CS/ECE 374 A (Spring 2022) Homework 10 Solutions
Problem 10.1: Consider the following geometric matching problem: Given a set A of n points and a set B of n points in 2D, find a set of n pairs S = {(a1,b1),…,(an,bn)}, with {a1,…,an} = A and {b1,…,bn} = B, minimizing f(S) = ni=1 d(ai,bi). Here, d(ai,bi) denotes the Euclidean distance between ai and bi (which you may assume can be computed in O(1) time).
Assume that all points in A have y-coordinate equal to 0 and all points in B have y-coordinate equal to 1. (Thus, all points lie on two horizontal lines.) The points are not sorted. See the example below, which shows a solution that is definitely not optimal.
(a) (20 pts) Consider the following greedy strategy: pick a pair (a, b) ∈ A × B minimizing d(a, b); then remove a from A and b from B, and repeat. Give a counterexample showing that this algorithm does not always give an optimal solution.
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(b) (40 pts) Let a be the point in A with the smallest x-coordinate. Let b be the point in B with the smallest x-coordinate. Consider a solution S in which a is paired with some point b′ with b′ ̸= b, and b is paired with some point a′ with a′ ̸= a. Prove that the solution S can be modified to obtain a new solution S′ with f(S′) < f(S).
(Hint: the triangle inequality might be useful.)
(c) (40 pts) Now give a correct greedy algorithm to solve the problem. (The correctness should follow from (b).) Analyze the running time.
(a) One counterexample is A = {(0, 0), (1, 0)} and B = {(1, 1), (2, 1)}.
This greedy strategy would pair (1,0) with (1,1), since the pair has the smallest dis-
tance 1. Then (0,0) would be paired with (2,1), of distance √
5. The total cost is But the optimal solution is to pair (0,0) with (1,1), and (1,0) with (2,1), with cost
1+ 5>3.236. √
2 2 < 2.829.
(b) Bydefinitionofaandb,weknowthataisleftofa′ andbisrightofb′,asshowninthe
figure below. Let X be the intersection of the lines ab′ and a′b. 1
By the triangle inequality, we have
(d(a, X) + d(X, b)) + (d(a′, X) + d(X, b′)) = d(a, b′) + d(a′, b).
Create a new solution S′ from S by deleting the pairs (a, b′) and (a′, b) and inserting the pairs (a, b) and (a′, b′). Then
f(S′) = f(S)+(d(a,b)+d(a′,b′))−(d(a,b′)+d(a′,b)) < f(S)
by the above inequality d(a, b) + d(a′, b′) < d(a, b′) + d(a′, b).
(c) The algorithm is simple: pick the smallest a in A and the smallest b in B; output the pair (a, b); remove a from A and b from B; repeat.
Correctness follows from (b), because if the optimal solution does not pair a with b, then there would be a solution with strictly smaller cost: a contradiction.
To bound the running time, note that the algorithm can be equivalently redescribed as follows: sort the points a1, . . . , an of A in increasing x-order and the points b1, . . . , bn of B in decreasing x-order; return the pairs (a1, b1), . . . , (an, bn).
Since sorting takes O(n log n) time, the total time is O(n log n).
Problem 10.2: We are given an unweighted undirected connected graph G = (V, E) with n ver- tices and m edges (with m ≥ n − 1), We are also given two vertices s, t ∈ V and an ordering of the edges e1,...,em ∈ E. Suppose the edges e1,...,em are deleted one by one in that order. We want to determine the first time when s and t become disconnected. In other words, we want to find the smallest index j such that s and t are not connected in the graph Gj =(V,E−{e1,...,ej}).
A naive approach to solve this problem is to run BFS/DFS on Gj for each j = 1,...,m, but this would require O(mn) time. You will investigate a more efficient algorithm:
(a) (80 pts) Define a weighted graph G′ with the same vertices and edges as G, where edge ei is given weight −i. Let T be the minimum spanning tree of G′. Let π be the path from s to t in T. Let j∗ be the smallest index such that ej∗ is in π. Prove that the answer to the above problem is exactly j∗.
(b) (20 pts) Following the approach in (a), analyze the running time needed to compute j∗. 2
d(a, b) + d(a′, b′) <
= (d(a, X) + d(X, b′)) + (d(a′, X) + d(X, b))
(a) It suffices to prove the following two claims:
Claim 1. s and t are connected in Gj∗−1.
