the normal coordinate system






X-Y is the plane

3D object

Point light source
(Xs, Ys, Zs) We are the viewer


Coordinate transformation such that the light source
becomes the origin

Ms←WC=T(-Xs, -Ys, -Zs)

Perspective projection









OpenGL code
GLfloat light1PosType [ ] = {Xs, Ys, Zs, 1.0};

GLfloat M[16]; // OpenGL is in column major format

// though C is in row major format
for (i=0; i<16; i++) M[i]=0; M[0]=M[5]=M[10]=1; M[11]=-1.0/Zs; object ( ); // draw the objects glPushMatrix ( ); // save state glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW); glTranslatef (Xs, Ys, Zs); // Mwc←s glMultMatrixf (M); // perspective project glTranslatef (-Xs, -Ys, -Zs); // Ms←wc glColor3fv (shadowcolour); // set 𝑘𝑘𝑎𝑎 = 𝑘𝑘𝑑𝑑 = 𝑘𝑘𝑠𝑠 = 0 if you are using lighting model object ( ); glPopMatrix ( ); // restore state 7 X Y Z shadow Point light source paint with shadow colour Render the scene with the light Implementation notes: in actual programming, cast the shadow on a plane Z = ε after changing to the light source coordinate system, where ε is a very small number (why?) Z= ε 8 Extension to corners  It can be used to cast shadows on corners of the room (treat it as three planes)  However, it cannot be used to cast shadows on general non-plane objects General Shadow creation Limitations:  Up to now, shadows can only be casted on planes or corners  No shade differences for overlapping shadows  The shadow boundary is too sharp  Below we introduce two techniques: ray casting using shadow ray and shadow mapping, that overcome the first two limitations.  One way to create soft shadows is radiosity, which is a sophisticated model of ambient reflection 9 10 Ray Casting  retrace the light paths of the rays that arrive at the pixel  for each pixel, send a ray from PRP that goes through the pixel  find all intersections of the ray with the surfaces  the nearest intersections is the visible part of the surface for that pixel 11 Ray casting 12  Consider the math. P = P0 + s u (Pixel Ray Equation) P0 may either be PPRP or PPIX Ppix is the (X, Y, Z) coordinates of the pixel is a unit vector pointing out from PRP PRPPIX PRPPIX PP PP u − − = 13 PRP PPIX u 14 Ray – Surface Intersections  Suppose the CG scene consists of n surfaces or polygons  Compute the intersection point(s) of the pixel ray with each of the n surfaces/polygons  The surface/polygons whose intersection point has the smallest s is the visible surface  since it is the nearest 15 Ray – Sphere Intersection  Sphere is the simplest surface with analytical equation PC(XC, YC, ZC) Center r Radius 02 2 =−− rcPP Vector Equation 2222 )()()( rZZYYXX CCC =−+−+− 16 17 Ray-Sphere Intersections (2)  Sub. P = P0 + su gives a quadratic equation  Solution:  If discriminant < 0, does not intersect  Otherwise choose the intersection with the smaller s  Solution is more difficult and time consuming for more complicated surfaces 0 22 )( PPPuPuPPu −=∆∆⋅−∆−±∆⋅= Crs 18 Shadowing  The ray casting method above can be used to determine the visible surface  For each visible surface point P, the question is how to determine whether P is in shadow  Given a set of light sources, P can be in shadow to a subset of light sources and illuminated by the rest  If in shadow with respect to source So, then the light intensity due to So is set to zero 19 Shadow ray  To test whether P is in shadow w.r.t. a point light source So:  Send a pixel ray from P to So  If the pixel ray intersects ANY surface /polygon on its way, P is in shadow w.r.t. So  The pixel ray is called “shadow ray” Shadow Mapping  Idea: A point is in shadow iff it is not visible to the light source (a visibility determination problem)  Change the coordinate system such that the light position is the PRP. We call this the lighting coordinate system  Perform a perspective projection. Keep the depth buffer. The depth buffer holds, for each pixel, the nearest distance to the light source  For each 3D point to be rendered, change to the lighting coordinate system.  Project the point. Compare its depth to the value in the depth buffer.  The point is in shadow if it is not the same value as that in the depth buffer. 20 21 Figure from http://http.developer.nvidia.com/CgTutorial/cg_tutorial_chapter09.html http://http.developer.nvidia.com/CgTutorial/cg_tutorial_chapter09.html 22 Figure from http://www.codinglabs.net/tutorial_opengl_deferred_rendering_shadow_mapping.aspx http://www.codinglabs.net/tutorial_opengl_deferred_rendering_shadow_mapping.aspx 23 References  Text: Ch. 16-10 for ray casting method  Creating shadow on plane  E. Angel, Interactive Computer Graphics, A Top-Down Approach Using OpenGL, 3rd Ed., 2003, pp. 261-264. Lighting and Rasterization – Creating Shadows Intended Learning Outcomes Creating Shadow on Plane Slide Number 4 Slide Number 5 OpenGL code Slide Number 7 Extension to corners General Shadow creation Ray Casting Slide Number 11 Slide Number 12 Slide Number 13 Ray – Surface Intersections Ray – Sphere Intersection Slide Number 16 Ray-Sphere Intersections (2) Shadowing Shadow ray Shadow Mapping Slide Number 21 Slide Number 22 References