CS计算机代考程序代写 Java junit import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Set;

import org.junit.Test;

import it.polito.oop.vaccination.VaccineException;
import it.polito.oop.vaccination.Vaccines;

public final class TestApp {

public void test() throws VaccineException, IOException {
Vaccines vs = new Vaccines();

Set codes = generateAndAddPerson(
10000, // generatates 10 000 (random) persons

// and for each person calls this lambda that adds the person to the vaccine system.
(String first, String last, String ssn, int year) ->
vs.addPerson(first,last,ssn, year));

assertEquals(“Wrong number of persons added”, codes.size(), vs.countPeople());

for(String person : codes) {
String[] parts=person.split(“,”);
String p = vs.getPerson(parts[0]);
assertNotNull(“Missing ” + parts[0], p);


Collection intervals = vs.getAgeIntervals();
assertNotNull(“Missing intervals”, intervals);

assertEquals(6, intervals.size());
String[] expIntervals = {“[0,30)”,”[30,40)”,”[40,50)”,”[50,60)”,”[60,70)”,”[70,+)”};

Collection people = vs.getInInterval(“[70,+)”);

assertEquals(“Missing people in interval”, 3033, people.size());
assertEquals(“Missing people in interval”, 996, vs.getInInterval(“[60,70)”).size());

// R2

vs.defineHub(“Hub 1”);
vs.defineHub(“Hub 2”);
vs.defineHub(“Hub 3”);

Collection hubs = vs.getHubs();
assertNotNull(“No hub collection returned”, hubs);
assertEquals(3, hubs.size());

try {
vs.defineHub(“Hub 1”);
}catch(VaccineException e) {
// ok: duplicate

vs.setStaff(“Hub 1”, 7, 6, 4);
double capacity = vs.estimateHourlyCapacity(“Hub 1”);

assertEquals( Math.min(7*10.0, Math.min(6*12.0, 4*20.0)), capacity, 0.1);
vs.setStaff(“Hub 2”, 4, 3, 2);
vs.setStaff(“Hub 3”, 3, 3, 2);

// R3
ArrayList lines=new ArrayList<>();
Files.write(Paths.get(“people.csv”), lines);

vs.loadPeople(new FileReader(“people.csv”));


// R4
vs.setHours(8,8,8,8,8,6,4); // 8 hours mon to fri, 6 hours on sat and 4 hours on sun

List> hours = vs.getHours();

assertTrue(“Every day must have at least 16 time slots”, hours.stream().allMatch( d -> d.size() >= 16) );
assertTrue(“Every day should start at 09:00”, hours.stream().map( d-> d.get(0)).allMatch(s -> s.equals(“09:00”)) );
assertEquals(“Overall there shoudl be 200 time slosts”, 4*(8+8+8+8+8+6+4), hours.stream().mapToInt( d -> d.size()).sum() );

int av1_3 = vs.getDailyAvailable(“Hub 1”, 3);
int av1_6 = vs.getDailyAvailable(“Hub 1”, 6);
assertEquals(“In hub 1 there should be 8 * 70 available places on wed”, 560, av1_3);
assertEquals(“In hub 1 there should be 4 * 70 available places on sun”, 280, av1_6);

Map> availability = vs.getAvailable();
assertNotNull(“Missing availability”, availability);
assertTrue(“Not all hubs reported in availability”, availability.keySet().containsAll(vs.getHubs()));
int totalAvailable = availability.values().stream().flatMap(List::stream).mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();
assertEquals(“Total available places is wrong”, 6800, totalAvailable);

// R5
List alloc = vs.allocate(“Hub 1”, 1);
assertEquals(“wrong number of allocated people”, 70*8, alloc.size() );
long count_60_70 = alloc.stream().map(vs::getAge).filter(a -> a>=60 && a<70).count(); assertEquals("Wrong number of people in [60,70)",70*8*24/100, count_60_70); long count_over_70 = alloc.stream().map(vs::getAge).filter(a -> a>=70).count();
assertEquals(“Wrong number of people over 70, should be 40% + 4.8%”,Math.round(70*8*0.448), count_over_70);

List alloc2 = vs.allocate(“Hub 1”, 1);
assertEquals(“Should get the same result”, alloc, alloc2);

