CS 2204: Digital Circuits
Lecture 20
i/o for the serial adder
Shift register implementation
Shift register behaviour:
– If L=1, then load values
from input R
– Else if E=1, then keep
shifting right and
loading values from w
– Else, hold on to current
8-bit serial adder implementation
– When “Load” is 1, inputs A and B are read into SR-A and SR-B.
– When “Load” goes to 0, the serial adder starts shifting bits into SR-Sum
– Once n=8 clock cycles are done, SR-Sum holds the output.
R = A
L = Load
E = 1’b1
w = 0
Q[0] = a
R = x
L = 0
E = “Run”
w = s
Q = Sum
We want the SR-Sum to keep shifting right for n
clocks after Reset transitions to zero. We will keep
track of that using state variable “Run”
Shift register behaviour:
– If L, then load
values from input R
– If E, then keep
shifting right and
loading values from w
– Else, hold on to
current state
Verilog code
//count-down from 8
//E input for sum shift-reg
//instantiate shift-regs
//adder module
always @(QA,QB,y)
{Y,s} <= QA[0]+QB[0]+y;
always @(posedge Clock)
if (Load==1) y<=0;
else y <= Y;
//Count FSM
always @(posedge clock)
if(Load==1) Count<=8;
else if (Count > 0)
count <= count-1;
count <= 0;
assign Run = |Count;
//bitwise OR of bits of Count.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Load 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
A 0010 X X X X X X
B 0111 X X X X X X
y x 0 0 1 1 0
QA 0010 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000
QB 0111 0011 0001 0000 0000 0000
Count x 4 3 2 1 0 0
Run x 1 1 1 1 0 0
Sum xxxx xxxx 1xxx 01xx 001x 1001 1001
A = 0 0 1 0
B + 0 1 1 1
S = 1 0 0 1
NOTE: The values in each time period correspond to the values
immediately after a positive clock edge!
Arbiter FSMs
Many people (“devices”) want to use a shared resource, say a
phone-booth. But only person can use it at a time. People
raise “requests” to a controller FSM that “grants” requests
to only one person at any given point.
When the person using the phone booth is done, they
“deassert” the request signal. The FSM can then grant access
to another device.
ARbiter FSM
If multiple devices request access at the same time, the FSM
determines access based on a priority order. Assume device i
has greater priority than device j if i