Proof: Everyedgeei inπhasi≥j∗. So,thepathπfromstotusesonlyedgesin
E − {e1, . . . , ej∗−1} and remains a path in Gj∗−1. Claim 2. s and t are not connected in Gj∗.
Proof: T − {ej∗ } has two connected components; call them S and V − S. We know that s ∈ S and t ∈ V −S, or vice versa. By a known fact from class, the smallest-weight edge between S and V − S must be in the MST. Since ej∗ is the only edge between S and V − S in T , we know that ej∗ must be the smallest-weight edge between S and V − S. Thus, every edge ei between S and V − S has weight at least as large as ej∗ , i.e., i ≤ j∗, and so there is no edge between S and V −S in E −{e1,...,ej∗}. So, s and t are in different components in Gj∗ .
(b) We can compute the MST T in O(n log n + m) time by Prim’s algorithm with Fibonacci heaps (or better with some of the more advanced MST algorithms not covered in class). The path π can be found in O(n) time (by following parent pointers, assuming s is made the root). The index j∗ can then be found in O(n) time by a linear scan over π. The total time is therefore O(n log n + m).
(Alternatively: we can use Kruskal’s algorithm and get O(m log n) time, which is a little worse than Prim’s unless the graph is sparse. But actually, in this application, the running time of Kruskal’s algorithm can be improved to O(mα(m,n)), which is better than as good as Prim’s, where α(·) is the inverse Ackermann function; this is because the initial sorting step is trivial as the weights are just the negated indices from −m to −1, i.e., the edges are already given in decreasing order of weights.)
(Note. There is a more clever O(m)-time algorithm for this problem, which uses median finding and contractions to reduce the number of edges by a half in each round. . . )
Problem 10.3: Consider the following search problem:
Input: a set S of n positive integers and an integer L.
Output: pairwisedisjointtriples{a1,b1,c1},...,{ak∗,bk∗,ck∗}⊆S,maximizingthe numberoftriplesk∗,suchthatai+bi+ci ≤Lforeachi.
For example, if S = {3,10,29,30,35,55,70,83,90} and L = 100, an optimal solution is {3, 10, 83}, {29, 30, 35}, with two triples (there is no solution with three triples).
Consider the following decision problem:
Input: a set S of n positive integers, an integer L, and an integer k.
Output: True iff there exist k pairwise disjoint triples {a1, b1, c1}, . . . , {ak, bk, ck} ⊆ S,suchthatai+bi+ci ≤Lforeachi.
Prove that Max-Disjoint-Triples has a polynomial-time algorithm iff Disjoint-Triples- Decision has a polynomial-time algorithm.
(Note: One direction should be easy. For the other direction, see lab 12b for examples of this type of question. In Max-Disjoint-Triples, the output is not the optimal value k∗ but an optimal set of triples, although it may be helpful to give a subroutine to compute the optimal value k∗ as a first step, as in the lab examples.)
If Max-Disjoint-Triples has a polynomial-time algorithm, then we can solve Disjoint- Triple-Decision in polynomial time easily: find an optimal solution {{a1, b1, c1}, . . . , {ak∗ , bk∗ , ck∗ }}, and then just return true iff k ≤ k∗.
Conversely, suppose Disjoint-Triple-Decision has a polynomial-time algorithm A. We first find the optimal value k∗. This can be done by calling A on the input (S,L,k) for k = 1, 2, . . . , ⌊n/3⌋ until the answer is false. The largest k for which the answer is true is k∗. This requires O(n) calls to A and so takes polynomial time.
(Note: alternatively, with binary search, this requires just O(log n) calls to A.) After finding k∗, the following algorithm outputs an optimal set of triples:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
while k∗ > 0 do
for every triple of three distinct elements a, b, c ∈ S with a + b + c ≤ L do
call A on the input (S − {a, b, c}, L, k∗ − 1) if A returns true then
output {a, b, c} S←S−{a,b,c},k∗←k∗−1 break (i.e., go back to line 1)
Analysis: There are k∗ ≤ O(n) iterations of the outer while loop, and in each such iteration, we are looping through O(n3) triples a,b,c. Thus, the total number of calls to A is O(n4). So, if A runs in polynomial time, the whole algorithm runs in polynomial time.
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