Campi da Calcio a 5
Campi da Calcio a 5
Develop a system for managing the reservations of a sport facility for playing futsal, a version of five-a-side football.
All classes must be in the package named it.polito.oop.futsal. The facade class through which all operations are performed is Fields.
The class named TestApp in the default package contains a synthetic test for the application.
JDK documentation is accessible from the URL
R1: Fields
The facility contains different football pitches (fields) with different characteristics, which can be initialized using the method defineFields (Integer …), which accepts several field descriptors.
Each descriptor is an object of the class Features, which includes three Boolean attributes:
indoor: true whether the field is covered;
heating: true whether the field has a heating system, by default the attribute is False;
ac: true whether the field has an air conditioning system, by default the attribute is not present;
Heating and air conditioning may only be available in covered area (indoor fields). If this condition is not met, an exception FutsalException is thrown.
The fields are given a number starting from 1, according to the order in which they were defined.
It is possible to get the total number of fields using the method countFields(), and, the total number of indoor fields with countIndoor().
The sports facility has an opening and a closing time which are accessible via getter and setter methods: getOpeningTime(), setOpeningTime(), getClosingTime(), setClosingTime(). The times are represented by strings with the format “hh:mm”, where hh represents the hours and mm, the minutes. Unless specified, assume that the closing time is by midnight.
R2: Associates
The associates of the facility are registered using the method newAssociate(String, String, String), which gets the name, surname and telephone number, and returns a unique code (int).
Given the unique code of an associate, it is possible to query for the name, surname and telephone using the methods getFirst(), getLast() and getPhone(). Whether the code does not correspond to any associate, the method throws an exception FutsalException.
The method countAssociates () returns the number of registered associates.
R3: Field Reservation
The different fields can be reserved in slot of exactly one hour, starting from the opening time up to the closing time.
Reserving a field is performed using the method bookField(), which gets the field number, the unique code of an associate, and the starting time.
The start time of a booking must be aligned to the opening time (i.e., the difference in minutes between the booking and the opening must be a multiple of 60).
For example, if the opening time is “14:30”, it is only possible to book starting at half hours. Thus, “18:30” is valid, “20:15” is not .
If the field number or the associate code or the booking time is not valid, an exception FutsalException is thrown.
Checking if a field is already booked at a given time is possible using the method isBooked(), which gets the field number and the time, and returns a Boolean value.
R4: Availability and occupation of fields
It is possible to get what is the occupation level of a specific field (i.e., the number of reservations) using the method getOccupation(), which gets a field number, and returns the number of reservations made.
Before making a reservation it is possible to check the availability of the fields that have certain characteristics.
The method findOptions() gets a schedule and an object Features, and returns the list of options available in the fields that have the required characteristics and are free at the specified time. The required features are interpreted as follows:
true the feature must be present (REQUIRED),
false it is irrelevant if the feature is present or not (DONT_CARE).
The method returns a list of alternatives represented by objects that implement the FieldOption interface.
The interface specifies the getter methods getField(), and getOccupation(), which return the field number and the occupation.
The list is sorted by decreasing occupation and then by increasing field number.
R5: Statistics
The following methods are used to collect statistics:
countServedAssociates() returns the total number of associates who have made at least one reservation.
occupation() returns the occupation level of the facility in terms of percentage. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of reservations in all fields and the number of blocks from one hour available between opening and closing times.
fieldTurnover() returns a map with keys the numbers of the fields, and values the number of reservations at these fields.