List>> wp = vs.weekAllocate();
assertNotNull(“Missing week allocations plan”, wp);
assertEquals(“Week plan should span a whole week”, 7, wp.size());

int countAllocated = wp.stream().flatMap(m -> m.values().stream()).mapToInt(List::size).sum();
assertEquals(“Wrong number of allocated people”, 6800, countAllocated);

// R6
double propAlloc = vs.propAllocated();
assertEquals(“Wring proportion of allocated persons”, 0.34,propAlloc,0.01);

Map allInAge = vs.propAllocatedAge();
assertNotNull(“Missing prop allocated in age interval”, allInAge);
assertEquals(“There should be six intervals”, 6, allInAge.size());
assertEquals(“~15% of people over 70 should be allocated”, 0.15, allInAge.get(“[70,+)”), 0.01);

Map distribution = vs.distributionAllocated();
assertNotNull(“Missing distribution”, distribution);
assertEquals(“There shoild be size age intervals”, 6,distribution.size());
assertEquals(“Wrong propotion of over 70 among allocated”, 0.448, distribution.get(“[70,+)”), 0.01);
assertEquals(“Wrong propotion of [60,70) among allocated”, 0.4*0.6, distribution.get(“[60,70)”), 0.01);

// R7
Map errors = new HashMap<>();
vs.setLoadListener((i,l)-> errors.put(i, l) );
String incomplete=”SSN,LAST,FIRST,YEAR\n”+ //1: header
“ABCDEF01G23H456I,Smith,John,1923\n”+ //2: ok
“ABCDEF01G23H456I,Smith,John,1923\n”+ //3: duplicated ssn
“ABCFED01G23H987J,Smith\n”+ //4: missing first name
StringReader sr = new StringReader(incomplete);
assertEquals(“Wrong number of errors”, 2, errors.size());
assertTrue(“Expected errors on lines 3,4,5 but got: ” + errors.keySet(),

* Utility methods that generates fake people information
* and notifies a listener for each one.
* The listener can be used, e.g., to add the person to the system.
* Returns a set with the people information (SSN,last,first,year separated by commas)
* If {@code listener} is {@code null} it is not called
* @param n number of people to generate
* @param listener the listener to notify new person information
* @return the set of person descriptions
private Set generateAndAddPerson( int n, PersonListener listener) {
HashSet cfs = new HashSet<>();
HashSet people = new HashSet<>();
while(cfs.size() < n) { String first = pick(firsts,rg); String last = pick(lasts,rg); int year = 1922+rg.nextInt(2021-1921); String place = pick(places,rg); char cin1 = ((char) ('A'+rg.nextInt('Z'-'A'))); char cin2 = ((char) ('A'+rg.nextInt('Z'-'A'))); String ssn=toCode(last)+toCode(first)+(year%100)+place+cin1+cin2; // generate a fake ssn (codice fiscale) String person = ssn + "," + last + "," + first + "," + year; if(cfs.add(ssn)){ // skip possible duplicates people.add(person); if(listener!=null) listener.handlePerson(first, last, ssn, year); } } return people; } /** * Listener for newly generated person info * */ private interface PersonListener { boolean handlePerson(String first, String last, String ssn, int year); } /** * Generates fake people information * * Returns a set with the people information * * @param n number of people to generate * @return the set of person descriptions */ private Set generatePersons( int n) {
return generateAndAddPerson(n,null);

static String[] firsts = {“Ali”,”Anna”,”Enrica”,”Giorgio”,”Luca”,”Lucia”,”Mario”,”Miriam”,”Paola”,”Xavier”};
static String[] lasts = {“Abaco”,”Draghi”,”Letto”,”Melone”,”Mattei”,”Russo”,”Neri”,”Rossi”,”Verdi”,”Xavier”};
static String[] places = {“L219″,”A213″,”F789″,”G456″,”H501″,”Z403″,”R129”};

private static String pick(String [] options, Random r) {
return options[r.nextInt(options.length)];
private static Random rg = new Random(1971);

* Take a name (first or last) and emulates
* how they are encoded in real Italian “codice fiscale”
* @param name
* @return
private static String toCode(String name) {
name = name.toUpperCase();
String consonants = name.replaceAll(“[AEIOU ]”, “”);
String vouels = name.replaceAll(“[^AEIOU]”, “”);
return (consonants+vouels).substring(0,3);

final static int CURRENT_YEAR=java.time.LocalDate.now().getYear();